
More than 400 employees of Microsoft in China, all of whom moved to the United States? Netizens blew up and wanted to sell baked cakes

author:Yu Ke



Edited by Yu Ke

Microsoft's requested relocation is its AI team in China, and these employees have a wealth of experience and outstanding talents in their respective positions.

A paper relocation order forced them to face a difficult choice.

More than 400 employees of Microsoft in China, all of whom moved to the United States? Netizens blew up and wanted to sell baked cakes

Is it to follow in the company's footsteps and travel to an unfamiliar country to continue to contribute to Microsoft's AI cause?

Or do you choose to stay in the country, facing the risk of losing your job?

It is understood that in order to alleviate the concerns of employees, Microsoft,

Attractive conditions were proposed: the employee could bring their dependents with them to the U.S., and the company would take care of the visa issues.

This undoubtedly provides some convenience for those employees who have family ties.

More than 400 employees of Microsoft in China, all of whom moved to the United States? Netizens blew up and wanted to sell baked cakes

But at the same time, it also puts them in the middle of more complex considerations.

After all, moving to a new country means not only adapting to a new work environment, but also dealing with huge differences in language, culture, life, etc.

After this news came out, it immediately sparked heated discussions among netizens.

More than 400 employees of Microsoft in China, all of whom moved to the United States? Netizens blew up and wanted to sell baked cakes

Some people expressed envy for those employees who were about to travel to the United States, thinking that this was a rare opportunity,

It can expose them to more advanced technology and culture;

There are also concerns that such a move may cause a lot of unnecessary trouble and stress for employees.

In the comment section, we saw a variety of voices.

More than 400 employees of Microsoft in China, all of whom moved to the United States? Netizens blew up and wanted to sell baked cakes

Some netizens ridiculed: "Microsoft is going to organize a group to go to the United States to grab a job!" ”

Other netizens expressed sympathy and concern for those employees who are about to be laid off: "I hope they can find better jobs and don't let this relocation be the end of their careers." ”


More than 400 employees of Microsoft in China, all of whom moved to the United States? Netizens blew up and wanted to sell baked cakes

The treatment of digging talents is good

More than 400 employees of Microsoft in China, all of whom moved to the United States? Netizens blew up and wanted to sell baked cakes

Go wow

More than 400 employees of Microsoft in China, all of whom moved to the United States? Netizens blew up and wanted to sell baked cakes

Take me with you, too!

More than 400 employees of Microsoft in China, all of whom moved to the United States? Netizens blew up and wanted to sell baked cakes

Why did Microsoft make such a decision? What are the considerations behind it?

According to industry analysts, Microsoft's request for the AI team to relocate to the United States this time is mainly due to two considerations.

From the perspective of global strategic layout, Microsoft has been committed to promoting the development and application of AI technology on a global scale.

As one of the world's centers of scientific and technological innovation, the United States has abundant human resources and an innovative environment. With this move, Microsoft hopes to further strengthen its leading position in the global AI space.

Secondly, from the perspective of employee well-being, Microsoft also takes into account the personal development and life needs of employees.

Although the relocation can cause some inconvenience and stress to employees, the company also provides corresponding solutions and support measures.

For example, solve visa problems, provide housing subsidies and other benefits to alleviate employees' worries.

This is undoubtedly a difficult choice for employees who are about to face the decision to relocate. They need to weigh the pros and cons in a short period of time and make decisions that are responsible for themselves and their families.

For those employees who choose to follow the company to the United States, they need to be well prepared and planned. First, it is necessary to understand the culture and lifestyle of the United States in order to better adapt to the new environment;

Second, it is necessary to pay attention to the adjustment of family members and education to ensure that the overall interests of the family are protected.

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