
After seeing the 69-year-old Jiang Lili's dress, I realized: her hair is coiled up, her color is not three, and she is elegant and decent

author:Speak fashionable lo sauce

When it comes to Jiang Lili's name, everyone must be familiar with her, as an actor of the older generation, she has brought us many wonderful roles. Although Jiang Lili, who is now sixty-nine years old, has faded out of the film and television stage, he has provided a lot of dressing ideas for many elderly women.

After seeing the 69-year-old Jiang Lili's dress, I realized: her hair is coiled up, her color is not three, and she is elegant and decent

Today, we might as well focus on Mr. Jiang Lili's "hairstyle" and "dressing up" to analyze the dressing methods worth learning for middle-aged and elderly women, maybe you can also gain some ideas for becoming beautiful!

Jiang Lili personally demonstrated: her hair is coiled up, showing the dignified elegance of a mature woman

Why do >> advise you to "put your hair up"?

Compare Figure (1). The hair will look very messy, and the hair will be neater

After seeing the 69-year-old Jiang Lili's dress, I realized: her hair is coiled up, her color is not three, and she is elegant and decent

First of all, in the choice of hairstyle, older women must keep in mind that they should not always wear their hair in a drape. If you always wear a cloak of hair, it will not only look very messy and difficult to take care of, but also make your temperament look very sloppy. It is also recommended that you learn from Jiang Lili and coil your hair up, which will look more neat and energetic.

Comparison figure (2): The cape looks old and greasy, and the coiled hair is dignified and atmospheric

After seeing the 69-year-old Jiang Lili's dress, I realized: her hair is coiled up, her color is not three, and she is elegant and decent

In addition, if you always wear your hair loose over your shoulders, it will also focus your eyes on your face. For middle-aged and elderly women, it will expose shortcomings such as facial sagging or facial wrinkles, and it will look old and greasy.

Coiling up your hair can distract your eyes, make the whole person look more energetic, and the visual effect is more fashionable.

>> Jiang Lili when he was young vs old

After seeing the 69-year-old Jiang Lili's dress, I realized: her hair is coiled up, her color is not three, and she is elegant and decent

Analyzing Jiang Lili's style, it is not difficult to find that Jiang Lili loved the style of hair for ten minutes when she was young, but when she was young, the hair she chose would be more natural and casual. And after getting older, Jiang Lili's coiled hair looks more meticulous than when he was young, making his whole person look more dignified and atmospheric.

>> start with these aspects when choosing a coiled hair

Tips for coiled hair (1). Shaping a "high cranial crown"

After seeing the 69-year-old Jiang Lili's dress, I realized: her hair is coiled up, her color is not three, and she is elegant and decent

When choosing a hair style, you should pay more attention to the top of the hair, and don't let the hair on the top of the hair be too close to the scalp, otherwise it will show a big face. It is also recommended that you try to loosen the top of the hair to create a "high cranial crown" effect, which can create a temperament and a small face.

However, it should be noted that the height of the top of the skull should not exceed the forehead, otherwise it is easy to appear exaggerated and make the proportions of the face look very unharmonious.

Hair tips (2) The part that exposes the "forehead".

After seeing the 69-year-old Jiang Lili's dress, I realized: her hair is coiled up, her color is not three, and she is elegant and decent

Secondly, when you choose to coil your hair, it is best to match it with a method of exposing your forehead. Exposing the forehead completely can not only show the advantages of the three-dimensional facial features, but also make the proportions of the facial features appear more natural and coordinated.

However, the way to completely expose the forehead is only suitable for women with a low hairline; If the hairline is too high, you can choose to match the hair with "oblique bangs", which can better modify the hair seam and cover the shortcomings of the hairline that is too high.

Tips for coiled hair (3). Keep part of the "broken hair"

After seeing the 69-year-old Jiang Lili's dress, I realized: her hair is coiled up, her color is not three, and she is elegant and decent

Finally, in order to avoid looking too rigid when choosing a curly hair, you can leave some broken hair at the "ears" or "bangs", which can not only modify the face shape well, but also create a natural sagging effect. However, it should be noted that the broken hair should not be too frizzy and not too much.

Dressing is a woman's façade, and it looks better to dress like Jiang Lili

▼ It is important to find your own style orientation

★ Casual or elegant

After seeing the 69-year-old Jiang Lili's dress, I realized: her hair is coiled up, her color is not three, and she is elegant and decent

In terms of dressing, the most important thing we need to consider is the usual dressing style. If you want to wear it for everyday wear, it is recommended that everyone try a casual look, choose a simple design T-shirt, and pair it with pants or a long skirt with an equally low-key style.

However, if you are attending some formal occasions, you should consider more elegant outfits, such as choosing a top with a "low neckline" and pairing it with an elegant long skirt.

▼ Choose more of these "versatile items" to be more fashionable

☑ Jacket chapter↓

★ A top item with a "low neckline".

