
Walking is the medicine for longevity! Reminder again: when you reach the age of 55, keep in mind the "three don'ts" when walking

author:Doctor Tao Hui Xin Wu Shi

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Over the years, our material level has been improving, but the pace of life is getting faster and faster, most people need to sit at the computer desk for a long time every day to work, especially at the age of 55, there are more and more physical problems, so health has become our most concerned topic.

Maintaining a good physical condition is responsible for oneself and caring for one's family.

Walking is the medicine for longevity! Reminder again: when you reach the age of 55, keep in mind the "three don'ts" when walking

At the age of 55, there are more and more problems in the body that has been in a state of overdraft for a long time, but the busy life state does not allow more time to exercise, and there is no way to do high-intensity exercise.

Walking exercise is an acceptable form of exercise for almost everyone, because it is less intense, easier to achieve, and has a great health help. Walking is easy, but there are many things that need special attention.

Have you ever noticed that the elderly who take a leisurely walk in the park look strong and powerful, and what kind of health wisdom is contained in their steps? Today, we will explore how to use walking after the age of 55 to add points to our health.

Walking is the medicine for longevity! Reminder again: when you reach the age of 55, keep in mind the "three don'ts" when walking

First, the health code between steps

The most common are often the most overlooked. After we pay attention to health issues, we all know that more exercise can make the body healthier, but we often complain that we are too busy to exercise, in fact, in a busy life, there is an exercise that does not require additional time, that is, walking.

Walking can make us energetic and improve a variety of physical problems. Studies have shown that regular walking is effective in reducing the risk of elevated blood pressure and reducing the probability of heart disease and stroke.

Walking is the medicine for longevity! Reminder again: when you reach the age of 55, keep in mind the "three don'ts" when walking

This is because walking improves blood circulation, strengthens the heart muscle, and can help regulate blood lipid levels and reduce the likelihood of arteriosclerosis.

Every time you land, it is a gentle soothing to the heart, and every deep breath is purifying the blood vessels.

Walking is to dance with our cardiovascular system in the most natural way possible, dancing a healthy waltz.

Walking is the medicine for longevity! Reminder again: when you reach the age of 55, keep in mind the "three don'ts" when walking

As we get older, calcium loss accelerates, so it's important to pay extra attention to the health of your bones and muscles. The simple act of walking can take care of this kind of trouble.

Walking can make bones harder, reduce the possibility of osteoporosis, and also allow the body's muscles to get better exercise, the body will be more flexible, and the balance will be enhanced. Every alternation of footsteps is a tacit dialogue between bones and muscles, and every steady step is a gentle care for the joints. Walking is like a silent concerto, allowing our bones and muscles to play a healthy movement together in a harmonious melody.

Walking is the medicine for longevity! Reminder again: when you reach the age of 55, keep in mind the "three don'ts" when walking

In the fast-paced modern life, mental stress is gradually increasing, and the importance of mental health is becoming increasingly prominent. Walking, a seemingly mundane activity, can be a solace for our souls.

Walking allows the brain to release more endorphins, which are natural "happy hormones" that help us relieve stress, reduce anxiety and ease depressed moods. Walking is also a social activity that allows us to share quality time with family and friends, enhance interpersonal relationships, and enhance happiness in life.

Every lightness of footsteps is a flight of the soul, and every freedom of breathing is a release of emotions. Walking is to play a pleasant melody in the simplest way to symphonize with our mental health.

Walking is the medicine for longevity! Reminder again: when you reach the age of 55, keep in mind the "three don'ts" when walking

As we explore the benefits of walking, we can see what kind of health wisdom lies in this daily activity. Walking is an exercise for the body and a nourishment for the soul. Whether it is cardiovascular health, musculoskeletal strength, or psychological balance, walking has laid a solid foundation for our health and longevity in its unique way. Let's start today and walk out of a healthier body with our feet, and feel every step of the contact with the ground with our hearts.

Walking is the medicine for longevity! Reminder again: when you reach the age of 55, keep in mind the "three don'ts" when walking

2. The rules of art of graceful marching

Although walking is an essential skill in daily life and something we do every day, many people may not know that walking also requires warm-up and stretching in advance. It is like an elegant dancer warming up before the opening, preparing for the perfect performance of the whole dance drama.

Before taking a healthy step, warm-up exercises can awaken our muscles and joints, mobilize various organs of the body, and prevent injuries caused during exercise.

Slowly turning the joints and gently stretching the muscles to get the body into the groove can help us walk more safely.

Walking is the medicine for longevity! Reminder again: when you reach the age of 55, keep in mind the "three don'ts" when walking

When walking, we sometimes worry too much, and we are bound by the shackles of speed and distance, thinking that only fast and far are effective movements. In fact, we should not pursue speed and distance excessively, let go of the burden, enjoy the beauty of each step, and let the pace be in harmony with our own rhythm and physical fitness, so that the body and mind can be improved.

