
Today, it's officially open!

author:Hubei Provincial Women's Federation


In 2024, the registration channel for the collection of family style stories of 10,000 families will be officially opened

In order to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important expositions on the construction of family education and family style and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, call on families in the province to inherit good family style, create civilized families, and contribute family strength to Hubei to accelerate the construction of a national pioneer area for building a new development pattern, the Provincial Civilization Office and the Provincial Women's Federation are scheduled to organize the 2024 "Heirloom Family Training, Family Rules" family style story collection and publicity activities for 10,000 families during the provincial family style and family education theme publicity month.


You can participate now

The specific submission method is as follows

↓↓Submission method 1

1. Pay attention to the WeChat public account of "Hubei Release".

2. Enter the Hubei WeChat public account and click the [Send Message] button.

Today, it's officially open!

3. Enter the keyword "family motto" or "family rules" and click the pop-up link to participate in the solicitation activity.

Today, it's officially open!

Submission Method 2

Enter the Hubei WeChat public account, click on the bottom bar [Family Motto and Family Rules] to participate in the solicitation activity.

Today, it's officially open!

Submission method 3

Press and hold or scan the QR code below to participate in the solicitation activity.

Event Details:

01 Event organization

Organizers: Hubei Provincial Civilization Office, Hubei Provincial Women's Federation Organizers: Hubei Release, Civilized Hubei, Hubei e-Family 02 Activity Time

From May to October 03, 2024, the theme and content of the event

1. Scope and theme of collection: Collect from families in the province, with the theme of "heirloom training and family rules", and tell the story behind good family mottos and good family rules.

2. Solicitation content: Call on the majority of families to combine their own realities, the typical deeds of historical celebrity families and outstanding families around them, and solicit stories of family mottos and family rules with themes such as loving the party and patriotism, fighting corruption and advocating honesty, being diligent and thrifty, filial piety and loving relatives, enthusiastic about public welfare, green environmental protection, integrity and friendliness.

04 Types and requirements of works

1. Tell the family motto and the story behind it in the form of pictures, texts, audio, and video. The content is required to be true, positive and healthy, meet the requirements of the core values of socialism, reflect the traditional family virtues of the Chinese nation, and reflect the connotation of family culture in the new era. Family mottos and rules can be passed down from generation to generation, or they can be created by oneself. The historical events involved in the work cannot be fabricated and must be based on historical facts.

2. The content of the graphic work is less than 2000 words, 1-4 photos, and you can also use creative posters or calligraphy works to present the story of family mottos and family rules. The family motto and family rules in the graphic works need to be accompanied by text explanations. (The size of each image should not exceed 2M, and the format should be JPG or PNG)

3. Audio and video forms can be individual, parent-child, group speeches, etc., to encourage creativity. Unified opening remarks for the recording of audio and video works: Hello everyone, "Heirloom Training, Family Rules" 10,000 families tell family style stories, I am the narrator××× I bring today, and the work I bring today is "××".

The audio work is in MP3 format, with a duration of less than 5 minutes and a size of less than 50M. The family motto and family rules in the short video work need to be displayed in the form of subtitles, which can be shot horizontally with a professional camera or mobile phone (format is 16:9), which requires clear and accurate speech, rich emotion, decent and generous appearance, and infectious, which can be supplemented by a soundtrack, and the recorder is neatly dressed, the background fits the theme, and can be appropriately packaged and produced. The duration of the short video is less than 5 minutes, the size is less than 500M, and the format is MP4.

4. In previous years, the works that participated in the collection activities organized by the Provincial Civilization Office with family motto and family rules as the main content but did not win the award can continue to apply this year.

5. The submitted works must ensure that they do not infringe on the copyright rights and interests of third parties. The organizer has the right to use the selected works. 05 Activity steps

1. Event launch (mid-May)

Launched promotional products on platforms such as Hubei Release, Civilized Hubei, and Hubei e-Family, and mobilized families across the province to participate extensively.

2. Call for recommendations (late May to late June)

The Civilization Office of each city and prefecture and the Women's Federation launched the collection and recommendation work, and the works were uniformly submitted to the "Hubei Release" submission mailbox; Social participating netizens can upload to the "Hubei Release" submission webpage as required.

3. Screening (mid-August)

Organize expert review to select a number of award-winning works and outstanding organization awards.

4. Online exhibition of excellent works (late August to late September)

The award-winning works will be simultaneously broadcast and promoted online on platforms such as Hubei Release, Hubei Civilization Network, and Hubei e-Family.

Today, it's officially open!

Pet fan benefits are here

Today, it's officially open!

The reader who ranks first in the likes ranking of any selected message of any article pushed every day (the number of likes must exceed 30) can get a folding umbrella (as shown in the figure above).

Prize Redemption Rules:

1. Winners need to meet the needs of the WeChat public account of "Hubei e-Family" at the same time; The number of likes within 72 hours of the message exceeds 30; The number of likes ranked first.

2. As of 72 hours from the post to the post, the editor will reply to you about the specific way to receive the award.

3. Each person is limited to one time per month, the number is limited, come and participate~


Today, it's officially open!

Source of this article: Hubei Provincial Women's Federation, Hubei Release, Hubei Provincial Civilization Office

This article belongs to government public welfare publicity, if you have any objections to the text or pictures, please contact to delete!

Today, it's officially open!
Today, it's officially open!

Submission Email:

[email protected]