
Seeing the quick comment|Xiaoshengchu secretly pinched the top of the admissions, who can solve the anxiety of parents?

Seeing the quick comment|Xiaoshengchu secretly pinched the top of the admissions, who can solve the anxiety of parents?

Big River Newspaper

2024-05-16 17:37Posted on the official account of Henan Dahe Daily

Dahe Daily Yu video reporter Zhang Jingjing

Seeing the quick comment|Xiaoshengchu secretly pinched the top of the admissions, who can solve the anxiety of parents?

As the enrollment of primary school students approaches, parents are beginning to be anxious about school choice again.

Recently, a CCTV reporter made an unannounced visit to expose a middle school enrollment incident. In addition, some discipline-based illegal competitions and black competitions are still being conducted in the name of summer camps, winter camps or research studies, and the results of the competitions are still an important basis for individual schools to "point out the top".

Seeing the quick comment|Xiaoshengchu secretly pinched the top of the admissions, who can solve the anxiety of parents?

At the present stage, the mainland's compulsory education elementary school entrance examination is free of examination, but some schools are still secretly organizing examinations to select "seedlings" for key classes, and artificially dividing children into three, six, nine, and so on.

Some parents believe that it is necessary to intensify the crackdown on such a chaotic enrollment situation, which not only violates educational fairness, but also may sacrifice the all-round development of students, which is not conducive to the mental health and balanced development of students.

A question worth pondering is, why is the "pinching of admissions" repeatedly banned?

Netizens expressed their opinions. Some people say that their children are forced to roll up from an early age. You have to roll when the other kids are rolling. "Many children feel very tired to live, and now the fifth and sixth grade students of primary school have too much pressure on homework, tutorial classes, and exams, and there is almost no time to relax and play."

Some people think that since it can't be banned, the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination must be taken, so it is better to resume the junior high school entrance examination. It's better to have a uniform standard.

The author believes that this phenomenon stems from the single educational evaluation and the uneven distribution of educational resources between regions and cities, which leads to excessive anxiety of parents.

Some experts in the CCTV report also mentioned that at present, the assessment and evaluation orientation of many local education administrative departments for schools is still stuck in only scores and only promotion.

Under the guidance of scores and further education, high-quality middle schools often have better teachers and teaching resources, which makes them have more advantages in "pinching the top of the enrollment". Ordinary schools, on the other hand, are facing the problem of losing high-quality students, which further exacerbates the imbalance of educational resources. For parents, in order to let their children enter high-quality secondary schools, they do not hesitate to spend a lot of costs.

Therefore, the author believes that to fundamentally solve these problems, the government, schools, families and society need to work together.

In terms of educational evaluation, it is necessary to abandon the concept of the supremacy of a single achievement and establish a diversified evaluation system. Pay attention to the comprehensive quality of students, encourage them to develop in fields other than disciplines, and cultivate all-round qualities. In addition, it is also necessary to increase investment in ordinary schools, improve their teaching quality, and narrow the gap with high-quality middle schools.

As for the black-box "pinching" behavior, the regulatory authorities must be tough, completely cut off the collusion between schools and black institutions, and let schools return to the track of running schools and recruiting students in accordance with laws and regulations.

Source: Dahe Daily Yu Video Editor: Liu Huijie

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  • Seeing the quick comment|Xiaoshengchu secretly pinched the top of the admissions, who can solve the anxiety of parents?
  • Seeing the quick comment|Xiaoshengchu secretly pinched the top of the admissions, who can solve the anxiety of parents?

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