
CCTV's large-scale non-water-filled drama involves a social forbidden area, and it was able to be released back then, burning high incense

author:Magical Workshop

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CCTV's large-scale non-water-filled drama involves a social forbidden area, and it was able to be released back then, burning high incense

In 2006, a widely acclaimed costume comedy, "Wulin Gaiden" lit up CCTV's prime-time screen like a dawn, and immediately set off a wave of heated discussions among the audience.

The success of this TV series is inseparable from a very intelligent screenwriter - Ning Caishen, who created this immortal artistic chapter This wise man born in 1976 was deeply immersed in the charm of Jin Yong's martial arts novels as a child, and also has a unique understanding of Wang Shuo's literary style.

When he was 15 years old, he stepped onto the university campus with great enthusiasm and was once full of interest in finance. However, life is not always smooth sailing, and Ning Caishen's career has experienced countless twists and tribulations, and even suffered a heavy blow from the company's bankruptcy.

This period of challenging but tenacious years made Ning Caishen deeply resonate with the confusion and confusion of adolescence, and he began to write novels and reviews on the Tianya Forum, expressing his inner world with humorous and lively Internet language, and pinning his youthful dreams on it.

CCTV's large-scale non-water-filled drama involves a social forbidden area, and it was able to be released back then, burning high incense

After joining the CCTV screenwriting team, he worked hand in hand with director Shang Jing to bravely break the tradition and cross taboos when creating "Wulin Gaiden". The script incorporates a large number of Internet buzzwords, skillfully integrating martial arts elements and comedy elements, and the audience can also experience a profound satire of real society in laughter.

The reason why Ning Caishen can make such bold innovations is precisely because of his rich life experience and unique creative background.

From an unknown poor young man to a famous screenwriter who has attracted much attention, Ning Caishen's life has experienced countless baptisms of wind and rain. The ups and downs of life and the ups and downs of experience have shaped his in-depth insight into the psyche of modern young people, resulting in trend-setting classics.

Because of this, the legendary life course of the creator Ning Caishen made "Wulin Gaiden", a divine drama known as "the scale of the big open", shine in the prime time of 2006, shocked the CCTV screen, and became a precious memory shared by a generation of young people.

CCTV's large-scale non-water-filled drama involves a social forbidden area, and it was able to be released back then, burning high incense

The starting point of Ning Caishen's life is not conspicuous, and it can even be said to be full of ups and downs. As a typical post-70s generation, he has had a deep love for Jin Yong's martial arts novels since he was a child, and has an innate passion for writing creation.

At the age of 15, Ning Caishen entered the university campus with great interest and chose to major in finance, with the ambition of conquering the world.

Who would have thought that this seemingly logical career choice would bring endless troubles to his life. After graduating from graduate school, Ning Caishen devoted himself to the financial industry with enthusiasm, but unfortunately hit a wall after the company's bankruptcy, which made his future career instantly fall into the abyss of confusion and hesitation.

In these difficult years, which tasted the bitterness of the trough of life, Ning Caishen had a new understanding and deep understanding of the confusion, doubts and helplessness of youth.

CCTV's large-scale non-water-filled drama involves a social forbidden area, and it was able to be released back then, burning high incense

Therefore, he decided to try his hand at the Tianya Forum, using unique and humorous language to describe his inner thoughts, presenting the troubles and confusions experienced by contemporary young people, and at the same time placing his ardent hopes for ideals and pursuits.

As a post-70s youth from a poor family, Ning Caishen has a unique understanding and feeling of the life dilemmas faced by his peers. Whether they are in school, in the workplace, or in their daily lives, they face countless challenges and difficulties.

Under the pressure of reality, their future seems confused, and they are full of endless yearning and longing for a better youth, and Ning Caishen vividly shows these pains and longings experienced by himself through words, which deeply resonates with contemporary young people.

Ning Caishen did not succeed overnight, but after countless setbacks and tribulations, he rose to prominence on the Tianya Forum, and finally joined CCTV's screenwriting team.

