
Huawei's press conference was accused of fraud: the pictures generated by the large model are manually manipulated?

author:Sina Finance
Huawei's press conference was accused of fraud: the pictures generated by the large model are manually manipulated?

Sina Science and Technology News reported on the morning of May 16 that "Huawei's press conference overturned" on the Internet today. According to the pictures provided by netizens, when Huawei demonstrated the ability of large models at a recent press conference, the time.sleep(6) code appeared during the demonstration. Netizens believe that this code means "human control from input to output, the process is 6 seconds", and some people suspect that the result of its graphics and text is not generated by a large model, but by human manipulation. Huawei officials have not yet responded to the controversy.

The incident also caused heated discussions on Zhihu. There is an opinion that this is a fraud by Huawei at the high-tech conference, accusing Huawei of using time.sleep(6) to simulate the process of AI computing, and is actually showing the results prepared in advance.

In this regard, technical experts also put forward different views. Some experts believe that time.sleep(6) may be a preset buffer step to ensure that the program does not have surprises during the presentation. This is not uncommon in technical demonstrations to demonstrate how smooth and controllable the process is.

Some experts also pointed out that the calculation and generation process of large models does take time, and time.sleep(6) may be to show the actual time taken by model calculations. In the field of AI, the computing speed of a model is one of the important indicators to measure the advancement of technology. Therefore, Huawei may be trying to show the audience the efficiency of its AI computing.

In the face of controversy, Huawei officials did not directly respond to the specific use of time.sleep(6).

Huawei's press conference was accused of fraud: the pictures generated by the large model are manually manipulated?
Huawei's press conference was accused of fraud: the pictures generated by the large model are manually manipulated?

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