
Facts have proved that Jing Yidan, who has been retired for many years, has already embarked on another road!

author:Sen Sen said ancient and modern
Facts have proved that Jing Yidan, who has been retired for many years, has already embarked on another road!

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Since 2023, Jing Yidan has left the working environment of CCTV and spent a full eight years alone. Looking back on the time when he decided to officially retire, this veteran media person is still full of mixed emotions in his heart.

TV media is like a warm home for Jing Yidan, and she has devoted herself to it since she stepped into the hosting industry at the age of 33. Those programs, whether it is "Focus Interview", which deeply analyzes current political news, "Yidan Topic", which provides insight into the daily life of ordinary people, or "Moving China", which promotes social righteousness, all embody her wisdom and hard work.

However, in 2015, Jing Yidan resolutely announced that he would bid farewell to his hosting position, ending his 27-year CCTV career. At the recording site of the last episode of the show, her mood was like mixed feelings, and tears were rolling in her eyes.

Facing his colleagues in front of the camera, Jing Yidan bowed deeply and said in a slightly hoarse but firm voice: "I sincerely thank you for your support and understanding over the years.

Facts have proved that Jing Yidan, who has been retired for many years, has already embarked on another road!

In the years that followed, Jing Yidan still maintained the rhythm of life in the past. It's just that whenever she wakes up in the morning and sees the empty living room, she always feels an unprecedented loneliness and loss.

This place, which she has fought for for half her life, is now far away from her, and she knows that the era that people affectionately call "Sister Jing" has completely come to an end.

However, Jing Yidan did not choose to leave silently because of this. In 2023, the old man will return to the screen again and appear in a new identity - as the host of a cultural program called "Nine Minutes of Jingyidan's Museum".

Facts have proved that Jing Yidan, who has been retired for many years, has already embarked on another road!

Different from previous news commentary and livelihood programs, this new program aims to lead the audience to explore the precious cultural relics in the museum and disseminate the cultural knowledge of the museum.

In front of the camera, Jing Yidan shows an elegant temperament, like a senior scholar, telling the historical background of each cultural relic in the collection and the story behind it in plain and vivid language.

Her familiar voice is like a spring breeze, intoxicating, as if you are in an audio-visual feast.

Time flies, and it has been eight years since Jing Yidan last stood in front of the camera. However, her unique intellectual charm has never changed, and her restrained and atmospheric temperament has set an excellent example in the field of hosting! .

Facts have proved that Jing Yidan, who has been retired for many years, has already embarked on another road!

Now, seeing Jing Yidan's shining figure on the screen again, people can't help but be deeply shocked, isn't that a media giant with fiery positive energy and full of influence?

Looking back on the 90s of the last century, it was undoubtedly a glorious period in Jing Yidan's career. As a bright star host of CCTV, she has successfully hosted many popular programs with her outstanding hosting talent and unique affinity, and has won the enthusiastic pursuit of the audience.

Facts have proved that Jing Yidan, who has been retired for many years, has already embarked on another road!

Among them, the most well-known is the current commentary interview show "Focus Interview" hosted by her. The program is committed to analyzing current affairs and social issues, and Jing Yidan can always convey the connotation of the program to the audience affectionately with his delicate and nuanced interpretation.

Her clear language expression skills and rigorous thinking logic make the originally complex current affairs issues easy to understand under her interpretation, which is deeply loved by the audience.

In addition, Jing Yidan also co-hosted another well-known CCTV column "Moving China" with his old partner Bai Yansong. Compared with pure commentary programs, "Touching China" focuses on the touching stories that happened in the lives of ordinary people, aiming to recognize those individuals or teams who deserve our respect and touching this year.

During the recording of the program, Jing Yidan always told simple and moving stories with his warm and friendly voice, which resonated with the audience and was deeply moved by the spirit of those ordinary people.

Facts have proved that Jing Yidan, who has been retired for many years, has already embarked on another road!

It is precisely because of his firm belief and unremitting efforts in the cause of hosting that Jing Yidan has won numerous honors in this field. She has won the supreme "Golden Microphone Award" in the hosting industry for three consecutive years, becoming a veritable "first sister host".

Peers in the industry have praised her, and other front-line hosts of CCTV such as Chai Jing, Bai Yansong, Dong Qing and others all respectfully call her "Sister Jing".

Recalling that glorious time, Jing Yidan will always be full of emotion. She often says: "I have created the shows that I have carefully created, just like the children I have raised myself, and I have a deep love and love for them."

Whenever she talks about her anchor career, Jing Yidan is always overflowing with endless glory and pride, after all, she has devoted her entire youth to compose this glorious CCTV legend.

