
Painter Sanyu: He loved painting nude women all his life, but he was poor and destitute after being abandoned by his wife, and painted hundreds of millions of dollars after his death!

author:Say a lot about entertainment

Art is rooted in real life, and at the same time beyond the limitations of life, since ancient times there have been many excellent artists, and these people's works of art often need to be accepted after a period of time, and even sought after, such as Van Gogh, Picasso, etc., these people were penniless at the time, and even couldn't even eat, but after they died, their paintings were one after another hundreds of millions, but this no longer means anything to them.

Painter Sanyu: He loved painting nude women all his life, but he was poor and destitute after being abandoned by his wife, and painted hundreds of millions of dollars after his death!

Nowadays, there is also a painter who has a similar experience to them, that is, our Chinese painter - Sanyu, he has been unswervingly walking on the road of art all his life, but he did not get the respect and recognition he deserved when he was alive, until he died, his paintings were only hundreds of millions of dollars one after another, and they were auctioned off by mansions at auction, what kind of tragedy and irony is this.

Painter Sanyu: He loved painting nude women all his life, but he was poor and destitute after being abandoned by his wife, and painted hundreds of millions of dollars after his death!

Among these paintings, the most talked-about is his Nude Girls series, his "Five Nudes" was successfully auctioned for 300 million Hong Kong dollars as soon as it was unveiled, and you know, this is at a public auction, and this price is unprecedented for Sanyu's paintings, so what kind of charm does this painting have to attract so many people?

Painter Sanyu: He loved painting nude women all his life, but he was poor and destitute after being abandoned by his wife, and painted hundreds of millions of dollars after his death!

For today's people, they may not know what a naked woman is, let alone the art of a naked woman, but in ancient times, it was very common, and every person with a certain status would have some works of art by naked women, but these works were not used to appreciate, but to satisfy their vanity and desires, such as Tang Taizong and Yang Guifei, they had a lot of naked women's works of art, but these works were burned to death, and only Sanyu's works could be praised by people.

Painter Sanyu: He loved painting nude women all his life, but he was poor and destitute after being abandoned by his wife, and painted hundreds of millions of dollars after his death!

Sanyu's full name is Chang Kuan, he comes from a very famous painter family in Sichuan, but he did not get the recognition and support of his family, he chose a life of ups and downs, his father is also a painter, so he has been influenced by art since he was a child, has a strong interest in painting, and has a very high talent, which can be said to be outstanding.

Painter Sanyu: He loved painting nude women all his life, but he was poor and destitute after being abandoned by his wife, and painted hundreds of millions of dollars after his death!

But his parents did not give him enough support, when he decided to pursue his dream, there were some problems in the family's business, and it was for this reason that his wife left him, feeling that such a man had no way to give her happiness, and at that time, a man could not get married and have children if he did not have enough financial ability, let alone chase his dreams.

Painter Sanyu: He loved painting nude women all his life, but he was poor and destitute after being abandoned by his wife, and painted hundreds of millions of dollars after his death!

In this way, Sanyu began his difficult creative path, his paintings are very good, but there is no way to be recognized by others, life has become very embarrassing because of no financial resources, and finally even became a homeless man, until after his death, people found out that his paintings are really valuable, but this has no meaning to him.

Painter Sanyu: He loved painting nude women all his life, but he was poor and destitute after being abandoned by his wife, and painted hundreds of millions of dollars after his death!

Sanyu's life can be said to be very bumpy, he encountered great resistance on his painting road, and also experienced a series of misfortunes, but just when he was helpless, a man named Henry appeared in his life, and gave him a lot of help, so that his paintings were recognized.

Painter Sanyu: He loved painting nude women all his life, but he was poor and destitute after being abandoned by his wife, and painted hundreds of millions of dollars after his death!

At that time, Henry was from China, it can be said that he knew Chinese art and culture very well, he liked Sanyu's paintings very much, and also saw Sanyu's potential and talent, so he gave him some help at the first time, and this is undoubtedly a great encouragement and help for Sanyu, and his paintings can also be appreciated by more people.

Painter Sanyu: He loved painting nude women all his life, but he was poor and destitute after being abandoned by his wife, and painted hundreds of millions of dollars after his death!

It can be said that without Henry, there would be no later Sanyu, and there would be no excellent paintings that we see now, and the thing that Henry helped him the most was to buy his paintings, which was also the greatest recognition for him, and also allowed him to have enough conditions and opportunities to continue his creation.

Painter Sanyu: He loved painting nude women all his life, but he was poor and destitute after being abandoned by his wife, and painted hundreds of millions of dollars after his death!

Speaking of which, people are very surprised that Sanyu's paintings were able to be auctioned by so many mansions at auction after his death, and finally sold for an unprecedentedly high price, after all, at that time, his paintings did not receive much recognition, let alone such a high price, so what kind of charm did his paintings have?

First of all, Sanyu's paintings are very good, he can depict his inner world and emotions on the paper, especially his nude women series, which is irresistible, he paints nude women not to satisfy his own desires, nor for the desires of others, but to combine nudes with art, touching the depths of people's hearts, giving people enlightenment and insight.

Painter Sanyu: He loved painting nude women all his life, but he was poor and destitute after being abandoned by his wife, and painted hundreds of millions of dollars after his death!

Secondly, there are very touching stories behind his paintings, for example, after his wife left him, his life became very difficult, but he did not give up his dreams and pursuits, and has been unswervingly walking on the road of art, and his paintings have also become a portrayal of his strong inner world, touching the emotions of countless people, and allowing people to get some inspiration and reflection from them.

Painter Sanyu: He loved painting nude women all his life, but he was poor and destitute after being abandoned by his wife, and painted hundreds of millions of dollars after his death!

After all, in today's society, it is very rare to have such paintings, and they come from a very good Chinese painter, which can be said to be unique, so whether it is now or in the future, such paintings will become more and more valuable, and will be sought after and collected.

Painter Sanyu: He loved painting nude women all his life, but he was poor and destitute after being abandoned by his wife, and painted hundreds of millions of dollars after his death!

Sanyu's life can be said to be very legendary and tragic, although his paintings did not get much recognition and respect at the time, nor did they bring him any material conditions, but he still unswervingly walked on his own artistic path, this dedication and love for art was finally seen by people, and was praised by others, his paintings have also become eternal classics, left in people's memories, but also brought people endless beauty and touching.