
"Mi Xiaoquan Animation Idioms" - Move the "Shenzhou" idiom combo with children!

author:Fun industry sharing

Idioms have a unique linguistic charm, which is a unique cultural phenomenon of the Chinese nation because of its long history, conciseness and condensation, and strong generalization. Idioms are not only language symbols, but also have infinite artistic charm. It plays a ten-point role in expressing expression and delivering high-quality language information. The idioms are well-structured and concise, and often a full meaning can be expressed in just four words, which can stimulate children's curiosity and desire for knowledge.

"Mi Xiaoquan Animation Idioms" - Move the "Shenzhou" idiom combo with children!

Playing idiom solitaire games, which are connected from end to end, can greatly mobilize the fun of children learning idioms. Parents can guide their children to understand the stories behind idioms and enhance their understanding and imagination. Most idioms are philosophical, and they can also teach us a lot of truths about how to behave and behave. Idioms play a role in vivid and concise language expression. Mastering and proficiently using idioms can greatly improve the ability to express language, and even properly apply them to compositions in future writing, which obviously adds a lot of color.

"Mi Xiaoquan Animation Idioms" includes the common idioms of primary school students, and each lesson is carried out by an idiom, step by step from the story to the classics, or historical facts, or humanistic allusions or fables. In addition, the content and themes are relatively high-quality and rich, covering five themes: fables and myths, historical stories, hundreds of schools of thought, animal fables and stories of the Three Kingdoms, which can help children broaden their horizons and enrich their knowledge to a certain extent, which is conducive to children's understanding of traditional culture. Humorous and informative cartoons follow the pace of development and are designed to drive children's minds and imaginations.

"Mi Xiaoquan Animation Idioms" - Move the "Shenzhou" idiom combo with children!

"Mi Xiaoquan" is not only the protagonist of the animation, but also the "guide" of the child's heart. He dominates the overall situation, follows the plot line, and leads children to learn knowledge step by step. Of course, each character in the anime is the main character, and they have distinct personalities such as; The naughty bag "Mi Xiaoquan", the 100,000 why "Iron Head", the "Jiang Xiaoya" who jumps up and down, and the housekeeper's wife "Li Li". A cartoon with a clear direction, with both a vivid and interesting plot and a supplement of knowledge. It is different from most entertaining animations, and the situation is set up according to the child's age group, which is in line with the child's physical and mental development.

Of course, some parents may care that there is too much "fun" in animation, which will make children only care about the fun plot and ignore the essence of knowledge. But Mi Xiaoquan is never just talking, it strictly follows the rules of children's scientific growth, integrates knowledge into every conversation, and imperceptibly influences children. "Mi Xiaoquan" is such a "companion" of children who both teaches by word and deed.

"Mi Xiaoquan Animation Idioms" - Move the "Shenzhou" idiom combo with children!

"Mi Xiaoquan Animation Idiom Lesson" has now been published in 2 parts, including audio and video, so that difficult idiom definitions become interesting sentences, idiom games, idiom synonyms and antonyms and other forms. The series is also supported by a series of books, which provide a fresh and interesting set of reading materials for generative language paraphrasing in primary schools. Tell stories in a humorous way, respect children's psychological characteristics and cognitive laws, and impart knowledge in a relaxed way. Let the child quickly grasp the knowledge of idioms and be able to learn and apply it, which deepens the empathy of the child's "heart and mind". "Mi Xiaoquan Animation Idioms" infects children and parents, making them truly realize what is the comparison of "language"!