
Stay in Kyiv and don't go out! Zelensky: All international activities that require him to participate have been suspended!

author:Health train

On the battlefield in eastern Ukraine, the situation is changing dramatically.

Stay in Kyiv and don't go out! Zelensky: All international activities that require him to participate have been suspended!

The Russian army, relying on its superiority in personnel and firepower, launched a fierce offensive, forcing the Ukrainian army to retreat in the Kharkiv region. The Russian army has conquered the strategically important city of Volchansk, and a breakthrough has appeared in the Ukrainian defense line. The top brass of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense is worried that the Russian army may next shift its main offensive force to Dzumy Oblast and launch a similar large-scale offensive.

The Ukrainian army is suffering a heavy blow in the Kharkiv region, and this large-scale Russian offensive has put great pressure on Ukraine's eastern defenses. Although the Ukrainian army has held positions in the urban area of Kharkiv, the suburbs and remote towns have been lost one after another. The capture of the city of Volchansk by the Russian army means that the Russian army has broken through the main Ukrainian defense line and formed a favorable strategic situation.

Stay in Kyiv and don't go out! Zelensky: All international activities that require him to participate have been suspended!

In this battle, Russia dispatched a large number of active troops and heavy weapons and equipment, with elite mercenary forces, and the firepower was extremely fierce. The Ukrainian army obviously does not have an advantage in terms of personnel and equipment, and can only retreat step by step.

The head of the intelligence service of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine warned that the Russian army may launch an offensive of a similar scale against the neighboring Desumy region in the next step, trying to completely destroy Ukraine's defense system in the eastern region.

Stay in Kyiv and don't go out! Zelensky: All international activities that require him to participate have been suspended!

In this white-hot Russia-Ukraine conflict, Ukraine is facing unprecedented severe challenges. As a small country, Ukraine's military strength is far inferior to that of Russia, the world's military power. Since Russia launched its full-scale invasion on February 24, Ukraine has been locked in a desperate war of self-defense.

On the one hand, the Ukrainian army has suffered a large number of casualties and surrendered of soldiers under the brutal blows of Russia, and the front is in a precarious situation. Especially in the Donbass region, the offensive of pro-Russian militants is in full swing, and the Ukrainian front has suffered a heavy blow. In Kyiv and other large cities, Russian artillery fire has also caused heavy casualties among civilians.

Stay in Kyiv and don't go out! Zelensky: All international activities that require him to participate have been suspended!

On the other hand, the aid weapons promised by the United States, including anti-tank missiles and anti-aircraft missiles, have been delayed in arriving at the front line as scheduled, leaving the Ukrainian army's arms reserves stretched. Although the Ukrainian army is brave and tenacious, the gap in equipment makes it difficult to compete with the Russian army.

In this predicament of internal and external troubles, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had to make a difficult choice. On the one hand, he needs to participate in international events and call on the international community to impose tougher sanctions and arms embargoes on Russia and cut off Russia's economic lifeline; On the other hand, he could not leave Kyiv for too long, and he had to personally hold the capital, command the troops to fight bravely, and boost the morale of the army and the people.

Stay in Kyiv and don't go out! Zelensky: All international activities that require him to participate have been suspended!

The Ukrainian army is currently suffering an unprecedented blow. The Russian army launched an offensive on an unprecedented scale, causing the Ukrainian army to retreat one after another. Many Ukrainian soldiers chose to surrender under the heavy artillery fire of the Russian army and the iron hooves of the tank battalions. A large number of Ukrainian fighters were captured, causing the Ukrainian army's front to continue to collapse. This not only greatly reduced the combat effectiveness of the Ukrainian army, but more importantly, greatly dampened the fighting will and morale of the Ukrainian soldiers.

In the face of the army's successive defeats, the Ukrainian government and President Volodymyr Zelensky are indeed in a dilemma. On the one hand, they are powerless to withstand a powerful attack by the Russian army. On the other hand, they had to put up a stubborn resistance so as not to lose the support and trust of their Western allies. In fact, the Ukrainian army is on the verge of bankruptcy and is seriously starved of ammunition and equipment. Western countries have also recently become tired of war, and their enthusiasm for aid is much less than before.

Stay in Kyiv and don't go out! Zelensky: All international activities that require him to participate have been suspended!

Although Zelensky's government claims to represent the interests of Ukrainians, the reality brutally shows that they are leading their country to ruin. If the blind struggle continues, Ukraine will pay an unbearable price. In contrast, Russia is far less powerful than Ukraine, and the impact of the ongoing war on Russia is far less than the harm it does to Ukraine.

At the same time, the U.S. promised military aid has not been forthcoming. Although US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that weapons are on the way, it is clearly too late to save the Ukrainian army from its predicament. In the absence of sufficient arms supplies, the Ukrainian army will be greatly limited in positional operations, which will undoubtedly accelerate the rout of the Ukrainian army.

Stay in Kyiv and don't go out! Zelensky: All international activities that require him to participate have been suspended!

Faced with internal and external troubles, Zelensky had to make a difficult choice. He had planned to participate in a number of international events to call on the international community to impose more sanctions on Russia. But at the critical moment when the Ukrainian army was losing and retreating, he chose to stay in Kyiv and personally command the operation. The decision, while seen as risky, showcased Zelensky's fearless leadership.

In this Russia-Ukraine conflict, Ukraine is suffering from tremendous pressure and difficulties. But as Zelensky has shown, the Ukrainian people are not afraid of bullying by the powerful.

Stay in Kyiv and don't go out! Zelensky: All international activities that require him to participate have been suspended!

On the contrary, they defend the dignity and sovereignty of the country with their flesh and blood. This indomitable spirit deserves more attention and support from the international community. We look forward to peace as soon as possible, but until then, let us pray for the blessings of Ukraine and wish them a resilient struggle and a comeback!

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