
The Philippines' "100 ships going to sea" cowhide was blown up, and before it touched the edge of Scarborough Shoal, it was blocked out

author:Look at current affairs

#头条创作挑战赛##大举碰瓷黄岩岛 Who does the Philippines show to ##菲渔船载200名平民赴黄岩岛 "touch porcelain" #

The Philippines' "100 ships going to sea" cowhide was blown up, and before it touched the edge of Scarborough Shoal, it was blocked out

Text/Zhan Hai

Recently, the Philippines has been "jumping up and down" in the surrounding waters such as Scarborough Shoal and Ren'ai Jiao, and has been sending official or civilian vessels to try to "touch porcelain". Due to the tight defense of the Chinese coast guard, none of the Philippine attempts have succeeded. Just a few days ago, according to a report by, a so-called "non-governmental organization" in the Philippines announced that it would "raid Scarborough Shoal with 100 ships" and hold a so-called "regatta" on Scarborough Shoal, which was full of provocation.

The Philippines' "100 ships going to sea" cowhide was blown up, and before it touched the edge of Scarborough Shoal, it was blocked out

(It is impossible for these small Philippine boats to sail to the waters around Scarborough Shoal.)

According to reports, this so-called non-governmental organization is called "Atin Ito Alliance", and the so-called "100 boats go to sea" of its organization only found out after the departure time that the so-called "100 boats" are mostly some small inshore fishing boats called "crab boats", which are similar in appearance to hard-shell assault boats, and will build a simple shed on the hull in order to shade the sun, and in order to improve wave resistance, two simple pontoons will be made, stretching out on both sides of the hull, and connected to the hull with bamboo poles or plastic water pipes. Because the protruding pontoon holder resembles a crab, hence the name.

The Philippines' "100 ships going to sea" cowhide was blown up, and before it touched the edge of Scarborough Shoal, it was blocked out

(The black boat in the lower left corner is an official vessel belonging to the Philippine Fisheries Agency)

Scarborough Shoal is more than 200 kilometers from the Philippine mainland, and these small fishing boats drove to a position about 20 nautical miles from the Philippine coast, dropped the buoy with the slogan written on it, and received the "condolences" and went home. Only five relatively large fishing boats, loaded with 200 fishermen and Western journalists, continued to sail to the waters off Scarborough Shoal to provoke.

The Philippines' "100 ships going to sea" cowhide was blown up, and before it touched the edge of Scarborough Shoal, it was blocked out

(The slightly larger fishing boat has not yet come close to Scarborough Shoal and has been intercepted by the China Coast Guard.)

Philippine officials have also made full preparations, not only sending two coast guard planes close to Scarborough Shoal, but also sending a number of coast guard ships and official vessels. What the Philippine side did not expect was that our side had already made arrangements in advance. According to reports, the Chinese coast guard has deployed four coast guard vessels around Scarborough Shoal. In addition, there are many patriotic fishermen who have driven dozens of fishing boats to the vicinity of Scarborough Shoal, ready to help the Chinese coast guard stop Philippine boats. Filipino fishermen said on social media that they were still a few dozen nautical miles from Scarborough Shoal before they spotted a Chinese coast guard vessel.

The Philippines' "100 ships going to sea" cowhide was blown up, and before it touched the edge of Scarborough Shoal, it was blocked out

(052D Yinchuan ship)

As a result, the situation on that day completely disappointed those who were expecting to see the "100 ships storm Scarborough Shoal", and the cowhide of this Philippine organization was completely blown away, and the Philippine ships on the scene not only did not have a numerical advantage, but also a tonnage advantage. What scared the Philippines even more was that the Chinese Navy's missile destroyers and frigates also appeared at the scene. A Philippine Coast Guard aircraft received a radio evacuation warning from the Chinese Navy's 175 Yinchuan ship as it approached Scarborough Shoal, and the plane also photographed a Type 056 frigate while filming the sea situation.

The Philippines' "100 ships going to sea" cowhide was blown up, and before it touched the edge of Scarborough Shoal, it was blocked out

(Chinese Navy 056 corvette photographed by the Philippine side)

Seeing that our side was well prepared this time, the Philippine ships had no chance to take advantage of it. Judging from the footage at the scene, the Philippine side knew that these big ships had no chance to get close to Scarborough Shoal, so they released several small speedboats in an attempt to use their small hulls and flexible positioning to bypass the Chinese coast guard ships. However, we were prepared for a long time, and we also released a small law enforcement speedboat to accurately intercept the Philippine speedboat outside Scarborough Shoal through a series of predicted routes and movements.

The Philippines' "100 ships going to sea" cowhide was blown up, and before it touched the edge of Scarborough Shoal, it was blocked out

(The Philippine speedboat in the lower left tried to break in and was intercepted by our speedboat)

Judging from the overall situation, the Philippines' "fanfare" attempt to illegally invade China's Scarborough Shoal has been declared a failure, and it does not even have a chance to get close to Scarborough Shoal. It can also be seen from the footage at the scene that the Chinese coast guard still maintained sufficient restraint this time, and the Philippine civilian ships could not withstand the impact of the high-pressure water cannons on the ships of our coast guard, and for humanitarian reasons, our side did not use water cannons on these ships. Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs has once again told the Marcos administration that if the Philippines insists on "abusing our goodwill," then our countermeasures will follow. At that time, the Filipinos may suffer a painful lesson.