
Honor of Kings: Falling into a Skin Trap? The three shining models are not long-lasting, and they are greasy on the list of kings!

author:The King of Freedom said

Brothers, the getaway is coming. Countless nights, in the King's Canyon under the moon, the gorgeous shining of the heroes is full of the charm brought by the skin. But not every skin is as bright as a starry sky, and some of them hide a quick sense of fatigue behind the beauty. Today, let's talk about three skins that look exciting at first glance and are too many people to avoid after playing for a long time.

Lu Bu's Xi Xuanyin - the first time I saw domineering, goodbye Suran

The first is Lu Bu's Xi Xuanyin, which is a blockbuster return as a couple's skin, which once made people's eyes shine. The domineering spirit of the battle interface tells the world that Lu Bu is still the peerless god of war. However, under the gorgeous appearance and special effects, there is a lack of combat sense. The sense of in-game blows was so weak that people doubted their output damage, and Lu Bu's domineering spirit seemed to have been extracted, causing many players to decide to give up after buying it with great interest.

Honor of Kings: Falling into a Skin Trap? The three shining models are not long-lasting, and they are greasy on the list of kings!

Zhao Yun's dragon ringing bell - under the gorgeousness is trouble

Zhao Yun's dragon ringing bell, and the green dragon hovering over the battlefield during the ultimate move really made many players crazy. Before I started, I had rehearsed countless scenes of dancing with dragons in my mind, and I had a remarkable record, and I thought that I could catch it with my hands. However, under the jeweled special effects, there is a hidden unsmooth operation. The feeling of stuttering when the ultimate is released greatly reduces Zhao Yun's combat efficiency, which makes long-awaited players stay away from this skin after only a few rounds.

Honor of Kings: Falling into a Skin Trap? The three shining models are not long-lasting, and they are greasy on the list of kings!

Zhuge Liang's Crane Rain Immortal Venerable - full of creativity but lacking a sense of blow

Zhuge Liang's Crane Rain Immortal Venerable has really worked innovation, and the conversion of weapons has brought a sense of freshness. However, the novelty soon dissipated with the fluttering sword of the ultimate. Even if you bring a fairy sword to the battlefield, when you really enter the team battle and the time of harvest, you find that compared to other skins, its sense of rhythm and satisfaction is greatly reduced. Many players quickly put this skin on the shelf after the initial freshness.

Honor of Kings: Falling into a Skin Trap? The three shining models are not long-lasting, and they are greasy on the list of kings!

In this canyon of kings full of changes, skins not only represent personality, but also affect the player's mood in the game. Those skins that initially made people excited may eventually be shelved due to various shortcomings. MEmu reminds everyone that before deciding to invest gold or diamonds to buy skins, it is best to understand the internal performance of skins to avoid wasting resources.

See you next time, MEmu will continue to lead you to explore more interesting topics about Honor of Kings. Every battle in Honor of Kings tells a different story, and skins are just the spice in it. Remember, having fun is always more important than anything else, see you in the canyon!