
2024 College Entrance Examination Essay Prediction and Appreciation of Masterpieces: Food is the foundation of the country, and it is difficult to be safe without food

author:Guanhua composition

2024 College Entrance Examination Essay Prediction and Appreciation of Masterpieces: Food is the foundation of the country, and it is difficult to be safe without food

Read the material below and write as requested. (60 minutes)

In recent years, many new stores have opened and held press conferences using flower baskets made of barley to celebrate the opening of the store. Because of the beautiful meaning of "barley flower basket", it is sought after by more and more people. It is understood that the barley in the flower shop is made of seven or eight medium-cooked wheat seedlings, which are washed, dried, dyed and other processes before showing the final effect. In this regard, some people also questioned: in the context of the growing awareness of food conservation in the whole society, is it a waste of food to make barley into handicrafts?

After reading the above materials, what associations and feelings do you have? Please write an essay on this that reflects your thoughts.

Requirements: choose the right angle, determine the idea, clarify the style, and draft the title; Don't copy, don't plagiarize; Do not divulge personal information; No less than 800 words.

[Essay Title Analysis]: This is a commentary essay on current affairs. The material revolves around the phenomenon of "barley flower baskets", which show two tendencies, one is sought after because of its good meaning, and the other is that it is considered a waste of food. When writing, you can choose one of them to express your opinion, for or against. Note that critical articles should be based on facts, analyze from the materials, strengthen their own views, or analyze the causes, or analyze the harms, and put forward solutions in connection with social reality.

(1) Such an aesthetic has no beauty at all; (2) Food is the foundation of the country, and it is difficult to live without food; (3) Benefit but not expense, it is worth pursuing.

[Appreciation of masterpieces]: Food is the foundation of the country, and it is difficult to be safe without food

In the bustling city, the flower basket opened by the new store is no longer just a sea of flowers, barley, which was once a grain, now appears in people's sight in the form of a flower basket, conveying a beautiful meaning. Barley flower baskets, as its name suggests, carry the fragrance of ears of wheat, carrying people's expectations for the future and are loved by more and more people.

The process of making barley flower baskets is a journey from the field to the city. Wheat seedlings that are medium-ripe are washed, dried, and dyed to become exquisite flower baskets. This journey is a reverence for nature and a love for life. However, in an era when the food problem is becoming more and more prominent, some people have raised the question: Is it a waste to make barley into crafts?

I think this question is like asking, is the beauty in life a waste? The answer is clearly no. Beauty, is to make life more colorful, to let our soul be nourished. In the same way, the beauty of the barley flower basket is to make our lives better, not wasted.

Food is the foundation of the country and the foundation of the people's survival. Without food, the people cannot survive and the country cannot be stable. However, food is not only a guarantee of life, but also a carrier of culture. From ancient times to the present, food has carried a rich cultural connotation in people's lives.

I remember when I was a child, every harvest season, there would be a big celebration in the village. At that time, people used rice to form pyramids, which symbolized the joy of a good harvest. And now, the emergence of barley flower baskets is also a kind of cultural inheritance, a celebration of a good harvest, and a love for life.

Of course, we can't ignore the preciousness of food. Everyone has a responsibility to save food. We should start from ourselves, cherish every grain of food, make saving a habit, and maximize the value of food.

The barley flower basket is a new way of existence of food and a new expression of life. It tells us that food can be used not only to meet the needs of life, but also to create a good life. It reminds us that every resource in life is worth cherishing and using.

In this era when the food problem is becoming more and more prominent, we need to look at food from a comprehensive perspective, not only to ensure the survival of the people, but also to improve the quality of life of the people. The emergence of barley flower basket is our comprehensive understanding and utilization of food, which tells us that food can not only meet the needs of life, but also enrich life and improve life.

Food is the foundation of the country, and it is difficult to be safe without food. Food is the foundation of life and the foundation of the country. The emergence of barley flower basket is a new understanding and utilization of food, and a new expression and love for life. Let us cherish every grain of food, let the value of food be maximized, and make our lives better.

2024 College Entrance Examination Essay Prediction and Appreciation of Masterpieces: Food is the foundation of the country, and it is difficult to be safe without food

[Appreciation of masterpieces]: Beneficial but not expensive, worth pursuing

The greenery in the wheat field is the gift of the earth to life. The low hanging of the ears of wheat is a humble tribute to the world. And when these life forces are skillfully transformed into flower baskets, they become messengers of celebration and blessings, carrying people's good wishes for the future.

Barley flower baskets, a popular way to celebrate in recent years, have won people's love for their unique beauty and profound meaning. They are placed in front of the newly opened store like a symbol of hope, indicating a prosperous business and a bright future. Such a scene makes people happy, and it also makes people sigh for the beauty of life.

However, when this beauty is sought after, there are also voices: in the context of advocating food conservation, is it a waste of food to make barley into handicrafts? Such questions make people think deeply.

I think the key to this lies in the words "benefit without expense". The production of barley flower baskets is not a casual waste of food, but a creative transformation on the basis of respecting food. Seven or eight medium-ripe wheat seedlings are selected, and after cleaning, drying, dyeing and other processes, they not only retain the vitality of wheat seedlings, but also give them new meaning. Such a process is the cherishing of resources, the respect for labor, and the love of life.

On the mainland, saving food has always been emphasized, because we are well aware of the preciousness of food. However, while pursuing conservation, we must also understand that the beauty in life often requires a certain material foundation. The emergence of the barley flower basket is an interpretation of this concept. It not only satisfies people's pursuit of beauty, but also does not cause waste of food, and achieves the goal of "benefiting without costing".

From a broader perspective, saving food is not only about saving food, but also about the rational use of resources. In modern society, the strain of resources has become a global problem. How to create more beautiful things without wasting is a topic that we need to think about. The appearance of barley flower baskets is a powerful answer to this question.

In my opinion, the barley flower basket is not just an ornament, it is the embodiment of a concept. It tells us that in life, we can pursue beauty and also conserve resources, and there is no contradiction between the two. As long as we discover and create with our hearts, every detail of life can become beautiful and meaningful.

In this fast-paced era, what we need is not only fast life, but also fast thinking. How to create more beautiful things without wasting is a problem that each of us needs to think about. The barley flower basket is a microcosm of this problem.

In general, the emergence of barley flower baskets is a perfect interpretation of the concept of "benefit without expense". It tells us that in life, we can pursue beauty and also conserve resources, and there is no contradiction between the two. In the days to come, let us take this understanding to discover more beauty in life and create more things that are "beneficial and not expense".

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