CCTV's large-scale non-water-filled drama involves a social forbidden area, and it was able to be released back then, burning high incense

Over the years, his unremitting efforts and perseverance have not only enabled him to realize his personal value, but more importantly, to win the hearts and minds of the audience, and to soothe the youthful confusion of a generation with words.

An outstanding film and television drama not only needs talented screenwriters, but also the superb performances of excellent actors. However, in the work "Wulin Gaiden", which is known as a "large-scale drama", the main creative team has experienced many difficulties and twists and turns in the casting process.

The heroine Yao Chen once almost missed the crew. Screenwriter Ning Caishen initially had reservations about her playing the role of Guo Furong, believing that Yao Chen's personality was too rebellious and far from his image of a charming girl.

Yao Chen once felt hopeless, and even had the idea of quitting, but fortunately, director Shang Jing came forward to conduct a sincere and powerful analysis, and finally succeeded in convincing Ning Caishen to give Yao Chen a chance to reshape the role.

CCTV's large-scale non-water-filled drama involves a social forbidden area, and it was able to be released back then, burning high incense

In this way, Yao Chen completely changed the crew's initial impression of her with her excellent acting skills, and finally joined smoothly.

However, one of the most remarkable stories is Yan Ni's life journey. At first, she was full of love for serious art and was determined to devote herself to the road of literary films, and was full of expectations for her future career planning.

However, fate took a turn under the "temptation" of director Shang Jing, and she finally chose to join this costume comedy full of witty and humorous style, Shang Jing's words made Yan Ni deeply confused and confused about her career, so she decided to join the crew.

Sha Yi's experience is also full of ups and downs. After graduating from university, he had to work in agriculture and live in a modest house, but his long hours of hard work did not pay off, and his life was in dire straits.

CCTV's large-scale non-water-filled drama involves a social forbidden area, and it was able to be released back then, burning high incense

However, the god of luck did not give up on him, and by chance, Sha Yi received an interview invitation from the crew, which allowed him to rekindle his passion and pursuit of acting After years of hard work, he finally found a dream worth sticking to.

Behind every actor who participates in the crew, there are countless setbacks and bitterness. They may be questioned by the screenwriter, or face inner struggles and contradictions, and may even be at a low point in their lives for a long time.

However, with their firm belief in their dreams, they have successfully achieved this unremitting pursuit and persistence in "Wulin Gaiden", which is an important reason why this masterpiece can shine.

Although "Wulin Gaiden" is ostensibly a purely witty and humorous costume comedy, screenwriter Ning Caishen skillfully incorporated many elements of contemporary realism into the creative process.

CCTV's large-scale non-water-filled drama involves a social forbidden area, and it was able to be released back then, burning high incense

In the laughter, the audience can not only feel the profound irony of the current social situation, but also trigger reflection on their own lives.

A classic line in the film - "Buying a house is everyone's dream" vividly shows the endless desire of ordinary people to buy a house, but the high housing prices make this dream unattainable.

The rapid rise of the property market and the pressure of life brought about by inflation have become the last straw that crushes countless ordinary people.

Although the film is set in ancient times, the shadow of modern society is reflected everywhere. The soaring prices have caused people's purchasing power to drop dramatically, and meager incomes have been ruthlessly eaten up by the growing cost of living.

CCTV's large-scale non-water-filled drama involves a social forbidden area, and it was able to be released back then, burning high incense

In this work, screenwriter Ning Caishen bravely reveals the heavy burden of life brought to ordinary people by the problems of the times such as inflation and high prices.

However, Ning Caishen was not satisfied with this, he chose a unique way of expression full of humor and humor! He uses unique narrative techniques to depict these realistic stories in simple terms, and at the same time, combined with exaggerated funny dramatic effects, through the advancement of the plot that makes people laugh, leading the audience to fall into deep thinking in the laughter.

This kind of mocking and banter is undoubtedly unprecedented and innovative, however, Ning Caishen's deeper desire is to spread a positive outlook on life and values to the world through "Wulin Gaiden" - in the face of various difficulties in life, we should maintain an optimistic and open-minded attitude, use humor to defuse pressure, rather than stagnation or self-depravity.

Only in this way can our lives be picturesque and full of surprises at every step.

