
Pay close attention to the safety of gas-using places and continue to carry out special rectification work on gas safety

author:Nujiang Fire Fighting

In order to further prevent gas safety risks and effectively prevent and curb gas accidents, the Nujiang Prefecture Fire and Rescue Detachment adheres to the problem-oriented, strengthens bottom-line thinking, earnestly does a good job in the fire safety management of gas-using sites in the state, and continues to carry out special rectification work on gas safety.

Pay close attention to the safety of gas-using places and continue to carry out special rectification work on gas safety

Joint law enforcement and strict investigation of hidden dangers. Cooperate with public security, transportation, commerce, market supervision and management departments to strengthen the safety supervision of gas filling, transportation, use and other links, and form a joint management of the investigation and rectification work mechanism. At the same time, through the combination of "day inspection" and "night inspection", we will continue to strengthen the investigation and rectification of special gas hidden dangers in catering establishments and night markets along the street, so as to achieve full coverage and no dead ends, and resolutely eliminate all kinds of risks and hidden dangers to ensure the safety of people's lives and property to the greatest extent.

Pay close attention to the safety of gas-using places and continue to carry out special rectification work on gas safety
Pay close attention to the safety of gas-using places and continue to carry out special rectification work on gas safety

Familiarize yourself with the drill and take precautions in advance. Combined with the actual situation of the jurisdiction, organize fire rescue personnel to go deep into key places such as gas production and operation and the surrounding areas to carry out thorough research and "six familiarization" drills, and revise and improve the emergency rescue plan. At the same time, it took the initiative to strengthen the joint logistics linkage with the emergency, housing and construction, gas and other departments, established and improved the working mechanism for the disposal of gas rescue accidents, revised and improved the plan, refined the composition of combat forces, and carried out fire fighting and rescue drills for all elements and processes such as gas leakage accidents, on-site alarm and emergency treatment, vigilance and evacuation, emergency rescue, on-site disposal and after-treatment, etc., effectively improving the team's coordination and combat capabilities.

Pay close attention to the safety of gas-using places and continue to carry out special rectification work on gas safety
Pay close attention to the safety of gas-using places and continue to carry out special rectification work on gas safety

Create an atmosphere and promote it vigorously. The detachment continues to broaden the ideas of propaganda work, combined with the "Work Plan for Deepening the Joint Logistics of Prevention and Elimination to Carry out Patriotic Inspection Services", makes full use of the power of the community grid, mobilizes a team of volunteers, and cooperates with the maintenance personnel of the gas company to go into the community, residents' homes and stores along the street to carry out gas safety science popularization activities. Attaches great importance to gas safety work, reminds residents and families to do a good job of "three clearances, three customs and two norms", regularly conduct self-inspection and self-inspection of gas equipment, and resolutely eliminate potential accidents in the bud.

Pay close attention to the safety of gas-using places and continue to carry out special rectification work on gas safety

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