
Your parents have a net worth of more than 100 million yuan and lied to you, your family is very poor, what should you do if you know the truth, and you can't laugh in the comment area

author:Yumi MaMa

Have you ever imagined that your parents are actually hidden bosses, worth billions of dollars, and your real identity is a real young master from a wealthy family living in the slums?

This kind of cool plot that only appears in novels really happened in real life!

It all started with an interview with a blogger. In the video, a plainly dressed and ordinary-looking boy was interviewed, claiming that he only knew that he was a hidden rich second generation after graduating from college, and that he had been deceived by his father for 20 years.

Your parents have a net worth of more than 100 million yuan and lied to you, your family is very poor, what should you do if you know the truth, and you can't laugh in the comment area

This big boy named Zhang Zilong is the real prince of "Spicy Prince", and his father Zhang Yudong is the founder of "Spicy Prince".

As an only child, Zhang Zilong has the same capital as other rich second generations that can be squandered wantonly. But since he was a child, he was told by his father that the family was in debt, and in order to be more genuine, his father also let him live in a small house in Pingjiang County.

After graduating from university, Zhang Zilong began to look for a job, and his target salary was only 6,000 yuan due to the employment environment. However, even with lower expectations, Zhang Zilong still failed to find his dream job.

Seeing his son worrying about work day by day, the old father finally found out his conscience and told his son that he had hidden the secret for nearly 20 years. He said to his son: I really can't find a job, so I should go to work at my family's company.

Your parents have a net worth of more than 100 million yuan and lied to you, your family is very poor, what should you do if you know the truth, and you can't laugh in the comment area

That day, Zhang Zilong knew that a pot of succulent meat at the door of the house was worth 30,000; A random tree planted in the yard is worth 300,000; The Porsche at home that he once tricked him into buying "for façade" turned out to be just one of his father's many cars.

It was also from that day that this true young master who lived in the slums really returned to his own territory.

Your parents have a net worth of more than 100 million yuan and lied to you, your family is very poor, what should you do if you know the truth, and you can't laugh in the comment area

As soon as the video came out, many netizens were in an uproar, and netizens ridiculed "Dad makes money, dad spends, and his son has a hard time haha".

Dad Zhang Yudong couldn't sit still, so he could only come out and respond: In fact, he didn't deliberately hide it, the spicy prince has been in a state of loss a few years ago, and he does owe foreign debts, plus his son has not asked, so he has this oolong, and his father is very hard haha.

A comment section that makes people go up

The divine operation of the old father Zhang Yudong instantly aroused the rebellious psychology of netizens:

Your parents have a net worth of more than 100 million yuan and lied to you, your family is very poor, what should you do if you know the truth, and you can't laugh in the comment area

Some netizens ridiculed: My dad is too strict, I'm almost 40 years old, and he doesn't recruit yet.

Someone immediately replied: My dad is stricter, I'm almost 50, and I don't recruit yet!

What is it that you are almost 50, another netizen complained directly: I sent the video to my dad to see, and my dad said that he was also waiting for his grandfather to recruit him.

The same sky, the same dream, it seems that everyone's mental state is the same, although people are middle-aged, but who is not a little unrealistic fantasy about life?

No, many netizens began to brainwash themselves after watching the video:

Your parents have a net worth of more than 100 million yuan and lied to you, your family is very poor, what should you do if you know the truth, and you can't laugh in the comment area

Someone said: My dad told me that he owed 200,000 yuan, and only now told me that he lied to me, but in fact he owed 400,000 yuan.

I feel sorry for this treasure for a second, although I was deceived by my father, but compared to Zhang Zilong's cool life, you are really quite impressive.

Some netizens even had auditory hallucinations: I heard my dad chatting next door yesterday, and he said that he had just taken a piece of land, and there was still a piece of land that he hadn't taken yet. I knew that I was a rich second generation, and when I had chosen everything, he opened the door and asked me to pick up the courier.

I have to say that Zhang Zilong's father and son single-handedly made the people of the whole country suspect that they were the second generation of the rich and the sequelae is quite serious.

However, while many netizens ridiculed, there were also some sober netizens who questioned whether it was necessary for parents to educate their children to cry poor?

