
1740 people, 1400 people, 1510 people, the Russian army advanced rapidly, but with heavy casualties!

author:Breaking waves sometimes waves

1740 people, 1400 people, 1510 people, this is the number of casualties of the Russian army in the last 3 days.

On May 10, the Battle of Kharkiv began again, which is the second time that the Russian army has attacked Kharkiv since the Great Kharkiv Retreat in September 2022.

In the past few days, the Russian army has been on the offensive, once capturing 13 settlements in Kharkiv and occupying about 200 square kilometers of Kharkiv within 48 hours. But although the Russian army is attacking fiercely these days, it has suffered huge losses. 1740 people, 1400 people, 1510 people. And 1,740 people, if I remember correctly, should have set a new high on the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield.

1740 people, 1400 people, 1510 people, the Russian army advanced rapidly, but with heavy casualties!

The territory occupied by Russia is a border village of Ukraine, and according to the requirements of the West, Ukraine is not allowed to lay a defensive line on the Russian-Ukrainian border, so that the Ukrainian army can hit the Belgorod region of Russia as long as it attacks. The purpose of this is not to over-irritate Russia. The Ukrainian army can only deploy defenses 10 kilometers from the border, and at the same time, the Ukrainian side has evacuated more than 7,500 civilians and cleared the field, and the Russian army has advanced, about 5 kilometers, and even then, the Russian army has suffered heavy losses.

1740 people, 1400 people, 1510 people, the Russian army advanced rapidly, but with heavy casualties!

The purpose of Russia's renewed attack on Kharkiv is to create a buffer zone to reduce Ukraine's attack from Kharkiv to the Russian border city of Belgorod. On the other hand, the Russian army is trying to mobilize Ukrainian troops, and the Ukrainian side said that there is a lot of pressure. The Ukrainian army fought and retreated, retreating to 10 kilometers to establish a defensive line.

Kharkiv is an industrial city in Ukraine, with a population of more than 1 million, and Ukrainian towns such as Bakhmut captured by Russia have suffered 47,000 casualties, and cities like Kharkiv cannot be captured without 200,000 troops. Now the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield is basically transparent to Ukraine.

After several days of fierce fighting, Russia's casualties have approached 490,000, 7,510 tanks, 14,508 armored vehicles, and 12,538 artillery systems. Ukraine's suicide drones attacked the tanks of the Russian army, and the Russian army installed a strong protective cover on the tank, which was laughed and scolded by netizens as a "turtle shell". Is it possible to make a fortune picking up tanks in Ukraine now?

1740 people, 1400 people, 1510 people, the Russian army advanced rapidly, but with heavy casualties!

On the battlefield, the Russian army could not win, and hit Ukraine's power facilities. According to Kuleba, Ukraine lost 50% of its power facilities, and in this case, European allies reached out. From the perspective of European countries, as long as they are not out of the country, they want money for money, and they want things for things, which is called a community with a shared future. And Ukraine also reciprocated by repaying the European countries with a large number of living forces that annihilated the enemy.

In Kyiv, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited again to reassure the Ukrainians. And sing in the bar, America is with you, the world is with you. Moreover, it is necessary to sign a security and defense agreement with Ukraine, which is of far-reaching significance. To say that Blinken is really a model worker, this is his fourth visit to Ukraine since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

1740 people, 1400 people, 1510 people, the Russian army advanced rapidly, but with heavy casualties!

Blinken visits Kyiv by train

The five Nordic countries and Germany met in Stockholm, Sweden, and Denmark announced that it would supply F16 fighter jets to Ukraine next month. The F16 with AWACS aircraft has a record ratio of 0 to 66 against Soviet-style fighters. This made it possible to strike Russian fighter-bombers outside the range of missiles and strike on the ground.

1740 people, 1400 people, 1510 people, the Russian army advanced rapidly, but with heavy casualties!

Under the powerful offensive of the Russian army, the Ukrainian army fought and retreated, and it is said that the Russian army has captured Vovchansk. On the 14th, the Ukrainian General Staff announced that it would jump out of the encirclement before the Russian army did not close the circle. The most precious thing in Ukraine now is people, and if it is not withdrawn, here it will become the next Bakhmut, Avdeyevka. The purpose of the Ukrainian army now is to delay the offensive of the Russian army, fight and retreat, wait for the arrival of aid weapons, and wait for the arrival of F16.

Russia's population size is 4 times that of Ukraine, and the consumption of people is not a good option for Ukraine.

1740 people, 1400 people, 1510 people, the Russian army advanced rapidly, but with heavy casualties!

Although the Russian army is still in an advantageous position in terms of scale and equipment, and still maintains an offensive, the Ukrainian side is also slowly catching up, and some aspects have surpassed Russia, and they are still strengthening. Therefore, there are still great uncertainties in the future of the Russia-Ukraine war. I admire the will of the Ukrainians to resist, and it is their unremitting struggle that has won the strategic turnaround.

While Ukraine may still suffer infamy, the world may be grateful to the Ukrainians for what they are doing today, decades from now.

"There is much help for the righteous, but little help for the unjust", God helps those who help themselves, perhaps we will really see a strategic turning point in the Russian-Ukrainian war in the near future.