
Zhang Xuefeng awarded Wang Manyu 1 million, after Chen Meng locked the women's singles ticket, who paid attention to Chen Meng's father's statement

author:Lao Zhao talks about sports

In this table tennis arena burning with passion and ideals, a controversy is being staged over the qualification of the women's singles for the Olympic Games. After three years of hard work and accumulation, the two young players with equal strength, Wang Manyu and Chen Meng, finally decided the winner in the final battle.

Zhang Xuefeng awarded Wang Manyu 1 million, after Chen Meng locked the women's singles ticket, who paid attention to Chen Meng's father's statement

The winner, Chen Meng, won a valuable Olympic ticket, while the loser, Wang Manyu, was cornered and was fiercely criticized and questioned by public opinion. At this juncture, the famous entrepreneur Zhang Xuefeng rarely stood up to support Wang Manyu, not only expressing his support, but also promising a reward. All this has pushed Chen Meng to the forefront, and the outside world's expectations and requirements for her have reached an unprecedented height. And just when the smoke was everywhere, Chen Meng's father Chen Liang's four words "continue to work hard" became a deafening blow and woke up people's reflection on the controversy itself.

Zhang Xuefeng awarded Wang Manyu 1 million, after Chen Meng locked the women's singles ticket, who paid attention to Chen Meng's father's statement

The controversy undoubtedly stems from the scarcity of Olympic tickets. As the pinnacle of sports, tickets to the Olympic Games have always been hard to come by. A ticket represents the hope of every athlete's hard work for many years, and it is the foundation of the development of national sports. Therefore, every distribution will trigger violent debates and backlashes, just like the "Double Kings Dispute" between Zhang Jike and Ma Long a few years ago, once again staged a contest between "fairness" and "adaptability".

Zhang Xuefeng awarded Wang Manyu 1 million, after Chen Meng locked the women's singles ticket, who paid attention to Chen Meng's father's statement

According to fair standards, Wang Manyu undoubtedly has the upper hand. In the past three years, she has won 8 women's singles championships, only losing to two foreign battles, and can be described as challenging many strong opponents alone. In comparison, Chen Meng's results are obviously much inferior, only winning two women's singles championships in three years, and four times in key foreign wars. If you only look at the short-term results, it is clear that Wang Manyu is more qualified for the Olympic pass.

Zhang Xuefeng awarded Wang Manyu 1 million, after Chen Meng locked the women's singles ticket, who paid attention to Chen Meng's father's statement

However, the development of sports is not always something that can be achieved overnight, and Olympic qualification should not only be judged by short-term results, but also by future development potential. Chen Meng is young and in the prime of her growth, and winning the Grand Slam in the final game shows her tenacious fighting spirit and excellent on-the-spot adaptability. In the long run, she is not a better choice. Moreover, the value of an athlete is not only reflected in the results, but also in the mental outlook. Chen Meng's figure of doing his best on the field again and again gives people the strength of perseverance and never giving up. This kind of never-say-die fighting spirit may be the precious quality that national table tennis needs.

Zhang Xuefeng awarded Wang Manyu 1 million, after Chen Meng locked the women's singles ticket, who paid attention to Chen Meng's father's statement

However, Zhang Xuefeng clearly has a different view. As a veteran of the business field, he values short-term benefits and direct benefits. So he did not hesitate to stand on Wang Manyu's side, and did not hesitate to give heavy rewards, trying to reverse the injustice of the table tennis world with the power of money. At the same time, his approach has undoubtedly intensified the pressure and doubts on Chen Meng from the outside world. For a while, the criticism and accusations against Chen Meng were endless, as if she was the culprit of this unfairness.

Zhang Xuefeng awarded Wang Manyu 1 million, after Chen Meng locked the women's singles ticket, who paid attention to Chen Meng's father's statement

In the face of this whirlpool of public opinion from all directions, Chen Meng's father Chen Liang appeared unexpectedly calm. He simply said four words, "continue to work hard", as if to remind his daughter not to be swayed by the hustle and bustle of the outside world, to focus on herself, and to respond to all doubts with practical actions.