Facts have proved that Jing Yidan, who has been retired for many years, has already embarked on another road!

Although Jing Yidan finally realized her dream of hosting, her growth path was not smooth. She came from a poor family, and her parents were uprooted by the Cultural Revolution and moved to the countryside. Shouldering the burden of caring for his younger siblings from an early age, Jing Yidan has shown extraordinary tenacity and independence.

When she has spent a quiet campus life, her youth who is about to step into the society is facing new challenges. In 1968, Jing Yidan, who was only 13 years old, had to bid farewell to his homeland and went to the forest farm in Tonghe County, Heilongjiang Province to start a difficult life as an educated youth.

In those days, it was the common fate of many young people to go to the countryside to join the queue, and although Jing Yidan was thin and weak, he was determined and never afraid of any heavy labor in the forest farm.

It was this difficult and difficult years that sharpened Jing Yidan's perseverance and perseverance, and she worked in a harsh environment for many years and accumulated valuable grassroots work experience. By chance, the captain of the forest farm discovered her outstanding talent in the field of broadcasting, so he invited her to join the broadcast station of the forest farm.

Facts have proved that Jing Yidan, who has been retired for many years, has already embarked on another road!

It can be said that the broadcasting career is the only ray of light and hope for Jing Yidan in those dark days.

After unremitting efforts, Jing Yidan won the precious opportunity to study at Beijing Broadcasting Institute with his excellent broadcasting performance. However, in this well-known university at home and abroad, she encountered a new challenge - her strong Northeast accent became a pain point for her to be ridiculed by her classmates.

Faced with such a severe challenge, Jing Yidan was not discouraged by this, but did not hesitate to roll up his sleeves, devote himself to training, maintain a humble attitude with his classmates, and humbly ask for advice: "Please be sure to laugh out loud, I know the problem of my accent."

We look forward to receiving your guidance next time."

Facts have proved that Jing Yidan, who has been retired for many years, has already embarked on another road!

It is with this perseverance and unremitting efforts that Jing Yidan finally realized her dream in the third postgraduate entrance examination, happily received the admission notice from Beijing Broadcasting Institute, and successfully stepped into her long-awaited broadcasting career.

Since then, she has gone through several twists and turns, and finally successfully passed the CCTV exam in 1988, thus starting her brilliant hosting career.

Facts have proved that Jing Yidan, who has been retired for many years, has already embarked on another road!

2015 coincided with Jing Yidan's entry into the year of the sixtieth year. As the well-known "Golden Microphone" host of CCTV, she solemnly announced that she would officially retire from the hosting position, ending her 27-year CCTV career.

At the recording of the last episode of the year, the atmosphere was filled with a faint sadness. Jing Yidan stood in front of the familiar camera, and his heart was full of emotion. As a dedicated journalist, she spent her entire youth hosting many programs for CCTV that were loved by the audience, which can be described as doing her best.

Now, Jing Yidan has entered the second half of her life, and she knows that she has reached the moment to say goodbye to the stage. Gazing at the staff around him, Jing Yidan struggled to squeeze out a smile, and said in a slightly hoarse but firm voice: "I sincerely thank you for your support and understanding over the years, from today onwards, I will officially retire and devote more time and energy to education and literary creation."

After saying this, Jing Yidan bowed deeply, which was not only her farewell to the audience, but also an affectionate confession to her hosting career that she had devoted 27 years of hard work to.

Facts have proved that Jing Yidan, who has been retired for many years, has already embarked on another road!

As the former "host sister", Jing Yidan personally created a series of win-win programs such as "Focus Interview" and "Moving China", which are like the children she raised and grew up with, and she cherishes and cares for them.

In this way, Jing Yidan left the CCTV stage with his head held high. However, after his retirement, Jing Yidan did not settle for his current life, but devoted a lot of time and energy to the challenging career of education and artistic literary creation.

Soon after, Jing Yidan was hired as a teacher by Northeast Normal University and City College of Zhejiang University, hoping to pass on her rich experience in the field of news media to young students and cultivate more outstanding news media talents for the society.

At the same time, Jing Yidan still maintains his love for writing, and has successively launched many autobiographical novels such as "I Met You" and "That Year's Letter". In her 27 years in the industry, she has a wealth of experience, and the stories she has seen, heard, and experienced are enough to become a gripping literary work.

Facts have proved that Jing Yidan, who has been retired for many years, has already embarked on another road!

It is these unique personal experiences that have shaped her brilliant achievements in the field of literary creation today.

