
Why does my nose keep clogging? The doctor says the cause and how to deal with it, and looks at it

author:Dr. Wang, a Chinese medicine practitioner

The nose, this small and delicate organ, is embedded in the center of our face, as if it were the pearl of the face, bright and dazzling. It is not only a temple of smell, allowing us to taste the unique scent of flowers, fruits, and even all things in the world, but also the gatekeeper of our respiratory system, guarding our health day and night. However, when this "goalkeeper" is often troubled and entangled in blockages, our breathing and smell are severely affected, and life becomes less smooth.

Why does my nose keep clogging? The doctor says the cause and how to deal with it, and looks at it

When you wake up in the morning, you take a deep breath of fresh air, expecting the fresh breath to awaken your sleeping senses. The nose is like a closed door, blocking the beauty of the outside world. You inhale hard, but you can only feel a dullness and oppression. This feeling of blockage not only makes it difficult for you to breathe, but it also makes you lose your sense of the world around you, as if you are being cut off by an invisible barrier.

This kind of nose congestion may be caused by the invasion of cold viruses, allergic rhinitis, or sinus infection. Whatever the motivation behind it, it can cause us a series of problems that can interfere with our workplaces and lives. So, why does the nose keep clogging?

Why does my nose keep clogging? The doctor says the cause and how to deal with it, and looks at it

1. There are many common causes of nasal congestion, which are usually closely related to various factors such as cleanliness in the nasal cavity, inflammation, and disease.

Cold virus attack

Imagine that the nose is the sturdy gate to the castle of the body, and the cold virus is the cunning and omnipresent invader. They float quietly through the air, waiting for the right moment to attack. Once these viruses have successfully "overwhelmed" the nasal passages, they begin to multiply wildly and trigger a series of inflammatory responses. The mucosal cells in the nasal cavity are stimulated and begin to swell, and the secretions increase, as if the castle gate is shrouded in a thick fog, making the nose clogged. When we have a cold, we often feel that it is difficult to breathe, as if we are blocked by a thick barrier, which is the intuitive feeling of the invasion of cold viruses.

Allergic rhinitis is frequent, and it is annoying.

Allergic rhinitis is like a sudden "allergy storm". When our nose comes into contact with allergens such as drifting pollen, latent dust mites or other tiny irritants, our immune system reacts quickly. The cells on the nasal mucosa begin to become congested and edematous, as if surrounded by a layer of red flames. At the same time, the secretions in the nasal cavity also increase dramatically, like a torrential rain. This "allergy storm" caused our nose to become clogged, and we had to blow our nose frequently to try to regain that once unobstructed breath.

Why does my nose keep clogging? The doctor says the cause and how to deal with it, and looks at it

Sinusitis is entangled and continues to disturb people's minds.

The sinuses, located on the sides and behind our nose, are like "little rooms" next to the nose. These "little rooms" may not be inconspicuous in normal times, but when infected by bacteria or viruses, they can trigger a severe inflammatory response. The mucous membranes in the sinuses are congested and swollen, and secretions come out. These secretions accumulate in the sinuses and cannot be drained smoothly, like a torrent blocking the passages of the nasal passages. Sinus infection, in addition to nasal congestion, is also accompanied by headache, facial pain, fever, etc., which brings a lot of inconvenience to our daily life.

The nasal structure reveals a non-standard morphology.

Some people have abnormal nasal structure, such as a distorted septum and thick turbinates. These abnormalities act like "obstructions" in the nasal passages, obstructing air circulation. A deviated septum is like a curved road, preventing air from passing through smoothly; Turbinate hypertrophy is like a "small hill" in the nasal cavity, occupying the space that should be unobstructed. These abnormalities can not only cause a clogged nose but can also cause other breathing problems such as snoring, difficulty breathing, etc. Therefore, it is very important for people with structural abnormalities in the nasal cavity to seek help from a doctor in time.

Why does my nose keep clogging? The doctor says the cause and how to deal with it, and looks at it

2. How to deal with a blocked nose

"All-round defense against cold viruses"

When the cold virus is menacing, our first task is to strengthen the body's "defenses". This requires us to ensure adequate rest to recuperate enough energy to cope with the virus. Synchronize hydration, stabilize body fluids, accelerate metabolism, and assist the smooth elimination of viruses from the body. Eating a healthy diet is fundamental, and it is important to eat more foods rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, such as citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables, to strengthen the immune defense.

While sticking to our own defenses, antiviral drugs can also become our "right-hand man" against the virus. These drugs directly target the virus and effectively reduce its damage to the body. However, if the symptoms are severe and persistent, it is advisable to seek medical assistance as soon as possible to avoid delaying the opportunity for treatment.

"Fine prevention and control" of allergic rhinitis

For people with allergic rhinitis, the first thing to do is to avoid the cause of allergies. Like detectives, we can carefully find and avoid those "suspects" who may be causing allergies, such as pollen, dust mites, etc. Wearing a mask and keeping the house clean are effective precautions that are able to isolate allergens from the body.

Of course, it's not enough to just avoid allergens, we also need to use some anti-allergy medications to relieve symptoms. These drugs soothe congestion and swelling of the nasal mucosa, reduce the formation of secretions, and allow for more unobstructed breathing. In the face of severe or recurrent illness, it is important to seek medical advice in a timely manner, seek professional advice, and formulate an exclusive treatment plan.

