
Deputy Mayor Peng's arrogance

author:Cold-eyed spring and autumn
Deputy Mayor Peng's arrogance

After looking at the avatar of Peng Congtao, the deputy town of Lanqiao Town, Lantian County, Shaanxi, I finally thoroughly understood what it meant to be "human-like and dog-like"!

Once upon a time, the phrase "Lantian is warm and jade is smoking" made people think of such a beautiful place, but unexpectedly, the first intimate contact with Lantian came from this deputy mayor named Peng Congtao.

Deputy Mayor Peng's arrogance

How big an official is the deputy mayor?

In fact, in the administrative system, the deputy mayor is the lowest official, the deputy section level, but Deputy Mayor Peng Congtao is still so much stronger than other deputy mayors, why? Because at the same time, he is also a member of the party committee and can enter the party committee, so in the party and government ranking of Lanqiao Town, it is definitely not the last, that is to say, although there are a large number of grassroots officials such as the party secretary and the mayor in front of Deputy Mayor Peng, there are also many officials in the back.

With so many grassroots cadres, what are the chances of becoming deputy mayors? Usually not more than 10%. I am accustomed to seeing too many grassroots cadres all their lives, and they are just ordinary staff members, and they can't go up at all, so that's it: they have worked hard all their lives, and they have been staff members for a lifetime. Therefore, Peng Congtao is very lucky.

Peng Congtao's luck comes from his higher background, higher starting point, or he chose a better track at the beginning: entered the Lantian County Organization Department.

According to information, Peng Congtao was the director of the Human Resources Office of the Organization Department of Lantian County before he became the deputy mayor of Lanqiao Town.

Browsing the website of the local government, there is also a report from 2020, Peng Congtao was previously the "Director of the Human Resources Office of the Organization Department of the Lantian County Party Committee". On August 1, 2023, his position was updated to become a member of the Party Committee and deputy mayor of Lanqiao Town. In other words, less than 10 months after Mayor Peng took office, he fell into the black vortex of knocking on the wife's door in the middle of the night!

Deputy Mayor Peng's arrogance

At the same time, according to the information on the local official website, Peng Congtao is a member of the Party Committee and deputy mayor of Lanqiao Town, in charge of united front, religion, development and reform, agriculture, water affairs, capital planning, housing and construction, rural revitalization, electricity, communications and other work. There are so many things in charge that you really have a lot of power.

After combing it out in this way, it can be seen that Deputy Mayor Peng is in power, has a wide range of responsibilities, many areas in charge, and lacks grassroots work experience, is complacent, emotionally inflated, and it is reasonable to plant a big fight!

Deputy Mayor Peng's arrogance

Review of the glorious incident of Deputy Mayor Peng:

According to the report man's description: "At half past eleven o'clock in the evening of April 26, my daughter-in-law suddenly received a call from Peng, deputy mayor of Lanqiao Town, Lantian County, Xi'an City, ordering her to go to KTV to sing. ”

The whistleblower demanded an apology, "You hurt me by doing this." In this regard, the source of the voice was marked: Peng, deputy mayor of Lanqiao Town, Lantian County, replied: "Do I apologize to you, isn't it", "Then why do you want to kill people?" ”

Deputy Mayor Peng's arrogance
Deputy Mayor Peng's arrogance

Of course, he will definitely not kill people, but Deputy Mayor Peng's career will also love and hate Youyou, and love will be difficult to collect in the depths, and the game is over!

To use an inappropriate analogy, Ximen Qing had a private meeting with Pan Jinlian in Qinghe County, and he had to take advantage of Wu Dalang's gap to sell cooking cakes! You, in the middle of the night, can't make an appointment on the phone, and dare to break into the door! Is the courage of the thief a little bigger, and is there any royal law? Lang Lang Qiankun, how can you allow a little deputy mayor to stir up the door and be presumptuous, confusing the public, and playing tricks! For such people who don't know the height of the sky, how can they be righteous, twist people's hearts, and conform to the will of the people?

Deputy Mayor Peng's arrogance

The sky is mad and there is rain, and the people are mad and woe.

When a person's morality is not worthy, and the honor and halo come too smoothly, he gets carried away, he doesn't know how many pounds and taels he has, he thinks that he is the first in the world, and the world is the biggest. The deputy mayor who looks like a dog, no matter how big his background is, he will be afraid that he will hit the gun.

Everyone has their own confidence, if you put aside an ordinary deputy mayor who has come up step by step from the bottom, he will know that the position is not easy to come by, and he will know that the opportunity is favored by all kinds to have this time to look back, how can he make such a rash and rash opportunity? It can only be said that Deputy Mayor Peng's expansion today is by no means overnight, there must be all kinds of precursors and clues, how can Deputy Mayor Peng, who has descended directly from the higher departments, understand the suffering of ordinary grassroots cadres?

"Yazhai is lying down and listening to Xiao Xiaozhu, which is suspected to be the voice of the people's suffering." I don't understand the hardships of grassroots cadres, I don't understand the hardships of the people, and I blindly play ruthlessly, such a deputy mayor really can't play!

Deputy Mayor Peng's arrogance

People are good at being bullied, Ma is good at being ridden, Deputy Mayor Peng asks his wife to sing on kTV in the middle of the night, how can his husband bear it? Even if a cowardly person is there, there is a time when he straightens his waist, even if he is like Wu Dalang and others, there is still a powerful Wu Song Wujiro who beats a tiger to death? How dare you have the courage to knock on someone's door in the middle of the night, and it is too much to ask other people's wives to sing at night, and it has exceeded the red line of human ethics. His husband is a man, even if he is incompetent, will there not be an outbreak? The puppet is angry, and the blood is flowing like a river, so that one of the deputy mayors of the town will capsize in the gutter, and it will be difficult to get ashore!

Due to his arrogance, the deputy mayor made mistakes again and again, missed a great opportunity to make up for the past, and finally the incident evolved into an irreparable situation.

Let's try to analyze, Deputy Mayor Peng made three mistakes; First, you shouldn't ask your wife to sing in the middle of the night; Second, you shouldn't knock on your wife's door late at night; Third, you shouldn't have a hard mouth and don't apologize to your husband!

If afterwards, when the wife and husband call and ask for an apology, give in, admit their mistakes, and meet men with a smile and enmity, and release their previous suspicions, maybe there will be no earth-shattering melons behind!

Deputy Mayor Peng's arrogance

Under the cover of "madness", Deputy Mayor Peng's IQ is not online, he lacks the ability to grasp the situation, and he can't see through how far the incident will develop, so he puts himself on the stove to roast.

Getting out of class early and going home to sell sweet potatoes may be the best choice for Deputy Mayor Peng!

The forest is big, there are all kinds of birds, Deputy Mayor Peng has gone through this battle, if he can learn to be obedient, it is a good thing not to pick it up! But it can't be flat, so cowardly, since they are all mixed with the deputy mayor, how can they be bold and troublesome, but they don't have the ability to do it? What a surprise!

Shoot yourself in the foot, you deserve it!