
Ning Wentong, an old drama bone, is actually an "international anti-terrorism expert", and acting is just his hobby

author:Long braid mushrooms are cool

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Ning Wentong, an old drama bone, is actually an "international anti-terrorism expert", and acting is just his hobby

In 2018, an earth-shattering news exploded like a bomb in the Internet world, attracting widespread attention! People were deeply shocked by the facts disclosed by Ning Wentong! It turns out that this world-renowned first-line film and television superstar is not just a senior performance artist, but also a "international counter-terrorism expert".

Recently, he braved the dangers and dangers to participate in the emergency operations of the peacekeeping force in the Mali region of the African continent.

As soon as this argument spread, it immediately spread like a virus on social media, causing a lot of discussion among netizens. Many netizens expressed confusion about this: "Hasn't Ning Wentong always been active on the screen as an actor?" So what exactly is he going to Mali for? Is it just for an ordinary condolence performance? However, as time passed, more inside stories gradually emerged - it turned out that the real mission of Ning Wentong's trip was not so simple, he not only brought cutting-edge drone equipment to the peacekeeping force, but also provided professional technical guidance and on-site training for the members of the unit.

Looking back on Ning Wentong's acting career, we can clearly see that this powerful veteran actor has shown extraordinary talent and talent since the moment he stepped into the film industry.

Ning Wentong, an old drama bone, is actually an "international anti-terrorism expert", and acting is just his hobby

In the eighties and nineties of the last century, he left an indelible mark on many classic film and television works with his excellent acting skills.

recalled the role of the fat aunt and younger brother played by Ning Wentong in the TV series "Family with Children", and his simple and cute appearance hid a nuanced portrayal of the character, leaving an unforgettable impression on the audience.

In the urban emotional drama "Kiss Me, Teacher", which was all the rage in the 90s, the image of Uncle Dada created by him was even more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and his vivid and vivid interpretation won the love of countless audiences.

The most amazing thing is undoubtedly Ning Wentong's wonderful acting skills in "Langya Bang". The director did not reveal the details of the script to him before filming, and only told him a few simple lines, but Ning Wentong was able to rely on his on-the-spot performance and profound acting skills to successfully create an image of Ji Wangye, who is honest but cunning, cynical but shrewd and capable, which makes people applaud.

Ning Wentong, an old drama bone, is actually an "international anti-terrorism expert", and acting is just his hobby

Despite his outstanding skills, Ning Wentong has experienced decades of ups and downs in the film industry, and his acting career has never been able to climb to the peak. Many believe that his indifferent attitude to fame and fortune may be the main reason for this phenomenon.

In fact, Ning Wentong, an outstanding figure, has had an otherworldly and indifferent style of fame and fortune since he was a child. He cherishes the beauty of life's journey more than the illusory glory.

Perhaps it is this open-minded and optimistic personality that has shaped his brilliant achievements today.

In 1969, Ning Wentong was born in the capital Beijing, and his mother was a skilled Pingju artist. Under the careful guidance of his mother, he showed outstanding talent from an early age, and was favored by the junior swimming team of the National Sports Commission at a young age, and began to receive professional swimming training.

Ning Wentong, an old drama bone, is actually an "international anti-terrorism expert", and acting is just his hobby

Looking back on that beautiful childhood, Ning Wentong was always full of energy, like a happy bird, playing around.

However, fate often plays tricks on people. Just when Ning Wentong gradually lost interest in swimming and turned to the fast-paced motorcycle, a sudden car accident ruthlessly broke him, and his dream was shattered.

When Ning Wentong recalled the accident, a deep sadness flashed in his eyes: he was swimming on the road at that time, and suddenly, a runaway car rushed out of the roadside, and tragedy inevitably happened.

However, the god of fate doesn't seem to have completely abandoned him. Just when Ning Wentong fell into despair, the trajectory of his life took an unexpected turn. It turned out that Ning Wentong, who liked to disassemble all kinds of toys since he was a child, embarked on his journey of radio exploration in 2001.

Ning Wentong, an old drama bone, is actually an "international anti-terrorism expert", and acting is just his hobby

What started out as a small hobby soon became a new source of motivation in his life.

Ning Wentong began to devote himself to learning electronic communications, joined the Beijing Radio Sports Association, and regarded radio as his second career. He always passionately shares how he dismantled the small silver pillar from the discarded air conditioner as an antenna, and how he disassembled and assembled various analog and digital machines.

Soon after, Ning Wentong deeply realized that radio technology can not only improve our daily lives, but also contribute to the promotion of national defense and security.

Thanks to its outstanding performance in the field of radio and national defense security, Ning Wentong has won high praise and full recognition from many international authoritative institutions. Recently, it was reported that long before the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China in New China, the cutting-edge low-altitude defense vehicles developed by the research and development team led by him have been put into the front line of national anti-terrorism and security operations.

