
"Watchmen" Felicity is leaving the Green Arrow crew!

author:The latest information on American dramas

"Watchmen" Felicity will leave the Green Arrow crew

Emily Bett Rickards recently announced on Ins that she would leave the cast after season seven of Green Arrow and no longer play "Watchmen" Felicity.

Deadline then reported on the incident, interviewing the executive producer of Green Arrow for this season, saying that he was honored to work with her, but also supporting her decision.

Sugar Brother said: (mainly unreliable guessing) Considering Emily's own Ins content, as well as the response of the producers of this season, it can be confirmed that the departure of "Watchmen" should be a decision made by Emily herself, but Sugar Brother has noticed a sentence in Emily Ins's dynamics, "And yes, canaries need more scenes", does this mean that the plot line of Season 8 will focus more on the long-deviated main line, that is, the "Arrow Sparrow" line? Give the official party a "perfect ending" before the end of the series?

"Watchmen" Felicity is leaving the Green Arrow crew!
"Watchmen" Felicity is leaving the Green Arrow crew!
"Watchmen" Felicity is leaving the Green Arrow crew!
"Watchmen" Felicity is leaving the Green Arrow crew!
"Watchmen" Felicity is leaving the Green Arrow crew!

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