
International Museum Day: Qingtang Students Meet "Qingtang Girls" (4 stories)

author:Published by Yingde
International Museum Day: Qingtang Students Meet "Qingtang Girls" (4 stories)
International Museum Day: Qingtang Students Meet "Qingtang Girls" (4 stories)


▲Yingcheng Baisha Village: Taste dragon boat rice ▪ and cheer for the dragon boat race

▲Yingcheng Street carried out lectures on the health of the elderly

▲International Museum Day: Qingtang Students Meet "Qingtang Girl"

▲A better life, accompanied by the Civil Code! The People's Congress of Polo Town carried out the Civil Code Publicity Month activities

Baisha Village, Yingcheng: Taste dragon boat rice ▪ and cheer for dragon boat races

"Watching the dragon boat and eating the dragon boat rice" is an important folk custom of the Dragon Boat Festival, and the dragon boat rice has an auspicious meaning.

International Museum Day: Qingtang Students Meet "Qingtang Girls" (4 stories)
International Museum Day: Qingtang Students Meet "Qingtang Girls" (4 stories)
International Museum Day: Qingtang Students Meet "Qingtang Girls" (4 stories)

In order to better create a traditional festival atmosphere, promote dragon boat culture, polish the traditional cultural tourism brand of Yingde and Germany, and also warm up the atmosphere for the upcoming dragon boat races, recently, the Baisha Village Committee of Yingcheng Road invited more than 50 people from the Yingcheng Chamber of Commerce to participate in the 2024 Yingde Dragon Boat Race.

International Museum Day: Qingtang Students Meet "Qingtang Girls" (4 stories)

It is understood that in 2024, the Dragon Boat Race of Yingde City to help the "High-quality Development of Millions of Projects" will be held on June 2 in Zhenyang East Lake, Yingcheng. The teams participating in the competition include six traditional town (street) teams of Shakou Town, Wangbu Town, Yingcheng Street, Dazhan Town, Lianjiangkou Town, and Lixi Town, and the competition is the men's 22-person dragon boat 500m straight race. At present, all towns (streets) have successively formed teams and started training, looking forward to the Dragon Boat Festival for the general public to present a wonderful traditional dragon boat race. This competition is a dragon boat race hosted by the municipal government that has resumed in our city since 2015.

(Yingde Yingcheng Chamber of Commerce)

Yingcheng Street launched a lecture on the theme of elderly health

In order to popularize the scientific knowledge of health of the elderly, guide the elderly to consciously develop healthy lifestyles and hygiene habits. Recently, the Chengxi Community Party Committee and Yingde Jiale Social Work Service Center invited Yingcheng Street Health Center to carry out a lecture on the health of the elderly in the Chengxi Community based on the New Era Civilization Practice of Yingcheng Street.

International Museum Day: Qingtang Students Meet "Qingtang Girls" (4 stories)

During the event, the TCM doctor of Yingcheng Street Health Center explained in detail the methods of moxibustion for health preservation and the treatment of common diseases around the common diseases of the elderly. In addition, the doctor taught on the spot, patiently demonstrated the location of moxibustion acupuncture points and precautions for warm moxibustion while explaining, so as to correctly guide the elderly in the community to do a good job in the prevention of common diseases in spring and summer and the health care of common diseases. At the scene, the doctor also measured the blood pressure of the elderly, consulted about common diseases, established health records, and put forward small life suggestions from the aspects of reasonable diet, moderate exercise, weight control, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, and maintaining a good attitude, so as to guide the elderly to strengthen self-care and prevent problems before they occur. It is emphasized that the elderly should maintain a good habit of regular physical examination in their daily life, pay attention to the body mass index to evaluate their own health status, and build a "protective wall" of health in an all-round way.

International Museum Day: Qingtang Students Meet "Qingtang Girls" (4 stories)

"Now the community service and doctors are really caring, they can deliver health to their doorstep, and provide residents with a variety of health education and free health consultation services that are convenient and beneficial to the people." After the event, the elder Grandma Li gave feedback.

In the future, Yingcheng Street will continue to carry out more rich health knowledge lectures and convenient free clinic activities to guide the elderly to establish a health concept and strengthen the communication and support between their peers. At the same time, we will give full play to the leading role of party building, with the goal of prospering the community, and relying on the position of the New Era Civilization Practice Institute of Yingcheng Street, to promote the practice of civilization in the new era to "blossom everywhere".

(Huang Nan)

International Museum Day: Qingtang Students Meet "Qingtang Girls"

In order to let young people know more about the development of prehistoric human beings and culture, explore the discovery and excavation process of archaeological sites, and cultivate their spirit of scientific exploration, on the occasion of the International Museum Day on May 18, Yingde Museum and Guangdong Provincial Institute of Archaeology carried out a wonderful archaeological research practice activity for the students of Qingtang Middle School, so that they can explore the origin and evolution process of human beings in the Qingtang site at the same time, and experience the fun and charm of archaeology.