Ning Wentong, an old drama bone, is actually an "international anti-terrorism expert", and acting is just his hobby

This has undoubtedly earned him certification from the European Union, and at the same time, it has also put him in the spotlight on the international stage.

There is no doubt that Ning Wentong can be called the first actor in the entertainment industry to successfully achieve a career transformation and become a national defense and security expert, and he is undoubtedly a brave explorer. Looking back on the moment he was interviewed, Ning Wentong said in a firm tone and full of confidence: "Acting is just a hobby for me, as long as it can bring me happiness and satisfaction, the amount of money does not matter to me."

However, what he is really passionate about and eager to fight for is to contribute to the scientific and technological cause of the motherland.

It is this spirit of indifference to fame and fortune and persistent pursuit of ideals that inspires Ning Wentong to make bold attempts in the new field of radio and national defense science and technology and pursue his life dream.

Ning Wentong, an old drama bone, is actually an "international anti-terrorism expert", and acting is just his hobby

Today, in the "Beijing Shouhe Defense Technology Company" founded by him, the equipment developed and produced has been widely used in various fields of prevention and control technology, and it is foreseeable that his great contribution to the cause of national defense and security will far exceed our expectations.

All of these originate from Ning Wentong's enterprising heart that never stops and is never satisfied with the status quo. As he said in an interview: "I am a person who likes challenges, since I was a child, I like to try new things, otherwise I would find life boring."

This sentence undoubtedly reveals his attitude towards life that has the courage to try and never stops.

When asked why he took the initiative to give up his acting career and devote himself to the field of science and technology, Ning Wentong shook his head slightly, his eyes were calm and profound: "Acting is just a hobby of mine, and technological innovation is my career and the path I pursue my ideals."

Ning Wentong, an old drama bone, is actually an "international anti-terrorism expert", and acting is just his hobby

As a citizen, contributing to the country's scientific and technological progress and national defense and security is his greatest pursuit.

Looking back on Mr. Ning Wentong's legendary and colorful life journey, we can't help but be shocked and admired: what kind of powerful spiritual strength made him consistently stick to his faith and persevere in the face of countless challenges and difficulties? The answer to this question is actually very clear – whether it is his relentless pursuit of his ideals, or his passionate love of real life.

Many people may be puzzled, why did Ning Wentong, a powerful actor who once dominated the film industry, finally choose to leave this stage full of glory and aura? However, to answer this question, we must delve into his unique understanding and treatment of fame and fortune.

Since childhood, he has formed a noble character of indifference to fame and fortune, and Mr. Ning Wentong has always firmly believed that the process is far better than the result, and its intrinsic value is immeasurable. In his eyes, devoting oneself to every moment of life and enjoying the beauty of life's journey is the most precious wealth and pleasure in life.

Ning Wentong, an old drama bone, is actually an "international anti-terrorism expert", and acting is just his hobby

Because of this, in the entertainment industry, when he gave up a role, he never regarded money as the only criterion to measure, but paid more attention to the pleasure and satisfaction in his heart. An experienced veteran in the film and television industry told us such a touching story: Once, Mr. Ning Wentong was severely criticized by the director, simply because he did not hesitate to voluntarily give up a well-paid role, and behaved calmly and calmly.

However, Mr. Ning Wentong responded with a smile: "I just think that role doesn't match my personality characteristics, so why force it?" Money is important, but happiness and inner fulfillment are more precious to me.

This otherworldly attitude towards life has enabled Mr. Ning Wentong to successfully get rid of the shackles of fame and fortune and pursue his life ideals freely in other fields. It is precisely because of the purity and flawlessness of his heart that he can continue to explore in the fields of radio technology and defense science and technology, without being troubled by fame and fortune.

Mr. Ning Wentong, who is now 53 years old, seems to have fallen into some kind of negativity recently, and he has decided to remove marriage from his personal life planning. When asked about the reason for this move, Mr. Ning Wentong said in a firm tone: "I know that I can no longer take care of my family wholeheartedly, otherwise it will only delay the youth of others.

Ning Wentong, an old drama bone, is actually an "international anti-terrorism expert", and acting is just his hobby

"I would rather devote all my precious time and energy to exploring my ideal career!" Although those around him may feel deep regret for this, such a contradictory but firm determination can also reveal the complex but extremely persistent emotional world in his heart: on the one hand, he knows that the importance of family cannot be ignored; However, on the other hand, the passion and dedication to the cause transcend all other things.

Obviously, in his long journey of life, ideals have become his most noble pursuit.

However, this does not mean that the 53-year-old Ning Wentong will stop at this moment. In fact, he recently enthusiastically revealed to us that he plans to try his hand at directing.

"As actors, we tend to passively accept the characters, but the director is the real creator, and they need to actively conceive the storyline, which is definitely a new challenge for me.

Ning Wentong, an old drama bone, is actually an "international anti-terrorism expert", and acting is just his hobby

Ning Wentong said with confidence, his eyes flashing with high morale again, "I look forward to showing the multifaceted nature of life in this new field."