When appropriately pursuing speed and distance, we should fully consider the comfort limit of the body, and not exceed the tolerance range of the body, because our purpose is to be healthy, not to be an athlete in the race. A peaceful state of mind, a suitable distance, so that walking becomes a pleasure, not a burden.

Walking is the medicine for longevity! Reminder again: when you reach the age of 55, keep in mind the "three don'ts" when walking

Another important point to pay attention to when walking is to pay attention to your own state and not ignore the signals sent by your body.

Just as a musician needs to listen to every note when playing, we need to listen to the sound of our body when we walk. When the body starts to show abnormalities, consider whether it is a sign of fatigue, whether it is a slight muscle ache or uneven breathing that becomes heavier, which is a sign that the body is telling us that we need to rest at the right time.

Walking is the medicine for longevity! Reminder again: when you reach the age of 55, keep in mind the "three don'ts" when walking

In the process of walking, try not to tolerate these uncomfortable feelings, take appropriate rest to prevent excessive exhaustion, and allow yourself to recover before continuing. We should slow down or stop when our body is tired, take a deep breath, relax, and allow both the body and mind to be fully rested and recovered.

Walking is a simple and rich fitness art, its beauty lies in the health benefits it can bring to the body, and it teaches us how to live in harmony with our body.

By following the "three don'ts" principle of walking – not neglecting warm-up and stretching, not blindly pursuing speed and distance, not ignoring body signals, and taking timely rest, we can better enjoy the pleasure of walking while maintaining physical and mental health. Let's follow these rules on the road of walking and enjoy the surprises and pleasures that come with every walk.

Walking is the medicine for longevity! Reminder again: when you reach the age of 55, keep in mind the "three don'ts" when walking

3. Correct posture and skills for walking brightly

You need to be relaxed when walking, but pay attention to your walking posture, which is the key to grace and strength. When you walk, you can imagine yourself as a tall tree, deeply connected to the earth, breathing the power of life in every inch of your skin, from your heels to the top of your head.

When standing, the feet should be properly open, the toes should be in a line, the distance between the feet should be about the width of the shoulders, and the knees should be slightly bent forward to make the legs elastic. The spine is more natural, the head is like a rope gently lifted upward, and the glasses are looking straight ahead. This posture can reduce the burden on the body, improve the efficiency of walking, and make every step full of confidence and charm.

Walking is the medicine for longevity! Reminder again: when you reach the age of 55, keep in mind the "three don'ts" when walking

Breathing is very important in daily life, and maintaining correct breathing during exercise can get twice the result with half the effort. When walking, you need to master the correct breathing rhythm,

The right breathing technique can add rhythm to our stride and make walking an experience of unity of mind and body. To learn to breathe in the abdomen, breathe deeply, let the breath enter the abdomen, slowly pass through the chest, and then slowly exhale, so that breathing has many benefits, the body can make better use of oxygen, but also let the tight muscles relax and reduce fatigue, and the mood will become smooth.

Walking is the medicine for longevity! Reminder again: when you reach the age of 55, keep in mind the "three don'ts" when walking

Walking is not only to adjust one's condition, but also to prepare a pair of shoes that fit well and are suitable for walking. Shoes suitable for walking can protect our feet, improve walking comfort and efficiency, and prevent falls. When choosing walking shoes, we should consider the support, cushioning, and breathability of the shoes.

The sole should be elastic enough to absorb the impact when walking; The upper should be breathable to keep the foot dry; The heel should not be too high, and it is best to use flat shoes, which can maintain the natural balance of the body, prevent falls, and prevent tired feet from walking.

When trying it on, it is best to do it in the afternoon or evening, as the feet will swell slightly and be closer to the state they were in when they walked. Take a few steps, feel the comfort of the shoes, and make sure there is no friction or pressure, so that the shoes can accompany us to go further.

Walking is the medicine for longevity! Reminder again: when you reach the age of 55, keep in mind the "three don'ts" when walking

Walking is a simple form of exercise, but also the art of living. Master the correct walking posture, use appropriate breathing techniques, choose the right walking shoes, and make walking as enjoyable as possible, a kind of care for your body.

Let us walk on the journey, with the right posture and skills, out of health, out of elegance, out of the wonder of life.


Walking, this simple action, contains the great wisdom of health. It not only exercises our heart and lungs, strengthens muscles, but also promotes blood circulation and boosts metabolism. Walking should be like a long stream of water, and perseverance should be accumulated over time. Persistence and moderation are the principles of walking, and their importance should not be overlooked, nor should they be pursued excessively.

Walking is the medicine for longevity! Reminder again: when you reach the age of 55, keep in mind the "three don'ts" when walking

Let's think of walking as a companion in our daily lives, whether it's on a busy city street or on a quiet country road, we can find space to walk. It doesn't require special gear, it doesn't take up extra time, it just takes us that step and integrates walking into every corner of our lives and makes a healthy stride a part of our lives. In the process of walking, we are not only moving towards health, but also towards a more energetic self.

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