
What's the scariest moment you've ever had in the military? After reading the sharing of netizens, I was sweating!

author:Jungle Resort

In those years of life, the military career was definitely the most special and unforgettable

It not only makes you feel tired and bitter, but also makes you feel challenged, tested, and grown

But then again, there were also terrifying moments in those days that made people weak and sweaty, which people will never forget

I took a look at the sharing of those comrades-in-arms on the Internet, and it was really an eye-opener for me

What's the scariest moment you've ever had in the military? After reading the sharing of netizens, I was sweating!

The owl of about a meter [stunned] I was stunned just by reading the words

What's the scariest moment you've ever had in the military? After reading the sharing of netizens, I was sweating!

Company Commander: I wish it was a ghost who called me [awkward laugh]

What's the scariest moment you've ever had in the military? After reading the sharing of netizens, I was sweating!

Four noes and two straights: cadres go down to the grassroots level, do not greet them, do not send notices, do not accompany receptions, do not listen to reports, go straight to the grassroots level, and go straight to the scene

What's the scariest moment you've ever had in the military? After reading the sharing of netizens, I was sweating!

Is it possible that your battalion commander was also forced, thinking like this is more terrifying [Look]

What's the scariest moment you've ever had in the military? After reading the sharing of netizens, I was sweating!

The veteran who fell asleep came to take over the post and secretly took the gun to the side and hid it, and when he handed it over, he was directly scared into a cold sweat [I want to be quiet]

What's the scariest moment you've ever had in the military? After reading the sharing of netizens, I was sweating!

Company Commander: You kid, okay, really good, I said that my eyelids have been jumping lately

What's the scariest moment you've ever had in the military? After reading the sharing of netizens, I was sweating!

All terror comes from a lack of firepower [tears run]

What's the scariest moment you've ever had in the military? After reading the sharing of netizens, I was sweating!

If I have to be scared, the ghost within a radius of five kilometers will also be woken up by me [covering his face]

What's the scariest moment you've ever had in the military? After reading the sharing of netizens, I was sweating!

Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter anymore [crying]

What's the scariest moment you've ever had in the military? After reading the sharing of netizens, I was sweating!

A piece of advice for recruits: Don't ask the uncle who watered the flowers to help you buy cigarettes [frown]

What's the scariest moment you've ever had in the military? After reading the sharing of netizens, I was sweating!

Ask the chief of staff to have something to eat [innocent laughs]

What's the scariest moment you've ever had in the military? After reading the sharing of netizens, I was sweating!

Borrow a gun again, wipe the muzzle clean, and don't accidentally eat dust when swallowing [tears]

What's the scariest moment you've ever had in the military? After reading the sharing of netizens, I was sweating!

Instant petrification, huh?

What's the scariest moment you've ever had in the military? After reading the sharing of netizens, I was sweating!

When my friend was a soldier, he stood guard at night and separated the bullets, he went to the bathroom to hand over the bullets to the third phase, and the man who just came out shot in the jaw, he went in and saw that there was a circle on the ground, kicked it, and after passing it, he looked closely at the skull, and was locked up for a month [awkward laughs]

What's the scariest moment you've ever had in the military? After reading the sharing of netizens, I was sweating!

Recruit: I don't know, why did this phone get into my hat [tears]

Of course, military careers aren't all about these horrific moments

In the Army, we have more laughter, friendship, and growth

We spent many unforgettable days and nights with our comrades-in-arms, and experienced many challenges and tests together

These experiences make us cherish the friendship and friendship between each other more, and also make us cherish every moment of life more

How do you feel about this? Have you had similar experiences or experiences? Welcome to leave a message to share

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