
Listen to the "most beautiful family" talk about the "family style code" Ziliujing District carried out family assistance activities

author:Zigong observes

Zigong Net reporter Zhou Shu text/picture

Deze has a long history, and the family style is long. On May 12, the Ziliujing District Commission for Discipline Inspection, the District Court, and the District Women's Federation jointly launched the "Good Wind Heirloom, Clean Breeze Artesian" family assistance activity, attracting more than 40 groups of cadres and workers in the district to participate in it, further condensing the strength of family morality and integrity, and advocating a clean family style.

Listen to the "most beautiful family" talk about the "family style code" Ziliujing District carried out family assistance activities

At the activity site of the family style and family education practice base of the Ziliujing District Court, the District Women's Federation issued the "Proposal for Family Integrity Assistance to the Majority of Party Members and Cadres and Their Families in the District", calling on cadres, workers and their families to start from themselves, strictly enforce integrity and discipline, adhere to good customs and family heirlooms, and build a strong line of defense against integrity.

"Love the country and love the family, be diligent and thrifty, train the son of poetry and books, and Huaide Yongfang. These 16-character family rules and family motto can best reflect the essence of our Huang family's family style inheritance." During the event, Huang Qianhong, the representative of the "Most Beautiful Family" in the country in 2023, used vivid and simple language to convey the concept of "the most beautiful family" of loving the country and family, respecting the old and loving the young, harmonious husband and wife, scientific teaching children, and mutual love.

Listen to the "most beautiful family" talk about the "family style code" Ziliujing District carried out family assistance activities

Thousands of "cheap" flowers bloom, and the breeze is cut in a wisp. In the final paper-cutting session, the participating families took "incorruptible" as the theme and created incorruptible works belonging to their own families. A piece of paper-cutting carrying the beautiful meaning of "incorruptible", showing the value orientation of taking clean as beauty and pride in incorruptibility, and the participating families feel the charm of paper-cutting art at the same time, they also imperceptibly accept the baptism and edification of incorruptible culture.

Listen to the "most beautiful family" talk about the "family style code" Ziliujing District carried out family assistance activities

It is understood that Ziliujing District will continue to grasp the construction of family style as a basic work of clean government education, further integrate resources, broaden channels, let the clean family wind blow into thousands of households, guide party members and cadres to consolidate the ideological foundation of integrity, and promote the formation of a good atmosphere of respecting honesty and rejecting corruption, advocating virtue and goodness in the whole district.

Editor: Zhang Cuina

Editor: Shu Xuhui

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