
Modern people do not value genealogy and do not name according to "generation", and the next generation may share the same name as their ancestors

author:Lao Zhu talks inside and outside

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The Chinese nation has a history of 5,000 years, and genealogy is also one of the important cultures. It shows that it has been passed down from generation to generation, connected by blood, tracing back to the roots, and being grateful to the ancestors.

It can be said that even if your family goes to the ends of the earth, you can rely on your family's genealogy to find your blood relatives, isn't this a kind of warm romance?

But why are so few people now giving names according to genealogy?

Modern people do not value genealogy and do not name according to "generation", and the next generation may share the same name as their ancestors

Inheriting Chinese culture and promoting the Chinese spirit is what everyone should do. At the same time, inheriting the legacy of our ancestors is also what each of us must do, and it is our obligation and responsibility.

But today's times are different, and people's minds are not as stubborn and traditional as before.

With the progress and change of thinking, the thinking of some things is not as serious as that of the predecessors, and they have their own ideas.

In the old days, almost every family had their own genealogy, which recorded the relationships and names of family members.

Then the newborn child should also be named according to what is written on the family tree, otherwise it will be disrespectful to the ancestors.

Modern people do not value genealogy and do not name according to "generation", and the next generation may share the same name as their ancestors

However, as far as the current observation goes, it is found that very few families have named their children in this way. Why is that? Then again, do you have to come up with a name according to the family tree?

Many netizens may be wondering about this, so let the editor tell you about the role of genealogy!

1. Genealogical cultural significance, modern value

Genealogy, which is a document that records the family lineage and family history, contains rich cultural meaning and historical value.

In Chinese history, genealogy is not just about recording family names and proving kinship. It is also an important embodiment of cultural inheritance and family identity.

Within the family, genealogy has a cohesive effect. Through a common ancestor and historical memory, family members form close blood ties and historical identities.

Modern people do not value genealogy and do not name according to "generation", and the next generation may share the same name as their ancestors

Through the worship and commemoration of the ancestors, the connection and communication between family members are increased. It can make the family culture spread for a longer time.

From a cultural point of view, a family tree is a microcosm of a family's history. It records the origin of the family, the family situation, the information of family members, etc., and provides future generations with an understanding of their own family.

In traditional Chinese culture that respects and values the feelings of family and country, it is most important to have this sense of history and belonging.

Modern people do not value genealogy and do not name according to "generation", and the next generation may share the same name as their ancestors

Genealogy doesn't just exist so that future generations can fully understand the family's past. At the same time, they can also find their own location and meaning of existence in the vast time and space, so that future generations can form an identity with the family.

On this basis, genealogy also has an edifying function. By recording the good morals and deeds of the ancestors, we can set an exemplary image for future generations, so that we can educate our children and grandchildren.

The concept of respecting ancestors and respecting genealogy is deeply ingrained in people's hearts, and through the revision and reading of genealogy, family members can continue to receive the influence of the family. Learn from the ancestors of reverence, diligence, thrift and other excellent qualities.

However, with the development of the times and the acceleration of the modernization process, traditional genealogies are facing unprecedented challenges.

Modern people do not value genealogy and do not name according to "generation", and the next generation may share the same name as their ancestors

At the same time, the movement of people is getting faster and faster, and many people from one family are scattered around, scattered around the world for work and other reasons.

In this way, the traditional concept of family and clan organization has gradually weakened, and the development of digitization and informatization has provided a better way to preserve and inherit the collection for the development of genealogy.

They will use the Internet to collect genealogies and include the genealogy of each family in the Internet records. This practice not only reduces the physical space occupation, reduces the cost of storage and time, but also allows family members who work outside to follow the family tree information and update the information at all times.

At the same time, due to the development of multimedia in the times, we can also spread the culture of genealogy to each family, which provides new opportunities for research.

Modern people do not value genealogy and do not name according to "generation", and the next generation may share the same name as their ancestors

Because online platforms can push genealogy to a wider range of people, so that they are no longer limited to their own family tree.

This move not only promotes the preservation and convenience of genealogy, but also allows more families to have an innovative and rich history and culture in their family trees, making them diverse.

All in all, genealogy is particularly versatile. It is an important carrier of a family or a nation's cultural transmission, which connects the present, the past and the future.

In modern society, we should also increase the protection of genealogy, cherish and innovate the way of preserving genealogy.

2. Protection and inheritance of genealogy

Genealogy, as a carrier document for family generations to reproduce and pass on for a long time, should be protected in all aspects and at multiple levels.

In today's society with such development of information and digitalization, the protection of genealogy has become an issue that people need to pay attention to and pay attention to.

Modern people do not value genealogy and do not name according to "generation", and the next generation may share the same name as their ancestors

What we need to do is not only to preserve the genealogy, but also to continue to play its role and value.

First of all, the genealogies are currently paper-based, so we need to protect them physically.

Because they are particularly susceptible to natural or inadvertent damage such as moisture, fire, insect bites, etc.