CCTV's large-scale non-water-filled drama involves a social forbidden area, and it was able to be released back then, burning high incense

A costume comedy drama series that boldly challenges the scale and is full of "spoof" elements has successfully landed on CCTV's prime time, which is undoubtedly an unprecedented brave attempt, which has naturally aroused widespread attention and heated debate from all walks of life.

Conservatives are unhappy about this. They believe that "Wulin Gaiden" overemphasizes comical and funny, and the plot is absurd, which may mislead young audiences and form a wrong value orientation.

They are even more worried that if the audience mistakes the fictional plot for reality and imitates the words and deeds of the characters in the play, it will bring unforeseen serious consequences.

However, there are also some sensible and open opinions that firmly support the broadcast of this drama. They praised the screenwriter for daring to use Internet buzzwords to create scripts, and the clever integration of Internet vocabulary with traditional martial arts elements is sure to attract the attention of young audiences.

CCTV's large-scale non-water-filled drama involves a social forbidden area, and it was able to be released back then, burning high incense

More importantly, the show has opened up a new path for the development of domestic TV dramas, and innovative thinking breaks the convention, which should be fully recognized.

After many mediations and communication, CCTV finally included "Wulin Gaiden" in the prime-time broadcast repertoire based on its high entertainment value and novel and unique creativity.

This decision actually opened a new chapter in the history of the development of Chinese TV dramas, and became a pioneering work that led the trend of the costume comedy genre.

As soon as the show was broadcast, it quickly set off a frenzy among audiences across the country and received rave reviews. Countless netizens were impressed by its unique satirical techniques and profound reflections on the times.

CCTV's large-scale non-water-filled drama involves a social forbidden area, and it was able to be released back then, burning high incense

The influence of this work cannot be ignored, it has become a model for follow-up works to imitate and learn, and it is also the first work to create a new classic genre, which has smeared a strong brilliance on the history of the development of Chinese film and television dramas! It is especially worth noting that before they came to prominence, every screenwriter we are familiar with, such as Ning Caishen, actors such as Sha Yi, Yan Ni, Yao Chen, etc., was actually so humble and simple, and even encountered the wind, frost, rain, snow, ups and downs in life.

They expounded the true meaning of life with their personal experience, "how to get the fragrance of plum blossoms without going through a cold bone".

Ning Caishen's creative career was not all smooth sailing, he was hit hard by the bankruptcy of a company in the financial field, and his life was once thrown into confusion and confusion. However, it was this arduous period that gave him a deeper understanding of the troubles and pursuits of contemporary young people.

He rose to prominence at the Tianya Forum and eventually joined CCTV's screenwriting team, despite the ups and downs of the road.

CCTV's large-scale non-water-filled drama involves a social forbidden area, and it was able to be released back then, burning high incense

After graduating from university, Sha Yi was trapped in a cramped rental house for a long time, living a decadent life, full of despair and loss for the future. Yan Ni originally planned to devote herself to the creation of literary films, but she was "tempted" to join the comedy crew and experienced a fierce struggle in her heart.

Even Yao Chen, a high-profile actress today, was almost recommended by screenwriter Ning Caishen to replace the role during the casting process of "Wulin Gaiden".

Behind everyone's success, there are countless hard work and unremitting efforts. Even the stars who are now famous have experienced obscurity and hardship in the early stages of their careers.

From poverty to the pinnacle of life, with steadfast perseverance and indomitable spirit, they have overcome countless difficulties and challenges along the way.

CCTV's large-scale non-water-filled drama involves a social forbidden area, and it was able to be released back then, burning high incense

Andy Lau worked as a shampoo in a beauty salon when he was young; Stephen Chow relies on stalls to support his family; Jet Li completed an unprecedented and difficult competitive performance, and even caused serious injuries to both knees and tibia...... Success is not accidental, but they are forged step by step with great courage and perseverance.

From the screenwriter of Ning Caishen to the actors of "Wulin Gaiden", everyone's struggle has revealed a common truth: although the road of fate is tortuous and winding, as long as you have dreams in your heart and move forward bravely, you will definitely be able to reach the other side of life and bloom with dazzling brilliance.