
DNF: In May, Jianhao increased by 7%, and 6 major professional characteristics were strengthened to break the news! Sword Shadow became the darling of planning

author:Gaming Esports Express


A new round of career balance in the national service has finally been announced, among which Jianhao, as a profession personally strengthened for this plan, has only strengthened by 7%. In contrast, the current version of the popular professional sword shadow has actually been strengthened, and the planning is really not playing the game, just strengthen it a little, what is the difference between 5% and 7%? Let's take a look at these 6 professions:

1. Sword Shadow +7%;

2. Sword Emperor +7%;

3. Demon Emperor +7%;


5. Male mechanics +5%;

6. Elementalist is about +5%;

The profession of Jian Hao is about 10% worse than that of Sword Soul, and the Sword Soul is a first-line goalkeeper, so Jian Hao is still a second-tier profession by strengthening 7%. However, it is strengthened by 7% at most, and it is divided into 5% and 7%, which is really disgusting for players.

DNF: In May, Jianhao increased by 7%, and 6 major professional characteristics were strengthened to break the news! Sword Shadow became the darling of planning

First, this time we will strengthen the professions that have entered the front line.

At present, the only one who has entered the front line is Sword Shadow, Sword Shadow Sanjue, the first in all professions, and the release speed is also in the top five, and the three awakenings plus together are also the first in the whole profession, and the release speed of the three awakenings plus together is also among the best.

However, Jianhao still has one round of strengthening in Hanbok, counting 7% of the national server, 2 rounds of strengthening, and he should be able to join the camp of first-line professions.

DNF: In May, Jianhao increased by 7%, and 6 major professional characteristics were strengthened to break the news! Sword Shadow became the darling of planning

Second, it is still a second-tier occupation after strengthening.

Elemental is now all-class countdown, why can't it be strengthened by 15%? Even if you don't give it a boost, it's always okay to add two invincible skills, right? Now not only is the data pulling the hips, but the skill form is also the countdown of all professions, and the planning might as well delete the element of this profession.

DNF: In May, Jianhao increased by 7%, and 6 major professional characteristics were strengthened to break the news! Sword Shadow became the darling of planning

There are almost not many players with light guns now, and now the three awakenings are strengthened by 8%, and the rest of the classes are strengthened by 7%, and the painless enhancement can't change this class. The CD is long, the data is low, and unfortunately there are too few people who play it, and no one makes a sound. The light gun is purely low data, I remember that it was very strong a few years ago, and it almost got up.

DNF: In May, Jianhao increased by 7%, and 6 major professional characteristics were strengthened to break the news! Sword Shadow became the darling of planning

The male mechanic and the Demon Emperor were originally CDR professions, and low data is a regular setting, but it's always good to have candy to eat, and after strengthening, it has reached the second-tier middle and upper level.

In short, these 6 professions can be regarded as the strengthening of the characteristics of this planning, but Jian Hao belongs to the high and gently put down, and the rest of the professions are strengthened and have sugar to eat.

DNF: In May, Jianhao increased by 7%, and 6 major professional characteristics were strengthened to break the news! Sword Shadow became the darling of planning

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