International Museum Day: Qingtang Students Meet "Qingtang Girls" (4 stories)

On the morning of May 14, facing the rising sun, nearly 50 teachers and students from Qingtang Middle School set off towards the Qingtang site. Although the straight-line distance between the Qingtang site and Qingtang Middle School is less than 800 meters, it records the prehistoric civilization of human beings from about 25,000 to 10,000 years ago, shows the cultural development process of the transition from a fishing, hunting and gathering society to an early agricultural society, and has been selected as one of the "Top Ten New Archaeological Discoveries in China" in 2018 and the eighth batch of national cultural relics protection units. It is worth mentioning that nearly 10,000 specimens of ancient human fossils, stone tools, bone and horn tools, animal bones and other cultural relics have been unearthed at the Qingtang site, among which the "Qingtang Girl" tomb of about 13,500 years ago was found in Huangmenyan Cave No. 1, and the earliest pottery remains in Guangdong region of about 17,000 years ago were excavated in Cave No. 2.

International Museum Day: Qingtang Students Meet "Qingtang Girls" (4 stories)

In order to let the students better understand the historical context behind the archaeological site, after the on-site visit, the event also invited Tang Bohao, a librarian from the Guangdong Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, to "start the class review" for the students, from the origin of archaeology to the inheritance of cultural relics, from the luxurious and exquisite tomb of the King of Nanyue to the simple and extraordinary Qingtang ruins, so that the students can have a preliminary understanding of the process of archaeological work and unveil the mystery of archaeology. In the relaxed and pleasant interaction, the students realized that archaeology is not only an exploration of history, but also the inheritance of human civilization.

International Museum Day: Qingtang Students Meet "Qingtang Girls" (4 stories)

Combined with the fourth national cultural relics survey, the activity also carried out the popularization of the law on the campus of cultural relics protection, so that students can master the basic knowledge of the cultural relics protection law, improve the awareness of the responsibility of cultural relics protection, deepen the understanding and love of traditional culture and historical relics, and further enhance their cultural identity and pride.

(Feng Xi)

A better life, accompanied by the Civil Code!

The People's Congress of Polo Town carried out the Civil Code Publicity Month activities

"By sending the law to popularize the law, bring the Civil Code to the daily life of the people, let them understand that they should learn the law on a regular basis and find the law in case of trouble, and at the same time accurately popularize the law among the people, promote the popularization of the law into the countryside, let the rule of law empower the grassroots, and open up the last mile of the Civil Code to the masses." Su Jiewen, a deputy to the People's Congress of Polo Town, said.

International Museum Day: Qingtang Students Meet "Qingtang Girls" (4 stories)

May this year is the fourth "Civil Code Publicity Month", in order to further enhance the public's awareness of the rule of law and promote the spirit of the Civil Code to take root. On the morning of May 15, the People's Congress of Polo Town took the "Civil Code Publicity Month" as an opportunity to organize and carry out legal popularization publicity and legal consulting services with the theme of "A Better Life, Accompanied by the Civil Code", and comprehensively promoted the "Civil Code" into the masses and into the hearts of the masses through the methods of "law popularization + visits" and "publicity + practice".

At the event site, through the setting up of publicity booths and legal service consultation desks, broadcasting propaganda slogans, distributing publicity leaflets, placing display boards and other diversified forms, using easy-to-understand and close to life language to popularize the relevant knowledge of the Civil Code to the people in the jurisdiction, and combined with typical cases, explain the law with cases, so that the masses can feel the power and temperature of the Civil Code more intuitively and vividly.

International Museum Day: Qingtang Students Meet "Qingtang Girls" (4 stories)

At the same time, the delegates took the mobile liaison station as a position to carry out street visits, carry out face-to-face propaganda, patiently listen to the opinions and suggestions of the masses, and gave a detailed explanation of the legal issues on inheritance, marriage and family that the masses are more concerned about, so as to guide the masses to better understand the Civil Code, consciously learn and use the Civil Code well, and use legal weapons to defend their legitimate rights and interests.

Subsequently, the deputies of the National People's Congress walked into street shops, restaurants, supermarkets and other places, and distributed the 2024 "Civil Code Publicity Month" knowledge poster leaflets, introducing the background, significance and important principles of the introduction of the Civil Code, focusing on the interpretation of property rights, contracts, tort liability and other content closely related to the production and life of the masses, and answering questions and doubts around the hot issues that the masses are concerned about, so that the masses can truly understand, remember and use.

International Museum Day: Qingtang Students Meet "Qingtang Girls" (4 stories)

A total of more than 130 copies of publicity materials were distributed in this activity, and more than 10 legal consultations were answered, which further enhanced the public's awareness of learning, knowing, abiding by and using the law, and expanded the coverage of the rule of law publicity of the Civil Code. In the next step, the People's Congress of Polo Town will continue to innovate publicity methods, continue to carry out a series of legal popularization activities of "Civil Code into Rural Areas", let the Civil Code enter thousands of households, and make every effort to create a strong social atmosphere of respecting the law, learning the law, abiding by the law, and using the law.

(Zhu Yue)

Yingde City Financial Media Center

Editor: Wu Jijin

Editor: Luo Jiayu

International Museum Day: Qingtang Students Meet "Qingtang Girls" (4 stories)