
Don't throw away the leftover cigarette butts, soak them in liquor for 5 minutes, the use is really powerful, and the family can get it

author:Mabei Town
Don't throw away the leftover cigarette butts, soak them in liquor for 5 minutes, the use is really powerful, and the family can get it

Title: Don't throw away the leftover cigarette butts, soak them in liquor for 5 minutes, the use is really powerful, and the family can get it


In life, we often encounter all kinds of problems, and the solutions to some problems are hidden in our usual casual actions. For example, a cigarette butt is a small object that is easily overlooked in our daily lives, but did you know? In fact, leftover cigarette butts can also play a lot of unexpected roles! Today, I'm going to tell you a magical trick: don't throw away the leftover cigarette butts, soak them in liquor for 5 minutes, the use is really powerful, and the family can get it.

Chapter 1: From Cigarette Butts to "Divine Water"

When I was a child, I used to see my grandfather always put the cigarette butt in the bottle after smoking and soak it in white wine for a while. At the time, I always thought it was weird, but my grandfather told me that it was a wonderful way to solve a lot of problems. Later, as I grew up, I began to understand the mysteries.

Cigarette butts contain a lot of harmful substances, but they also contain some substances that are beneficial to the human body, such as nicotine and tar. Whereas, liquor has good solubility and is able to effectively dissolve these substances in cigarette butts. Therefore, putting the cigarette butt into the liquor and soaking it for a period of time can dissolve the harmful substances in it, and at the same time leave the substances that are beneficial to the human body, forming a liquid with certain medicinal value, commonly known as "divine water".

Chapter 2: The Wonderful Use of Divine Water

Don't throw away the leftover cigarette butts, soak them in liquor for 5 minutes, the use is really powerful, and the family can get it

1. Keep warm

Winter is coming, and the cold weather makes people feel uncomfortable. At this time, if you have a bottle of "divine water" in your hand, you can easily dispel the cold and keep your body warm. Pour an appropriate amount of divine water into warm water to soak your feet or wipe your whole body, which can effectively keep you warm and make you feel the warmth of winter.

2. Soothes the skin

Prolonged exposure to electronic products and electrical equipment such as computers and air conditioners can easily lead to dry skin, itching and other problems. At this time, you can wipe your skin with divine water, which can effectively soothe the skin, relieve the symptoms of dryness and itching, and make your skin smooth and supple.

3. Eliminate odors

When cooking at home, there are often various odors, such as oil smoke smell, fishy smell, etc. At this time, you can put a bottle of magic water in the kitchen, which can effectively eliminate odors, keep the kitchen fresh air, and let your family enjoy delicious meals.

4. Mosquito repellent and insect repellent

Summer is the season of mosquito activity, and mosquito bites not only cause itchy skin, but also spread various diseases. At this time, you can spray the divine water in the corners of the room and around the doors and windows, which can effectively repel mosquitoes and protect the health of your family.

5. Clean the environment

There are often stains and dirt on the walls and floors of the home, which not only affect the beauty of the home environment, but also breed bacteria and pose a threat to the health of the family. At this time, you can use divine water to wipe the walls, floors, etc., which can effectively clean the environment and keep the home clean and hygienic.

Chapter 3: Tips and Tricks Sharing

1. Soak your feet in divine water

When I go home every day, tired feet are a common thing. Soaking your feet in warm water and an appropriate amount of water can not only relieve foot fatigue, but also promote blood circulation and prevent foot diseases.

2. Wipe the furniture with divine water

Dust and dirt often accumulate on furniture surfaces and are not thoroughly cleaned with ordinary detergents. At this time, you can wipe the surface of the furniture with divine water, which can effectively remove dirt and make the furniture look new.

3. Divine water cleans the kitchen

The kitchen is the most soiled part of the home, and dirt such as oil smoke and oil stains are often difficult to clean. You can use divine water to wipe the walls and floors of the kitchen, which can effectively remove dirt and keep the kitchen clean

Don't throw away the leftover cigarette butts, soak them in liquor for 5 minutes, the use is really powerful, and the family can get it

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