
Youth has no regrets, "Flame Blue", and may glory accompany them to continue to move forward

author:Xinjiang forest firefighting

Time flies, time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it is the season of leaving the team for another year, and I still remember saying goodbye to my parents, carrying my bags, stepping on the train, and entering the red door, and polishing myself from a young man to a qualified firefighter with blood, tears, and sweat. Today, they took off their epaulettes and were about to bid farewell to the training ground and fire ground where they had sweated and moved forward bravely, and honorably withdrew from the national comprehensive fire and rescue team.

Youth has no regrets, "Flame Blue", and may glory accompany them to continue to move forward

On May 10, the Gongliu County Forest Fire Brigade held a grand exit ceremony for firefighters to bid farewell to the retired firefighters who are about to embark on a new journey.

Youth has no regrets, "Flame Blue", and may glory accompany them to continue to move forward

The ceremony kicked off with the solemn national anthem of the People's Republic of China, and all the commanders and fighters solemnly sang the national anthem. Captain You Hong read out the "2024 Firefighter Promotion and Exit Order of the Yili Forest Fire Detachment". After that, Zhao Shoucang, a retired firefighter, looked back on the past years, grew and transformed, expressed his feelings of farewell, and sincerely thanked the organization for its care and training, and said that no matter where he is, he will continue to carry forward the glorious tradition of the fire rescue team, continue to retain the fine style of the fire and rescue team, strictly abide by various laws and regulations, unload his armor and not unload his will, set out for a new journey, and continue to shine in his new post with a hard work attitude.

Youth has no regrets, "Flame Blue", and may glory accompany them to continue to move forward

During this period, on behalf of the party committee and all the commanders and fighters of the brigade, Instructor Liu Jie expressed his heartfelt thanks to Comrade Zhao Shoucang for his contributions to the construction of the brigade over the years, and expressed his high respect and ardent hopes. The first is to keep in mind the firefighting career and be grateful. Take the experience of the fire rescue team as a valuable wealth of life, always cherish the honor and feelings of the fire fighting career, do not forget every good time spent in the team, and do not fade away; The second is to uphold the fine tradition and forge ahead. We will always maintain our true colors, keep in mind the glorious tradition and style of the fire rescue team, keep the original intention, take the mission, and continue to carry forward the spirit of being able to endure hardships, fight, and dedication; The third is to always maintain the true character of the team and have an enterprising heart. Bring the good thoughts, good style, and good practices in the fire brigade back to their hometowns and localities, maintain a heart of learning in their new positions, contribute their own strength to the modernization of the motherland and the train of high-quality development, and make new contributions and good news in the new policy, and achieve a wonderful life!

Youth has no regrets, "Flame Blue", and may glory accompany them to continue to move forward

Zhao Shoucang, a retired firefighter, said: "I believe that as long as we carry forward the excellent quality of firefighters in new positions, we will definitely make new contributions; As long as we train the team to be strong and show it in the new environment, we will also be outstanding. Please rest assured that no matter where we go, we will continue to inherit the fine style of the team, give full play to our own advantages, and contribute to the construction and development of the motherland and socialism! ”

Youth has no regrets, "Flame Blue", and may glory accompany them to continue to move forward