
Today (May 16, 2024)

author:Wen County today
Today (May 16, 2024)

May 16, 2024

Today (May 16, 2024)

Rumors that Zhengzhou's landmark building "Big Corn" building was blown crooked by strong winds?

Today (May 16, 2024)

Truth: Recently, some netizens posted a video saying that Qianxi Square (commonly known as the "Big Corn" Building), the core landmark building of the CBD in Zhengdong New District, Zhengzhou, was tilted by strong winds, which attracted widespread attention. In response, the property owner of Qianxi Plaza responded that the news was purely a rumor, and the "Big Corn" building was not tilted due to the impact of the wind. Construction experts say that when strong winds hit, people living in some buildings with higher floors may feel a slight shaking, which is normal, and strong winds will not cause damage to the structure of buildings that meet the standards. (Source: Elephant News)

Today (May 16, 2024)

Myth: You can't eat trans fatty acids in one bite?

Truth: Trans fatty acids are an unsaturated fatty acid. Existing research suggests that the main harm of trans fatty acids is that they significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, as they can increase blood levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL, commonly known as "bad cholesterol") while decreasing high-density lipoprotein (HDL, commonly known as "good cholesterol") levels, leading to an increased risk of arteriosclerosis and heart attack. So, is it true that trans fatty acids can't be eaten in one bite?

In fact, whether trans fatty acids are harmful to our health depends on how much we eat. At present, the dietary guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO), China, the United States and other countries all recommend that the energy supply ratio of trans fats should be less than 1%, which is equivalent to eating about 2.2 grams of trans fats for an adult who needs to consume 8400 kilojoules of energy per day. According to mainland survey data, the average daily trans fat eaten by Chinese is 0.39 grams, which is equivalent to an energy supply ratio of 0.16%, far lower than the WHO's recommended value (less than 1%). Therefore, as long as you do not consume a large amount of foods containing trans fatty acids, the health risk is very low, and you do not need to panic too much about trans fats. (Source: "Popular Science China" WeChat public account)

Today (May 16, 2024)

Mention a loss of 224 million yuan! Be wary of these types of investment scams

Details: Recently, the Lanzhou police in Gansu Province cracked a particularly large illegal futures case, and the suspect committed fraud in the name of futures trading, which is very concealed and confusing. Most of the victims in this case are enthusiasts who usually engage in stock and futures investment. Before investors enter the illegal trading platform, the suspect sets up layers of traps and tricks them into increasing their investment. The case resulted in a loss of 224 million yuan for more than 3,300 investors.

Trap 1: Use the common trick of fraud to "attract fans and drain traffic".

The gang has cooperated with some platform promotion companies to attract investors to enter the game, which is known in the industry as "attracting fans and draining traffic", and the modus operandi is very similar to the previous crimes of telecom network fraud in recent years. The suspect attracted investment enthusiasts into the mobile phone live broadcast room, pretending to be a "stock recommendation teacher" to analyze the stock market and futures market trends, and gradually promote their own fake futures products, while the team water army interacted and liked them in the live broadcast room. The "stock recommendation teacher" will share false profit charts to further lure victims into fake futures stocks and crude oil analysis groups.

Trap 2: Malicious shouting orders to induce investors to trigger the liquidation line.

After gaining trust, the investment "mentors" in the fraud gang will maliciously call out orders, luring victims to trade frequently and make irrational investments. Investors who have huge losses in a short period of time will be forced to liquidate, and some victims "invest in the morning and be liquidated in the afternoon".

Forced liquidation is a technical term in the futures market, and one of the circumstances that triggers forced liquidation is that the client's trading margin is insufficient and is not replenished within the specified time.

Trap 3: Set high handling fees and extension fees.

Although the platform claims that the handling fee is 8/10,000, it is actually charged on the basis of 20 times the principal, so that a high handling fee of 320/10,000 will be deducted for each transaction in and out. In addition, in order to force investors to trade fast in and out frequently, the platform has also set a high extension fee, which is charged at 1/10,000 when not trading.

Anti-fraud experts of the Gansu Branch of the People's Bank of China reminded investors to enhance their awareness of self-protection and investment risks, and stay away from illegal futures investment activities. In the face of the "products" and usurious temptations promoted by unknown institutions and personnel, it is necessary to make rational research and judgment, not to believe in the dream of "lying and earning", and not to leave opportunities for criminals. (Source: "Xinhua Viewpoint" WeChat public account)