
Heartache! A 3-year-old boy was bitten by a vicious dog and died! Netizen: Why don't dog lovers speak

author:It's the Red Dust Man in the end

A tragedy, a roar, and a debate about humans and dogs, morality and jurisprudence, unfolded again on the Internet.

Recently, a mother cried online that her 3-year-old son was bitten by a suspected husky dog, and after 18 days of all-out treatment, he unfortunately passed away.

The incident has aroused widespread attention, and many netizens have questioned why the mainland has invested heavily in rabies prevention, but still cannot prevent such a tragedy from happening. What is even more infuriating is that the whereabouts of the vicious dog that hurt people are still unknown, and the dog owner has not come forward to apologize or take responsibility.

Heartache! A 3-year-old boy was bitten by a vicious dog and died! Netizen: Why don't dog lovers speak

The issues behind this tragedy are worth pondering. As a civilized society, we should establish a systematic and effective animal management system to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

Individuals must also have a basic sense of responsibility and moral bottom line for animal breeding, and cannot ignore the lives of others. This is not only about everyone's safety, but also the only way for us to build a harmonious society.


The root of the problem: poor animal management and lack of responsibility

A closer look at this matter reveals two issues behind it.

Rabies control in mainland China relies too much on herd immunity and ignores animal source management. According to relevant data, the mainland spends hundreds of millions of yuan every year on the research and development and vaccination of rabies vaccines, but most of the vaccination targets are people who have been bitten by rabies. In contrast, rabies control in the United States is focused on vaccinating domestic dogs.

Animals are the main reservoirs and transmitters of the rabies virus. If transmission of the virus from animal to animal cannot be interrupted at the source, population vaccination alone will have limited effectiveness. The mainland's investment in this area is seriously insufficient, resulting in stray dogs and some domestic dogs not being effectively vaccinated, and continue to be a potential source of infection for the virus.

Heartache! A 3-year-old boy was bitten by a vicious dog and died! Netizen: Why don't dog lovers speak

Some dog owners have serious feeding and management deficiencies. According to relevant reports, the cause of the tragedy may have been the homelessness of a stray husky dog, which ultimately harmed an innocent life.

In the mainland, there is no shortage of dog lovers, but there are very few who can really raise dogs responsibly. There are dog owners who abandon their dogs because they are sick, and there are also people who keep their dogs unleashed, and the streets and alleys are full of their free-range dogs. Once these dogs get rabies, they are extremely vulnerable to injury. Stray dogs are a blind spot in management and may become carriers of the virus at any time.

It can be seen that if the vaccination and feeding of dogs cannot be strictly managed from the source, relying solely on herd immunity will not help. It also allows irresponsible dog owners to easily pass on the dangers and costs to innocent others.

Heartache! A 3-year-old boy was bitten by a vicious dog and died! Netizen: Why don't dog lovers speak

How to solve this problem fundamentally?

In view of the many loopholes in the current animal management, we must fundamentally establish a systematic, strict and efficient animal vaccination and feeding management system.

The government should step up efforts to manage stray animals and domestic pets. A rabies vaccination and registration system can be established and improved, and compulsory registration and regular vaccination can be implemented for all dogs. As long as stray dogs are actively captured, neutered and vaccinated, they are released back to cut off the transmission route of the virus.

Heartache! A 3-year-old boy was bitten by a vicious dog and died! Netizen: Why don't dog lovers speak

Improve relevant laws and regulations to further regulate dog breeding. The legal responsibility of the dog owner can be clarified, and criminal liability for injuries caused by free-range dogs can be assumed. At the same time, the illegal trade of dogs is prohibited and illegal breeding is curbed.

Carry out positive publicity and cultivate a sense of responsibility. Promote the concept of correct breeding, advocate the concept of sterilization and surrogacy, and encourage dog owners to treat their dogs and others responsibly. At the same time, he called on celebrities and Internet celebrities to use positive power to influence the dog lovers and set a positive example.

Heartache! A 3-year-old boy was bitten by a vicious dog and died! Netizen: Why don't dog lovers speak

Strengthen the disposal and management of sick dogs. Once a suspected case of rabies is found, it is necessary to isolate and euthanize it in a timely manner, so that it cannot continue to endanger others. At the same time, it is necessary to trace and identify the source of sick dogs and cut off the chain of virus transmission.

Of course, this requires the joint efforts of government departments, the public, the media and dog lovers. But only by doing so can the spread of rabies be curbed once and for all, so that similar tragedies do not happen again. It's not just for the kids, it's for everyone's safety.

Heartache! A 3-year-old boy was bitten by a vicious dog and died! Netizen: Why don't dog lovers speak

Moral bottom line: human life is at stake

Another focus of attention in this incident is the reaction of some so-called "dog lovers".

In similar incidents in the past, after the dog was beaten to death, some dog lovers would stand up and complain about the dog. Their rhetoric often puts the dog's right to life above the human right, sparking widespread outrage. However, after the tragic death of a 3-year-old boy, these dog lovers behaved indifferently and unusually.

Heartache! A 3-year-old boy was bitten by a vicious dog and died! Netizen: Why don't dog lovers speak

Many netizens expressed strong dissatisfaction with this, asking whether these dog lovers only come forward when the dog is beaten, but completely indifferent to the loss of a young life. This fully exposes that their so-called "love" is nothing but a selective hypocrisy.

Indeed, as many netizens said, we cannot be ambiguous on the issue of moral bottom line. A person's right to life is always higher than that of an animal, which is a fundamental value of civilized society. If you ignore the lives of others because of your own selfish feelings, you have lost your essence and bottom line.

Heartache! A 3-year-old boy was bitten by a vicious dog and died! Netizen: Why don't dog lovers speak

Those celebrities need to understand that if they continue to make statements in the name of "dog lovers", it will not only cause public outrage, but also have a negative impact on the power of their example. As public figures, they should make good use of their influence with positive energy and a sense of responsibility.

To be able to live in harmony with dogs needs to be based on responsibility and bottom line. Everyone must keep in mind that when it comes to a serious accident where life is at stake, the moral value of human life is above all else. We must treat every life with the brilliance of humanity, and we must also correctly understand and handle the relationship between humans and animals.

Heartache! A 3-year-old boy was bitten by a vicious dog and died! Netizen: Why don't dog lovers speak

Editor's conclusion

This tragedy makes us sad and sorry. However, what is more worthy of our pondering is the problems and reflections behind it.

We need to establish a systematic and effective animal management system to prevent the spread of the virus among animals; We need to promote the responsibility that dog owners should bear and value the safety of others; We need to channel positive energy from sunshine, not hypocrisy and moral kidnapping.

Heartache! A 3-year-old boy was bitten by a vicious dog and died! Netizen: Why don't dog lovers speak

Only in this way can this tragedy be stopped and more innocent people from being harmed. This is not only about the rule of law, but also about everyone's moral bottom line. Let's work together to create a better environment for our children and everyone.

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