Although Jing Yidan has stayed away from the CCTV stage after retirement, she still maintains the strict work and rest habits of her past work. Every morning, she welcomes the day with a full state of mind.

Facts have proved that Jing Yidan, who has been retired for many years, has already embarked on another road!

However, when she pushed open the door of the living room and saw the empty room, Jing Yidan inevitably felt an indescribable emptiness and loss in her heart. This place, which once carried her countless hard work, is now far away from her; And the once peerless "Sister Jing" can only bid farewell to her hosting career at this moment.

However, Jing Yidan did not stop there. She quickly began a new chapter in her life - devoting herself to education and literary creation. In the year of his retirement, Jing Yidan received a letter of appointment as a professor at Northeast Normal University, and was also hired as the deputy dean of the School of New Communication, City College of Zhejiang University.

In this vibrant campus land, Jing Yidan has devoted himself to imparting the rich experience he has accumulated over the years to the students without reservation, looking forward to cultivating more outstanding news and media talents for the country.

At the same time, Jing Yidan still works hard and has successively launched many autobiographical works such as "I Met You" and "That Year's Letter". As a veteran media person, she has witnessed the joys, sorrows and sorrows of countless ordinary people, and these stories have become moving chapters in her pen.

Facts have proved that Jing Yidan, who has been retired for many years, has already embarked on another road!

Every time a wonderful work comes out, we will see that Ms. Jing Yidan's face is full of excitement and pride, because this work is the artistic crystallization that she has carefully polished after officially taking a back seat!

In addition to his enthusiasm for education and excellent writing skills, Mr. Jing Yidan is also committed to promoting the development of public welfare and charity. Since the reform and opening up, she has been focusing on the serious shortage of educational resources in poor and backward areas of the mainland.

With his great influence, Mr. Jing Yidan has held many public lectures with the theme of "Focus on Rural Education" in Tsinghua University and other well-known universities, aiming to arouse the whole society's attention to rural education.

She often lamented fondly: "Education is the foundation of a country's development, and only by attaching great importance to rural education can we ensure that all citizens can enjoy a fair and just right to education."

Facts have proved that Jing Yidan, who has been retired for many years, has already embarked on another road!

"In her unique way, Ms. Jing Yidan has contributed her share of strength to our society.

Time flies, time flies. In the blink of an eye, the once gorgeous "Sister Jing" has entered the later stage of her life. However, even though he is over the age of old, Mr. Jing Yidan still maintains that unique intellectual charm, and his restrained and atmospheric temperament is becoming more and more charming.

In 2023, it will be a full eight years since she last served as a CCTV host. However, when Ms. Jing Yidan returned to CCTV and appeared as a host in the cultural program "Jing Yidan's Museum Nine Minutes", the audience seemed to have returned to the peak of her career.

In front of the camera, Ms. Jing Yidan told the historical origin of the precious cultural relics in the museum with her elegant posture, and her voice was as soft as a spring breeze, which made people feel more cordial.

Facts have proved that Jing Yidan, who has been retired for many years, has already embarked on another road!

She is like a veteran scholar, leading us to explore the rich cultural knowledge contained in the museum with a look of passion that has survived many vicissitudes of life.

Looking back on Ms. Jing Yidan's life, she has experienced countless hardships and tribulations. Born in a poor family, he was forced to leave his hometown when he was a teenager and went to remote areas to participate in the labor of educated youth; In order to realize her dream of broadcasting, she overcame all kinds of difficulties and finally succeeded in being admitted to graduate school after three exams...... However, it was the hard sweat and bitter tears shed along the way that laid the foundation for her brilliant career in the future.

With his unwavering perseverance and unswerving determination, Mr. Jing Yidan has written a legendary chapter in his life.

Today's teacher Jing Yidan has become an all-round media person who integrates hosting, writing, and education. She often says that she is very lucky to always be able to stay true to her original intention and do what she loves the most.

Facts have proved that Jing Yidan, who has been retired for many years, has already embarked on another road!

With his abundant and unique life experience, Jing Yidan has shown us the profound truth that "life is like a wonderful journey". No matter where you are, you should move forward, follow the voice from the depths of your heart, and go all out to explore the road that belongs to you.

It is with this wisdom of life that Jing Yidan was able to step into the big stage of CCTV again when he turned 67 years old, and showed a new image in front of the audience.

Seeing that she is still sticking to the same and unswervingly pursuing success in her career today, people can't help but feel respect!

Jing Yidan is undoubtedly a never-say-die communicator, and she conveys positive energy to the world in her unique way, exuding a powerful force that warms people's hearts.