After seeing the 69-year-old Jiang Lili's dress, I realized: her hair is coiled up, her color is not three, and she is elegant and decent

And when choosing items, we should also pay more attention to the sense of design, especially the style of the top. Try to get a top that shows off your collarbone, such as a "V-neckline" or a "scoop neckline". Whether it's a shirt or a T-shirt, you can reduce the bloated upper body by exposing the collarbone, creating a loose and slim look.

☑ Bottoms chapter ↓

Top(1). Romantic "Floral Skirt"

After seeing the 69-year-old Jiang Lili's dress, I realized: her hair is coiled up, her color is not three, and she is elegant and decent

If you want to create an elegant and feminine style, the most important thing you can't miss is the long skirt with "print elements", like the romantic floral skirt with the "tie-dye ink painting" factor in the picture above.

It can not only use romantic ink painting flowers to add a sense of literature and art, but also strengthen the drape of the skirt through the soft texture, which looks elegant and smart, and has an excellent age-reducing effect.

Top(2).Elegant "hip skirt"

After seeing the 69-year-old Jiang Lili's dress, I realized: her hair is coiled up, her color is not three, and she is elegant and decent

If you are a woman with a superior waist-to-hip ratio, you can't miss the long skirt with a hip-hugging design. The elegant hip skirt can perfectly outline the waist-to-hip ratio, which can not only create a feminine look, but also show the curves of the figure.

For example, the hip skirt with the "fishtail skirt" can add more femininity, and at the same time, the expanded lower skirt is used to modify the calf part, which is elegant and very thin.

Top(3).Casual version of "shorts"

After seeing the 69-year-old Jiang Lili's dress, I realized: her hair is coiled up, her color is not three, and she is elegant and decent

If you want to create a more comfortable look, it is recommended that you try shorts with "loose legs". This type of shorts can greatly satisfy your need for comfort without restricting your legs at all, whether you are wearing it for everyday wear or at home.

However, for middle-aged and elderly women, when choosing shorts, you must try more styles with clean colors and high-end textures, which can avoid the overall shape and look too childish.

▼ Pay more attention to these points when making combinations

☑ The color matching follows the principle of "no more than three".

Color matching method (1). Try more "low saturation" colors

After seeing the 69-year-old Jiang Lili's dress, I realized: her hair is coiled up, her color is not three, and she is elegant and decent

The matching of colors directly affects the visual perception of the overall shape, and for older women, it is necessary to keep in mind the principle of "no more than three colors" when choosing a color.

If you want to create a more gentle and white look, it is recommended that everyone try to choose a large color block item with "low saturation color". For example, if you choose an apricot-colored short cardigan or jacket, or choose an off-white dress, you can create a white and gentle look.

Color matching method (2). Use the method of "matching the same color".

After seeing the 69-year-old Jiang Lili's dress, I realized: her hair is coiled up, her color is not three, and she is elegant and decent

If you want to create a more simple and atmospheric look, it is recommended that you try the method of matching the same color. Keep the upper and lower body in the same color, look low-key and high-end, and it will not look abrupt at all in the color scheme.

If you want to wear a slimming effect, you can choose a black dress and black high heels. But for a more feminine look, opt for an "apricot" or "khaki" top with a dress of the same color.

Color matching method (3) to create a "complex and simple color matching" model

After seeing the 69-year-old Jiang Lili's dress, I realized: her hair is coiled up, her color is not three, and she is elegant and decent

The way to wear it with a higher return rate is to use solid colors with splicing color elements. For example, the one demonstrated by Jiang Lili, with a black T-shirt with wide-leg pants with vertical stripe elements, and a printed jacket at the same time, the overall color does not exceed three and is simple and orderly, which is very layered.

Or choose a solid color hat and pair it with a dress with striped elements, you can also deduce a more intellectual and age-reducing look.

☑ Add accessories, adjust posture, and have a more temperament

Part one.加入带有精致感的“颈部配饰”

After seeing the 69-year-old Jiang Lili's dress, I realized: her hair is coiled up, her color is not three, and she is elegant and decent

In addition to the details of the color matching, if you want to make the overall look more attractive, you can add a delicate "necklace" or a soft "plain silk scarf" to the matching. Adding it to the neck can guide the eye upwards, adding delicate and luxurious attributes for a more elegant look.

Part two: Adjust your posture from your daily habits

After seeing the 69-year-old Jiang Lili's dress, I realized: her hair is coiled up, her color is not three, and she is elegant and decent

Finally, adjusting your posture is also a plus. Many women often have the trouble of hunching over and hunching over when they get older, because they don't pay attention to posture management, which will greatly lower their temperament and make the whole person look very unenergetic.

It is recommended that you make some adjustments from your daily habits, such as sitting with your back straight and not always hunched over. Or in a standing posture, let the head, shoulders, and back be in the same straight line, and raise the head and stomach at the same time, which can make the whole person look more dignified and atmospheric.


After seeing the 69-year-old Jiang Lili's dress, I realized: her hair is coiled up, her color is not three, and she is elegant and decent

After reading Jiang Lili's styling sharing, you must also be inspired, learn from her beauty ideas, even after the twilight of the years, you can still show your charm!


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