
"Drugged", "sexually assaulted minors"! He was accused by 16 women!


Ha? He also ......

"Drugged", "sexually assaulted minors"! He was accused by 16 women!

Early this morning, foreign media broke a shocking news: the famous magician David Copperfield (David Copperfield) was accused of sexual inappropriate behavior by 16 women, more than half of whom said they were minors at the time of the incident, and 3 women claimed that he drugged them before having sex......

"Drugged", "sexually assaulted minors"! He was accused by 16 women!

As soon as this news came out, it immediately made headlines in major foreign media, and the extent of the explosion can be seen:

"Drugged", "sexually assaulted minors"! He was accused by 16 women!
"Drugged", "sexually assaulted minors"! He was accused by 16 women!
"Drugged", "sexually assaulted minors"! He was accused by 16 women!

Born in 1956, David is 67 years old, he is known as the world's most well-known and highest-paid magician, and the most shocking version of the famous "human body cutting" - the cutting magician himself, is his interpretation.

"Drugged", "sexually assaulted minors"! He was accused by 16 women!

Known for his magic spells with a combination of storytelling and illusion, a career spanning more than 40 years has earned him 11 Guinness World Records, 38 Emmy nominations for his TV show, and 21 Emmys. The Library of Congress described him as a "living legend."

"Drugged", "sexually assaulted minors"! He was accused by 16 women!

Now understand why this news came out so shockingly.

However, no matter how outstanding the talent and high the achievement, if you really do something that violates the law, it should not be covered up......

"Drugged", "sexually assaulted minors"! He was accused by 16 women!

According to reports, these acts occurred between the late 80s and 2014 of the 20th century -

A woman who goes by the pseudonym "Carla" told that in 1991, when she was not yet 16 years old, she met David at a magic show, after which he often called her late at night, gave her gifts and tickets to the show, and even sent her a note that said, "I will be back in two years."

"Drugged", "sexually assaulted minors"! He was accused by 16 women!

At the age of 17, David made her do unspeakable things; At the age of 18, they officially had sex......

Carla only later realizes that she has been "brainwashed" by him, and although she was "voluntary" at the time, there was a "huge power and financial imbalance" between them.

"If he wasn't going to assault me when I turned 18," she said, "why did he keep contacting me all these years? ”

"Drugged", "sexually assaulted minors"! He was accused by 16 women!

Another woman, who goes by the pseudonym "Lily," said that when she was still in high school, she went to see David's performance with her father and sister. During this time, David chose her to go on stage, and then stroked her breasts on stage in front of her family. According to her family, they who were sitting in the front row at the time were stunned to see this scene.

Lily says it's been a nightmare for her for years, and that she always dreams that David is doing magic on her......

"Drugged", "sexually assaulted minors"! He was accused by 16 women!

In addition, Brittney Lewis accused David of sexual assault after drugging her in 1988. According to her description, at the time, at the age of 17, she participated in a modeling contest in Japan, and David was the judge of the competition, and after getting acquainted, Britney's nightmare began......

In 2018, Britney accused David, but he vehemently denied it at the time.

"Drugged", "sexually assaulted minors"! He was accused by 16 women!

Britney Lewis

Another woman who goes by the pseudonym "Gillian" told the media that she had a similar experience. In 1993, Gillian met David at a show, after which she agreed to meet him for a drink, but what happened next she didn't expect: she and one of her friends were drugged by David, and then he had sex with them when they couldn't consent......

"Drugged", "sexually assaulted minors"! He was accused by 16 women!

In fact, this is not the first time David has been charged with sex crimes:

In addition to the accusations made by Britney Lewis in 2018, back in 2007, David was accused of sexual assault by a woman named Lacey Carroll, although after a 2-year investigation, the FBI dropped the charge without giving any explanation......

As before, after being collectively charged by 16 women this time, David's lawyer also came forward to deny the claims, insisting that he had never done misconduct against anyone, let alone minors......

"Drugged", "sexually assaulted minors"! He was accused by 16 women!

But for this response, many netizens questioned:

"Drugged", "sexually assaulted minors"! He was accused by 16 women!

He always made a creepy impression on me.

"Drugged", "sexually assaulted minors"! He was accused by 16 women!

Again? Probably true

"Drugged", "sexually assaulted minors"! He was accused by 16 women!

When there are more than 5 people who say the same thing, it is usually true.

However, there are also those who believe that there may be some interests behind this:

"Drugged", "sexually assaulted minors"! He was accused by 16 women!

I wonder if he would have been charged if he hadn't been rich and famous? ……

What the hell is the truth, let the bullets fly for a while......

"Drugged", "sexually assaulted minors"! He was accused by 16 women!