Your parents have a net worth of more than 100 million yuan and lied to you, your family is very poor, what should you do if you know the truth, and you can't laugh in the comment area

Some netizens came forward to say that it was necessary. Because before his son joined the army, his family kept telling him that he was poor. As soon as the son went to the army, the parents bought an imported car in a blink of an eye, and the child only learned about the specific situation of the family after the child was discharged from the army. Now the company is under the management of his son, and after a few years of training in poverty, his son has been able to take charge on his own.

But some netizens said that their friends were poorly raised by their parents, had a diao silk temperament, took money very seriously, and had few bosom friends around them.

What happened to the child who grew up crying poor?

There is no shortage of parents who are accustomed to "crying poor" to their children. Although they think that "crying poor" can cultivate good habits of thrift and diligence in children, I have always had reservations about this.

A respondent on a Q&A platform shared this question in detail:

He said that when he was in high school, he didn't know what kind of mentality his mother was in, and told him that his family was in difficulty. At that time, he really didn't dare to ask his family for money, so in order to save money, he changed to eating instant noodles at noon.

Your parents have a net worth of more than 100 million yuan and lied to you, your family is very poor, what should you do if you know the truth, and you can't laugh in the comment area

In addition to the main meal, the classmates around him can eat all kinds of snacks. On the other hand, in order to save money for his family, he endured the strange eyes of his classmates.

On weekends, his parents will take him to the restaurant to improve his life, but he doesn't understand, obviously the conditions at home are not good, and he is so saving, why do his parents still want to go to the restaurant. Looking back now, my parents had a smile on their faces.

Therefore, the first disadvantage of crying poverty to children is that children will mistakenly believe that it is true, and they will give in indefinitely, even sacrificing their own health to protect the family.

The second disadvantage is that the sacrifice of a child's health may lead to physical or psychological illness.

Your parents have a net worth of more than 100 million yuan and lied to you, your family is very poor, what should you do if you know the truth, and you can't laugh in the comment area

The answerer told us that the consequences of parents crying poor are really quite serious, based on his own real experience of not daring to buy shoes and participating in competitions.

In addition to the above two disadvantages, parents crying poor will also make children become closed and refuse to express themselves during the critical period of character formation.

The answerer said that he was good-looking in middle school, and there was no shortage of girls who favored him. But he has nothing to do, because his seven emotions and six desires are not worth mentioning in the face of poverty. Looking back on it now, it's a bit of a pity, after all, youth is gone.

So you see, not all children who grow up crying poor can become aggressive and diligent.

Parents cry poor, what do you think?

I have always not advised parents to cry poverty to their children, mainly because the children's minds are not yet fully mature, and parents unintentionally cry poor, which is likely to have the following impacts:

Your parents have a net worth of more than 100 million yuan and lied to you, your family is very poor, what should you do if you know the truth, and you can't laugh in the comment area

●Triggering feelings of guilt and low self-esteem: Parents cry about poverty, which can cause their children to feel stressed and guilty when they spend money. Growing up financially independent, this psychology will still affect their consumption behavior.

In addition, children may develop feelings of inferiority when they see their peers having better material conditions, which can have a negative impact on their mental health and social skills.

●Lack of security: Crying poor can make children hear that their parents are anxious about lack of money, and this anxiety may be passed on to children, causing them to feel uneasy about the future and insecure. This insecurity can affect their self-confidence and decision-making skills.

●Forming a scarcity mentality: The theory of "scarcity mentality" in psychology shows that people who have been in a state of scarcity for a long time will gradually form a scarcity mentality, that is, "the more they lack something, the more they care about it".

If parents often cry poverty to their children, the children may focus too much on money and material conditions and neglect other important life values. This mindset may limit their horizons and development potential.

Your parents have a net worth of more than 100 million yuan and lied to you, your family is very poor, what should you do if you know the truth, and you can't laugh in the comment area

Compared with their parents' deliberate crying about poverty, the survey found that children who know the specific financial situation of their families and know how their parents deal with financial problems are more likely to withstand the temptation of money and establish a correct view of money when they grow up.

So if possible, it is recommended that parents do not "cry poor" to their children.

Today's topic: If you were a billionaire, would you hide your finances from your children?