
42 fairy sentences that make people stunned at a glance, niche and advanced, are full of praise

author:Xiaozhou reads

1. The degree of a person's enlightenment is equal to the depth of his suffering.

- Lin Yutang

2. "If a woman has no financial means, she will never recover, remember, work diligently and work hard to save money." ”

——Yishu "The Pumpkin Eater"

3. What is more important than knowledge is people's thoughts, positions and professional ethics.

- "The Age of Awakening"

4. All those who are mild-tempered are blessed and live happily. All those who have a violent temper are blessed with shallowness, and life is miserable. All the blessings of a person in this life are hidden in his temper. Don't let your temper get in the way of your blessings. Don't forget, a thought of hatred arises, and the door of a million miasma opens.

- Master Hongyi

5. Life has a purpose, but we don't live for the sake of it.

- "Soul Journey"

42 fairy sentences that make people stunned at a glance, niche and advanced, are full of praise

6. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to taste." ”

- Forrest Gump

7. In order to be like everyone else, we have lost three-quarters of ourselves. Love is the way to rediscover the three-quarters of yourself.

- Matt Hagrid, "Reasons to Live"

8. "I think life is very hard, but I still quite like the phrase - 'The world, comprehended by reason, is a comedy'. ”

11. "My Altay"

9. Life is actually very simple, if you don't mess up yourself, your life will not be chaotic at all.

- Suzen

10. Evil knows too much about good, and good people don't know anything about evil.

- Kafka

11. Please remember the one who was nice to you, because he could have been otherwise.

- Hayao Miyazaki, "Spirited Away"

12. Maybe it's a naturally cowardly relationship,

All my joy was mixed with a sense of foreboding.

Yukio Ichishima

13. You're quite pessimistic, but not thorough, that's why you're screwed.

- Feng Tang

14. Weak people are always afraid of being told the truth,

And hate people who tell the truth.

- Keigo Higashino, "Transformation"

15. There is a place in our hearts that cannot be locked, and that place is called hope.

- The Shawshank Redemption

16. "Some friends often disappear in a flash, like pedestrians on the road. In the end, they become, mere passers-by in our lives. ”

- "Walk with Me"

17. If you really want something, let it go.

If it comes back to you, then it's yours forever.

If it doesn't come back, then there's no need to wait.

Because it's not yours at all.

— McEwan

18. What you deliberately look for is often not found. Everything in the world comes and goes, and it has its time.


19. When you are in the worst mood, you will still eat on time, go to bed early and get up early, and be self-disciplined as before. -- Such people are people who can carry things. No matter how chaotic the personnel is, it can't disturb your heart. People don't need to have so many extraordinariness, they are talented if they can carry things.

— Suczen

42 fairy sentences that make people stunned at a glance, niche and advanced, are full of praise

20. There is one thing in the world that is more loyal to you than anything else, and that is your experience.

—— Zhou Guoping

21. Humans absurdly take trivial matters too seriously,

It seems sad to make yourself and others unhappy.

- Maugham, "The Veil"

22. The purpose of education is to free students from the slavery of reality, and young people today are trying to do the opposite, to change themselves in order to adapt to reality.

One by one Cicero

23. People are contradictions, like wine, if it is light, it will have no taste, and if it is strong, I am afraid of drinking too much.

—— Seven years of violet

24. Life can be boiled down to a simple choice: either be busy surviving or rush to die.

- The Shawshank Redemption

25. When people smile for no reason, they are either bored or miserable.

- Wang Xiaobo

26. "Friendship or love arises between people because it is seen. So in Kazakh, I like you, which means: I see you clearly. ”

11. "My Altay"

27. Life is all the time not knowing how to be good.

One by one, Mu Xin "Very Good"

28. What is the meaning of life, the answer is varied. Some people say that it depends on what he left behind, some people think it depends on his beliefs, some people say that it should be judged by love, and some people say that life is meaningless at all. I? I think you can see the meaning of your own life in those who look up to you as a mirror.

- The Bucket List

29. Do not warn of calamity to foolish people, for it is for them.

- Toynbee

30. "Even a good person cannot show kindness to anyone at any time. ”

—— Keigo 东野

31. "If you want to know who's controlling you, then look at who you can't criticize. ”

One by one, Voltaire

32. Let the sun shine on your heart, not on your body.

One by one John Muir

33. You benefit far more from changing yourself than you do with others, and with less risk.

One by one Dale Carnegie

34. The easier it is for you and the less you care about the outcome, the better the outcome.

- Zeng Shiqiang

35. Because people are able to forget, they are gradually freed from the pain they have suffered; And because they can forget, they often repeat the mistakes of their predecessors.

- Lu Xun "What happens after Nala leaves"

36. In fact, you don't need to worry about whether to break off a certain relationship, don't struggle with that, because everything you do seems to be your choice, but in fact it is destined.

—— Haruto Murakami

37. No matter who you deal with, be appropriately strong and you will be respected; Say no so you won't be bullied. Because human nature is to bully the weak and fear the hard, few people can be an exception.

One by one, Wang Shuo

42 fairy sentences that make people stunned at a glance, niche and advanced, are full of praise

38. Kazuo Inamori once said, "Everything that happens in life is attracted by the magnetic field in one's heart." When you improve your mind and cultivate a good attitude, you will be attracted to the life you yearn for. ”

39. It is said that you have to live a clear life, and if you really understand, you may not want to live.

——Liu Zhenyun "One Day and Three Autumns"

40. Those who know themselves do not complain about others, and those who know their fate do not complain about heaven; Those who complain are poor, and those who complain have no ambition.


41. People who are calculating are only suitable for buying groceries, not for doing big things.

– Russell

42. How you love yourself is teaching others how to love you.

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