
520 was imminent, and 45 fighters arrived at the patrol platform, and the H-6 simulated bombing of the beachhead

author:War Research

On May 20, Lai Qingde will officially announce his inauguration, and at the critical moment when 520 is approaching, the PLA has also significantly strengthened various military operations around Taiwan Island. Judging from a series of information made public by Taiwan, on the day Lai Qingde announced his inauguration, Taiwan will also arrange an air show for Lai Qingde in downtown Taipei, and this air show will have multiple types of main fighters of the Taiwan military passing through the airspace over downtown Taipei in formation. The executive car that Tsai Ing-wen rode in during the period was an Audi A8 bulletproof car, and this Audi A8 bulletproof car will continue to be used by Lai Qingde in the future.

520 was imminent, and 45 fighters arrived at the patrol platform, and the H-6 simulated bombing of the beachhead

In many reports about Lai Ching-te in the past period, the media have called him a rather stubborn Taiwan independence element, and although the people on the island have recently hoped that Lai Ching-te will be able to change cross-strait relations after taking office, the War Research Institute believes that I am afraid that we will not be able to place too many high hopes on Lai Ching-de, and that it is already thankful that cross-strait relations will not continue to deteriorate. While Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities are well aware that the current cross-strait situation is in a state of rising tension, the Taiwan authorities are constantly making public some joint actions with the United States. It is reported that in April this year, Taiwan Island conducted a joint naval exercise with the US military, but this military exercise was also officially set as an accidental encounter at sea. Who would believe the claim that they could accidentally encounter a US warship in the western Pacific and carry out joint training? Obviously, this is a long-planned joint naval exercise between the United States and Taiwan, and during this naval exercise, Taiwan and the United States conducted joint supply and other training.

520 was imminent, and 45 fighters arrived at the patrol platform, and the H-6 simulated bombing of the beachhead

In the past few days, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has also been stepping up its combat patrol flights in the airspace around Taiwan Island. According to a piece of information disclosed by Taiwan's defense department, on 14 May, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) sent as many as 45 sorties of fighter planes to the airspace around Taiwan Island to carry out various operations, and it is very rare for the PLA to send as many as 45 fighter planes to Taiwan Island. At the same time that PLA fighters were approaching Taiwan Island in a dense manner, the PLA also made public the footage of the recent drill conducted by the H-6K bombers. It is understood that the H-6K bomber recently simulated the bombing of targets on Taiwan Island, and the bombing was also carried out in cooperation with the amphibious landing force. As the only bomber in the PLA combat sequence, the H-6K bomber has actually played the role of a cruise missile carrier, but the H-6K bomber still has the ability to use the belly magazine to drop ordinary bombs.

520 was imminent, and 45 fighters arrived at the patrol platform, and the H-6 simulated bombing of the beachhead

Judging from the footage released this time, the H-6K bomber used the belly magazine to continuously drop a large number of old iron bombs, and carried out carpet bombing, and the war research institute believes that this kind of carpet bombing also has the meaning of opening the way for the two landing forces. Foreign media are constantly analyzing that both sides of the strait are likely to break out before 2027, and the PLA will directly launch a unified action against Taiwan, and at present, the war research believes that the PLA has always had the strength to unify Taiwan, although today's drill does not explicitly lock the opponent on Taiwan, but it is also a clear warning to the DPP authorities, especially to the incoming Lai Qingde, if Taiwan dares to cross the red line, then the PLA is not welcome.

520 was imminent, and 45 fighters arrived at the patrol platform, and the H-6 simulated bombing of the beachhead

With the possession of the PLA's long-range combat capability in the far seas, the eastern part of Taiwan Island can now become a candidate landing site for the PLA, and a large number of landing ships of the PLA can complete various operations with the cooperation of many air forces. Now the People's Liberation Army has shown off the H-6K bomber, although it is only to drop some iron bombs, but this also means to clear the beachhead obstacles. Russia has dropped a large number of iron bombs in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which seems to make Russia face higher losses, but the war research believes that the PLA has more precision-guided bombs that can complete the strike against Taiwan's air defense system, and finally use H-6 bombers to carry out this low-cost bombing mission. Text/Iris

520 was imminent, and 45 fighters arrived at the patrol platform, and the H-6 simulated bombing of the beachhead