
Glory of Kings: It's hard to find a traceable skin, is it the one you are most looking forward to returning?

author:The King of Freedom said

Brothers, the getaway is coming. In the colorful world of King's Canyon, skins are not only gorgeous robes for heroes, but also treasures for players to collect. But there are always a few skins, as if forgotten by time, they are mysterious and rare, and no matter how many players call, they never return. Today, let's talk to you about the three skins that are the most reluctant to return to the Glory of Kings, although they are difficult to find, they are always yearning for every time they are mentioned.

Zhang Liang's Gospel of Heaven - the long-lost Holy Light

When it comes to rare treasures, Zhang Liang's "Gospel of Heaven" has to be mentioned. Since its release, this skin has been like a charcoal in the snow, bringing players a touch of holy warmth. However, as time passed, it seemed to be sealed in the legend, and for five years, there was no return. The design of the skin is inspired by the holy angel and is loved by players. Although it is reported that Sun Shangxiang's "Artillery Daughter" has returned as a skin in the same series, the return of "Gospel of Heaven" is still unknown. If you can return to the game, even if you need more than 1,000 bonds, I believe that many players will be willing to pay for it.

Glory of Kings: It's hard to find a traceable skin, is it the one you are most looking forward to returning?

Angela's Magical Little Chef - Magic on the Taste Buds

Next, we must talk about Angela's "Magic Little Chef". As a deeply loved skin, it has always kept players in their minds, and has even become the holy grail in the hearts of many Angela believers. With its delicate and cute shape and captivating special effects, this skin is just as eye-catching as it is when you perform combos on the battlefield or run happily on the plains. 888 bonds are a great value for money for such a unique skin. However, time flies, and we have never been able to wait for the good news of its return, which has made many players lament that they don't know when they will see this little chef again.

Glory of Kings: It's hard to find a traceable skin, is it the one you are most looking forward to returning?

Arthur's Lionheart - the king of the glorious battlefield

Finally, we're going to talk about Arthur's "King Lionheart". As the original Season Reward Skin, it carries the memories of many veteran players. The skin is eight years old, and there has been no news of a return in the intervening years. The Lionheart skin makes Arthur a warrior who is not afraid of battle, both visually and imposingly, and is the best in the canyon. Despite the legends and surveys about the encore, it has always been like a noble king, reserved and distant.

Glory of Kings: It's hard to find a traceable skin, is it the one you are most looking forward to returning?

These three skins are undoubtedly out-of-print treasures in the glory of kings. Whenever the topic is mentioned, it can always set off a wave in the hearts of players. While we don't know what the planning was up to, our expectation remains the same, and that is that we hope that they will return to the canyon and be owned by more players. If they come out again, will they be rotten on the streets? Xiaoyao believes that precious things, even if they are popular, have their own unique value.

See you next time, and MEmu will continue to share with you those beautiful legends in the canyon. Whether it's the courage of a hero or the glow of your skin, there's a story for everyone.