Zhang Xuefeng awarded Wang Manyu 1 million, after Chen Meng locked the women's singles ticket, who paid attention to Chen Meng's father's statement

Chen Liang's words were simple, but they hit the heart of the matter. Whether in adversity or good, the most important thing for an athlete is to calm down and work hard. Only in this way can you show your true strength on the field and win the recognition and respect of more people.

Zhang Xuefeng awarded Wang Manyu 1 million, after Chen Meng locked the women's singles ticket, who paid attention to Chen Meng's father's statement

Looking back on the glorious history of the Chinese table tennis team, we can find that every breakthrough and progress is inseparable from the indomitable fighting spirit. From Zhang Jike and Ma Long to Zhang Yining and Chen Meng, they are all reaching the peak step by step in unremitting efforts. Take Zhang Jike as an example, he was once left far behind by Ma Long, but he never gave up, but trained harder, and finally completed a big reversal at the Rio Olympics and won the men's singles championship in one fell swoop.

Zhang Xuefeng awarded Wang Manyu 1 million, after Chen Meng locked the women's singles ticket, who paid attention to Chen Meng's father's statement

And Ma Long was not all smooth sailing, he once fell into a year-long downturn in 2015, and was once considered an "old horse heavy". But with a stubborn will, he eventually got back on his feet and won the 2016 World Cup. Therefore, the four words of Chen Meng's father are not only an encouragement to his daughter, but also a slap in the face to the entire table tennis world, and hard work is always the only way to succeed.

Zhang Xuefeng awarded Wang Manyu 1 million, after Chen Meng locked the women's singles ticket, who paid attention to Chen Meng's father's statement

In this era of impetuous hustle and bustle, we are too easily confused by superficial arguments and war of words, and ignore the value and significance of the athlete itself. As China's national sport, table tennis should not only focus on short-term returns, but also on the long-term development of athletes and the sustainability of the entire project. Every athlete deserves to be respected and supported, not blinded by a profit-oriented mindset.

Zhang Xuefeng awarded Wang Manyu 1 million, after Chen Meng locked the women's singles ticket, who paid attention to Chen Meng's father's statement

The dispute between Wang Manyu and Chen Meng has exposed some shortcomings in the current sports world, but at the same time, it has also given us reflection and warning. We need to learn to look at athletes with a more open and inclusive mind, and give them full understanding and support, instead of interfering and criticizing too much. Only in this way can sports truly give birth to more dazzling stars and radiate more brilliant light.

Zhang Xuefeng awarded Wang Manyu 1 million, after Chen Meng locked the women's singles ticket, who paid attention to Chen Meng's father's statement

Let's look back at the causes of this controversy. Initially, Wang Manyu and Chen Meng's results were not far apart, and the two have been battling for the top two spots in the Olympic standings. But in the crucial Grand Slam tournament in Saudi Arabia, Wang Manyu once had the advantage, and as long as she can win the title, she will lock up the Olympic women's singles ticket.

Zhang Xuefeng awarded Wang Manyu 1 million, after Chen Meng locked the women's singles ticket, who paid attention to Chen Meng's father's statement

The dispute between Chen Meng and Wang Manyu has exposed some shortcomings in the current sports world, but at the same time, it has also given us reflection and warning. We need to learn to look at athletes with a more open and inclusive mind, and give them full understanding and support, instead of interfering and criticizing too much. Only in this way can sports truly give birth to more dazzling stars and radiate more brilliant light.

Zhang Xuefeng awarded Wang Manyu 1 million, after Chen Meng locked the women's singles ticket, who paid attention to Chen Meng's father's statement

The future is still long, and the opportunities are limitless. I believe that Chen Meng and Wang Manyu will compete on the field and defend their honor with practical actions. The entire table tennis world will also learn lessons from this controversy, contribute to the long-term development of China's sports industry, and continue to write a new glorious chapter.

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