
The secret military exercise between the United States and Taiwan at sea hyped up an "unexpected encounter", and 15 PLA planes arrived near Taiwan Island

author:War Research

The U.S. is increasing its presence in the Indo-Pacific, including by sending nuclear-powered aircraft carriers to conduct multiple operations. The US Navy's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt has just left the South China Sea recently, and according to the information obtained by the War Research Institute, the USS Roosevelt has made many rounds in and out of the South China Sea and has taken off a large number of carrier-based fighters. Judging from the many pieces of information disclosed by the pilots of the mainland naval aviation, there have been quite frequent air confrontations between China and the United States in recent years, including confrontations with US carrier-based aircraft. In addition to the fact that the US military's nuclear-powered aircraft carriers are constantly making their presence felt at China's doorstep, according to another piece of information obtained by the War Research Institute, US warships have also repeatedly passed through the Taiwan Strait in a high-profile manner under the guise of so-called freedom of navigation. Recently, the US Navy's DDG97 Halsey, an Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer, has completed its passage through the Taiwan Strait, and at the same time, after entering the South China Sea, it has also intruded into the mainland's Xisha territorial waters.

The secret military exercise between the United States and Taiwan at sea hyped up an "unexpected encounter", and 15 PLA planes arrived near Taiwan Island

Although the United States has been warned many times by the mainland, the United States still chooses to ignore it and wants to strengthen continuous cooperation with Taiwan in the field of defense. On the day of May 14, Taiwan media revealed a joint military exercise with the United States, according to Taiwan media, the joint military exercise was officially set as an unexpected encounter at sea, and the so-called accidental encounter was completely for the sake of hype, because this military exercise is a joint maritime exercise that the United States and Taiwan have been planning for a long time, although the performance and number of surface ships on Taiwan are very limited, but Taiwan is also keen to cooperate with the United States to conduct joint exercises. It is understood that the joint exercise included about six warships, including the supply of combat support ships.

The secret military exercise between the United States and Taiwan at sea hyped up an "unexpected encounter", and 15 PLA planes arrived near Taiwan Island

In fact, the collusion between Taiwan and the United States in the field of defense is very frequent, and what has been made public is only the tip of the iceberg; although the training between the United States and Taiwan at sea has not been officially confirmed, and at the same time, it has only been openly and unexpectedly met in a rather vague sentence, but the War Research Institute believes that this military exercise is absolutely not simple, and it will not be as easy as the United States and Taiwan Island described. Taiwan Island has always called the western Pacific waters east of Taiwan Island the so-called berthing zone for ships, which also means that after the outbreak of cross-strait conflicts, a large number of ships will go to Taiwan's east and west Pacific waters to preserve their combat strength.

The secret military exercise between the United States and Taiwan at sea hyped up an "unexpected encounter", and 15 PLA planes arrived near Taiwan Island

Reuters quoted four anonymous sources as saying that the so-called chance military exercise between the US and Taiwanese ships was conducted in the Pacific Ocean in April this year, and just after the Taiwan media made the news public, PLA fighters also launched a fairly rapid patrol of Taiwan. According to information disclosed by Taiwan's defense department, on the afternoon of 14 July, as many as 15 PLA fighters flew close to the airspace around Taiwan Island, including Y-8 anti-submarine patrol planes and Su-30 heavy fighters.

The secret military exercise between the United States and Taiwan at sea hyped up an "unexpected encounter", and 15 PLA planes arrived near Taiwan Island

At present, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) is constantly strengthening various operations in the waters and airspace around Taiwan Island, and as 520 approaches, the PLA's various actions actually make Taiwan feel nervous, and Taiwan Island also plans to conduct an air show over Taipei on the day of 520. Does Taiwan still have enough energy to respond to the intensive actions of the PLA after the air show? On the day of 520, the PLA's patrol of Taiwan will certainly not be small. Text/Iris

The secret military exercise between the United States and Taiwan at sea hyped up an "unexpected encounter", and 15 PLA planes arrived near Taiwan Island