
3 Internet celebrities who were "played" by capital: hard, tired, and in the end owed the company tens of millions

author:Entertaining jokes

Edit: Entertainment Jokes


In today's digital age, influencers have become the rising stars of the entertainment industry, and with their unique charm, creativity or talent, they have quickly made a name for themselves in the online world and attracted countless fans.

3 Internet celebrities who were "played" by capital: hard, tired, and in the end owed the company tens of millions

With the rapid development of the Internet celebrity industry, the capital manipulation behind it has gradually surfaced, and people can't help but think: Are these seemingly glamorous Internet celebrities really as free and independent as they show?

Driven by capital, the Internet celebrity industry has gradually formed a set of mature business models, from mining, cultivation to packaging and promotion, every link is full of the shadow of capital.

3 Internet celebrities who were "played" by capital: hard, tired, and in the end owed the company tens of millions

In such an environment, it is often difficult for Internet celebrities to maintain their original intention and independence, and they are coerced by the power of capital and become pawns under the manipulation of capital.

An internet celebrity who is manipulated by a company

In the world of Internet celebrities, there are too many cases of being manipulated by capital, among which Haiyang's story is a typical example.

Hai Yang, an ordinary rural guy, became popular on the Internet because he shot some short videos of life, his videos are real, simple, and deeply loved by the audience.

3 Internet celebrities who were "played" by capital: hard, tired, and in the end owed the company tens of millions

After he became popular, he was approached by a media company promising to provide him with better living conditions and development opportunities.

Haiyang was impressed by the company's commitment and signed the contract without hesitation, but things did not go as smoothly as Haiyang imagined.

After joining the company, he found himself being exploited, and the company not only took most of his earnings, but also let him shoot some videos that he didn't like.

3 Internet celebrities who were "played" by capital: hard, tired, and in the end owed the company tens of millions

Haiyang wanted to terminate the contract, but the company proposed a high termination fee, which put him in a predicament.

Li Ziqi, an Internet celebrity with the theme of pastoral life, quickly became popular on the Internet with his exquisite pictures and unique perspective.

Her videos are poetic and zen-like, making people feel like they're in a paradise.

3 Internet celebrities who were "played" by capital: hard, tired, and in the end owed the company tens of millions

Under the control of capital, Li Ziqi also encountered difficulties, and her cooperation with the company had problems, and she was finally forced to terminate the cooperation.

Although she is still active on the Internet, she is no longer the free and easy pastoral girl.

The convention of capital cutting leeks

In the Internet celebrity industry, the behavior of capital cutting leeks has long been common, and when an Internet celebrity becomes popular, capital will quickly pour in and put it on the altar through various means.

3 Internet celebrities who were "played" by capital: hard, tired, and in the end owed the company tens of millions

When the popularity of this influencer gradually fades, capital will ruthlessly abandon it to find the next target.

The story of the prodigal fairy and the wandering floc is a microcosm of the capital cutting leeks.

Lang Gaixian, an Internet celebrity who features men and women, quickly became popular on the Internet with his humorous performances and unique style.

3 Internet celebrities who were "played" by capital: hard, tired, and in the end owed the company tens of millions

After he became popular, the capital behind him began their leek cutting operation.

Not only did they take most of the prodigal fairy's income, but they also asked him to shoot some vulgar and vulgar videos to attract attention.

The prodigal fairy chose to leave because he was overwhelmed, and You Su was the exposer of this leek cutting operation.

She used to be one of the team members of the Lang Gas, but chose to leave because she was dissatisfied with the company's practices.

3 Internet celebrities who were "played" by capital: hard, tired, and in the end owed the company tens of millions

After leaving, she revealed some of the company's insider and the truth behind the scenes.

Her revelation has attracted widespread attention from netizens, and it has also made people think about the true face of the Internet celebrity industry.

In the revelation of Youxu, we can see how capital manipulates Internet celebrities.

They put influencers on the altar by signing, packaging, promotion, and other means, and then use their fame to make huge profits.

3 Internet celebrities who were "played" by capital: hard, tired, and in the end owed the company tens of millions

When the popularity of influencers fades, they mercilessly abandon them in search of their next target.

This approach not only makes influencers feel cold and hopeless, but also fills the entire industry with an unhealthy competitive atmosphere.

In-depth analysis: the capital game behind the Internet celebrity industry

As we continue to dig deeper into the capital game behind the influencer industry, we will find that this is not just a simple story of money and fame, it is a complex web of power, control and sacrifice.

3 Internet celebrities who were "played" by capital: hard, tired, and in the end owed the company tens of millions

In this network, Internet celebrities are often the most easily overlooked, they are shaped, packaged, and pushed to the market by capital, and become a tool to attract traffic.

Their success and failure are often determined not by their own talents and efforts, but by the interests and strategies of capital.

This kind of passivity and helplessness makes many Internet celebrities suffer huge psychological pressure and life pressure behind the glamorous and glamorous.

3 Internet celebrities who were "played" by capital: hard, tired, and in the end owed the company tens of millions

The power of capital is huge, it has endless desires and ambitions, and in the Internet celebrity industry, capital continues to expand its sphere of influence through signing, investment, mergers and acquisitions and other means.

They take advantage of the popularity and influence of influencers to carry out various business activities and earn huge profits.

Such profits are often not based on fairness and justice, but on exploitation and oppression.

3 Internet celebrities who were "played" by capital: hard, tired, and in the end owed the company tens of millions

Taking Lang Gaixian and You Su as examples, we can see how capital suppresses and exploits Internet celebrities by controlling information, manipulating public opinion, and using the law.

Although the revelation of You Su allows us to see the truth behind it, it also allows us to see the insignificance and helplessness of Internet celebrities in front of capital.

This situation makes people think: do we really need such an influencer industry? Do we really need such capital manipulation?

3 Internet celebrities who were "played" by capital: hard, tired, and in the end owed the company tens of millions

The influencer industry itself is a creative and dynamic industry, which provides a platform for people to showcase their talents and charm, and also brings many positive impacts to society.

When the power of capital is excessively involved, the industry loses its authenticity and purity, and becomes utilitarian and impetuous.

This will not only harm the interests of influencers, but also have a negative impact on society as a whole.

3 Internet celebrities who were "played" by capital: hard, tired, and in the end owed the company tens of millions


We need to carry out in-depth reflection and reform of the influencer industry.

We need to build a more fair, transparent, and healthy competitive environment, so that influencers can showcase their talents and charisma on a free and equal basis.

We also need to strengthen the supervision and restraint of capital to prevent them from overly intervening and manipulating the influencer industry, and the media and the public also play an important role in this process.

3 Internet celebrities who were "played" by capital: hard, tired, and in the end owed the company tens of millions

It is necessary to strengthen the reporting and commentary on the Internet celebrity industry, reveal the truth and problems in it, and guide the public to form correct values and cognition.

The public should also remain rational and independent thinking, not blindly pursuing influencers and traffic, but focusing on truly valuable content and creators.

What I want to say is that the influencer industry should not become a playground for capital, but an industry full of creativity and vitality.

3 Internet celebrities who were "played" by capital: hard, tired, and in the end owed the company tens of millions

Let's work together to build a better online world!

Dear readers, through this article, it is not difficult for us to discover the complexities and contradictions behind the influencer industry.

So, what do you think about the influencer industry and capital manipulation? How do you think the industry should be reformed and improved? Feel free to leave a message in the comment section to share your views and ideas, and let's explore this topic together!

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