Therefore, it should be placed in a dry, away from direct sunlight, and containing insecticides or insect repellent boxes, so as to effectively prevent the above risks.

In addition to this, some ancient and precious genealogies can be restored using rice paper, etc., because rice paper is highly durable and can be used to prolong the preservation time.

Modern people do not value genealogy and do not name according to "generation", and the next generation may share the same name as their ancestors

So with the development of technology, our digitization and the advancement of technology, they have become a more effective way to protect the family tree, through scanning and photographing, etc.

Modern people do not value genealogy and do not name according to "generation", and the next generation may share the same name as their ancestors

Not only can it reduce the direct damage to the genealogy, but it can also guarantee the integrity and preservation of the genealogy.

The development of big data can also allow multiple copies of family trees to be backed up to prevent loss or inaccessibility. The digitized genealogy can also be shared for family members in distant places to witness together, making it easy for family members to access and consult remotely.

Modern people do not value genealogy and do not name according to "generation", and the next generation may share the same name as their ancestors

Secondly, it is also very necessary to establish family file management, which can not only bind future generations from the system.

At the same time, you can also send someone to manage the genealogy, regularly check the update work and quality, and find out its potential risks in time.

Having a clear management system in place can effectively ensure the security and privacy of genealogy.

Modern people do not value genealogy and do not name according to "generation", and the next generation may share the same name as their ancestors

In order to adapt to the development of the times, we can also adopt a flexible institutional approach. With the help of social platforms and networks, family networks can be established to spread family concepts and knowledge more quickly and enhance the connection between family members.

On this basis, a family history book can be written or made into a documentary. to transform the content of the family tree into ideology and increase the awareness and participation of family members.

Modern people do not value genealogy and do not name according to "generation", and the next generation may share the same name as their ancestors

Finally, families can actively promote the values of respect and protection.

For example, family meetings, cultural activities, etc., make family members aware of the importance of genealogy, and can also motivate them to participate in the protection and practice of genealogy.

Modern people do not value genealogy and do not name according to "generation", and the next generation may share the same name as their ancestors

At the same time, families can cooperate with research institutions to develop research genealogy with the help of the technology of professional institutions.

In short, genealogy is the carrier of cultural inheritance. Through the methods of protecting genealogy in ancient and modern times, we can protect genealogy more effectively, so that it has better value in the new era and becomes a bridge.

3. Do you have to choose a name according to the family tree?

It can be said that in our Chinese tradition, the name is not only a name for the child, but also inherits the family culture, the expectations of the parents, and the historical inheritance of the ancestors.

It can be said that taking a name according to the genealogy is a cultural inheritance, a long-standing traditional custom, but with the development of the times.

Genealogy is becoming less and less important, and many modern people no longer use genealogy to name their children.

Modern people do not value genealogy and do not name according to "generation", and the next generation may share the same name as their ancestors

So, does the name have to be according to the family tree?

Traditionally, genealogy is the bond that maintains blood and family honor.

In many families, many newborn names are chosen according to a certain number of characters in their family genealogy, which is used to reflect the order of their family and the characteristics of their generational names.

It not only promotes the harmony of the family, but also helps to maintain the stability and stability of the family. However, in modern people's thinking, they don't stick to family trees to name children. Instead, they have their own ideas and thoughts, which are more reflective of the sustenance of parents.

Modern people do not value genealogy and do not name according to "generation", and the next generation may share the same name as their ancestors

Therefore, in this context, many parents choose to break the mold. Keep up with the trend of the times and give your child new and fashionable names.

Of course, whether it is following the laws of tradition or pursuing innovation, names follow a person throughout their lives.

It may affect the child's personality, the child's experience or destiny, and it is also a reflection of others' first impression of the person.

Therefore, when naming a child, it should not be limited to the family tree, but also consider the child's future. The fate of children, so that they can keep up with the times in the trend.

Modern people do not value genealogy and do not name according to "generation", and the next generation may share the same name as their ancestors

Therefore, there is no accurate answer to whether you need to name the family tree or not. It can only be said that this is decided according to the family's values and cultural background, personal choice.


Because with the development of the times and the progress of society, the name no longer follows the family tree. Some people think that following a family tree name is mostly unpleasant or unsatisfactory.

Modern people do not value genealogy and do not name according to "generation", and the next generation may share the same name as their ancestors

So they choose to keep up with the times and give their children a nice and trendy name, and there's nothing wrong with that.

From the point of view of one's thoughts, feelings, and cultural background, this is a normal thing for human beings.

After all, in modern society, genealogy is not so important in the eyes of young people, and two- or four-word names emerge one after another.

Modern people do not value genealogy and do not name according to "generation", and the next generation may share the same name as their ancestors

It can be seen that choosing a good-sounding name for your child is a positive thing.

Perhaps it is because of the rich connotation of the name that can give the child a complete youth, so that the child can have a happy life and good luck?

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