Why does my nose keep clogging? The doctor says the cause and how to deal with it, and looks at it

A "comprehensive anti-inflammatory plan" for sinus infections

First, antibiotics are our powerful weapon when bacteria invade the sinuses and cause infections. Antibiotics are a class of drugs that can kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria, by destroying the cell wall of bacteria or interfering with their metabolic processes, so as to achieve the purpose of destroying bacteria. In the case of sinus infection, the doctor usually prescribes the appropriate antibiotic depending on the type and severity of the infection. Patients should take antibiotics as prescribed to ensure that the drug reaches sufficient concentrations in the body to effectively kill bacteria.

Antibiotics are not a panacea, and their efficacy is limited by specific pathogens and types of infections. In certain situations, sinus infections often arise from a viral attack, and antibiotics alone may not be effective because antibiotics target bacteria and are ineffective against viruses. Excessive or inappropriate use of antibiotics can contribute to the development of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria, which undoubtedly increases the challenges and complexity of treating such infections in the future. In the process of antibiotic application, we should strictly follow the doctor's guidance and use it cautiously to prevent unnecessary drug intake and ensure the effectiveness and safety of treatment.

In addition to medication, it is also important to ensure that the nasal passages are clear. We can use saline to rinse the nasal cavity, which not only clears the nasal secretions, but also relieves congestion and edema of the nasal mucosa. Steam inhalation is an effective way to soothe the nasal mucosa and promote the smooth discharge of secretions.

Why does my nose keep clogging? The doctor says the cause and how to deal with it, and looks at it

Structural abnormalities of the nasal cavity require "fine surgical correction"

Surgical correction is often necessary for nasal blockages caused by structural abnormalities in the nasal cavity. Before the surgery, the doctor will conduct a comprehensive examination and evaluation of the patient's nasal structure to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the surgery.

During surgery, the doctor tailors a personalized surgical plan to the patient's condition. Through delicate surgical procedures, doctors are able to improve the ventilation of the nasal cavity and allow for better air circulation. After surgery, it is important for patients to pay attention to rest and rehabilitation, avoid strenuous exercise and irritating foods, and ensure smooth wound healing.

3. Vivid case sharing

Xiao Wang challenges himself in the cold

Xiao Wang, a young white-collar worker full of vitality, has often stayed up late and worked overtime due to huge work pressure recently, like a tireless machine. However, the machine eventually malfunctioned due to over-operation - his immunity weakened and he unfortunately suffered a cold.

For Xiao Wang, the cold is not only a physical torture, but also a test of life. His nose seemed to be stuffed with thick cotton, and he was uncomfortably blocked all day, as if he was in a silent world, unable to smell the aroma of coffee, flowers, and even his favorite lunch. This kind of distress not only seriously affected his work efficiency, but also made him feel extremely frustrated in his daily life.

Xiao Wang did not give up. He knew that only by giving his body enough rest could he overcome this cold. He adjusts his routine to make sure he gets enough sleep every day. At the same time, he also actively cooperated with the doctor's treatment, took the medicine on time, and fought the cold with a strong will.

After a period of recuperation and treatment, Xiao Wang's cold was finally relieved. His nose was clear again, and the long-lost aroma wafted into his nostrils again. He felt extremely happy and fortunate, and he also cherished his health even more.

Why does my nose keep clogging? The doctor says the cause and how to deal with it, and looks at it

Xiao Li's pollen allergy

Unlike Xiao Wang, Xiao Li's troubles come from allergic rhinitis. Every spring, when everything recovers and flowers bloom, Xiao Li suffers from allergies. Her nose seemed to be pinched tightly by an invisible force, and it was uncomfortably blocked; At the same time, the snot is constantly flowing and the sound of sneezing comes and goes, making her life a mess.

In order to alleviate this pain, Xiao Li tried various anti-allergy medications and treatments. She has been to the hospital, seen Chinese medicine, and tried various home remedies, but the results are not satisfactory. Sometimes, she would even have to take time off work to rest at home because the allergy symptoms were so severe.

However, Xiao Li did not give up because of this. She firmly believes that if you find a treatment that works for you, you can beat allergies. As a result, she began to look more aggressively for solutions. She read a lot of medical books and materials, consulted with a number of professional doctors, and tried new treatments.

Finally, by chance, Xiao Li found an anti-allergy drug that suits him. This medication not only effectively alleviated her allergy symptoms, but also allowed her to regain the beauty of spring. She is no longer bothered by allergies and is free to breathe in the scent of spring and enjoy the beautiful flowers.

This pollen allergy war made Xiao Li realize the importance of health more deeply. She began to pay more attention to her body and lifestyle, trying to make herself healthier and happier.

Why does my nose keep clogging? The doctor says the cause and how to deal with it, and looks at it

Blocked nose is a common symptom that can be caused by a variety of reasons. In order to keep the nose open and healthy, we need to respond accordingly to the specific cause. At the same time, maintaining good lifestyle and eating habits is also an important measure to prevent nose congestion. If the symptoms of nasal congestion are severe or prolonged, it is advisable to seek professional medical advice.

I'm Dr. Tan, welcome everyone to like and follow, and say your views in the comment area, let's chat