
NATO's 10,000 warplanes are useless, and Russia has issued an ultimatum to Britain to prepare for a nuclear strike on the West

author:Armament in depth

NATO is aggressively demonstrating, and 10,000 warplanes of various types are threatening Russia head-on

The Russian Ministry of Defense reported on the 7th local time that the Russian army occupied a more advantageous position in multiple directions on the same day, striking at the Ukrainian army's factories, fuel depots, equipment depots and other targets for the production of missile solid propellants. This is part of Russia's strike on Ukraine, and it also shows that Ukraine today basically has no defense capability and can only be beaten passively. Russia has already broken through the strongest line of defense that Ukraine has been operating for 10 years on the front line and is beginning to advance in depth. The Ukrainian army is now building trenches and other fortifications while fighting, and the situation is very passive. Ukrainian officers began to assassinate Zelensky because they were dissatisfied with the current situation, and although the corresponding assassination operation failed, it showed that the contradiction was on the verge of eruption.

NATO's 10,000 warplanes are useless, and Russia has issued an ultimatum to Britain to prepare for a nuclear strike on the West

Ukraine has been powerless to turn the tide, and the defeat is already very obvious. As noted by the NATO side, without Western support, Ukraine is likely to rout in less than 2 months. In order to avoid a rout in Ukraine, the United States and NATO have begun to increase their involvement in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The United States and the West have begun to provide weapons and equipment to Ukraine in a big way, including various types of offensive weapons and ammunition. The United States and the West began to provide Ukraine with F-16 fighters, long-range army tactical missile systems, and long-range cruise missiles capable of attacking the Russian mainland. The United States and the West have even relaxed the restrictive conditions on Ukraine, allowing Ukraine to use Western weapons to decide whether to attack the Russian mainland on its own.

The United States and the West have also continuously released signals to send troops to Ukraine, sending a dangerous signal to the outside world that NATO may send troops to Ukraine at any time. Macron even publicly pointed out that as long as Ukraine applies for NATO to send troops, NATO should meet Ukraine's requirements. The option of sending troops is the most sensitive, and it is also the most dangerous option that is most likely to trigger a direct confrontation between the United States and the West and Russia. Now that France, Poland, Lithuania and other Western countries have begun to relax on the issue of sending troops, this is indeed worrying. Judging from the current situation, the United States and NATO want to change the situation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict by exerting maximum pressure on Russia, avoid a rapid rout of Ukraine, and thus drag Russia.

NATO's 10,000 warplanes are useless, and Russia has issued an ultimatum to Britain to prepare for a nuclear strike on the West

According to reports, the United States and the West have a total of 10,000 fighters, bombers, early warning planes, tankers, and reconnaissance planes, and their overall combat power is certainly higher than that of Russia. The United States and the West are in short supply of conventional ammunition, mainly because of their lack of production capacity, but they still have a great advantage in high-end weapons. At present, the US military has deployed 100,000 troops in the European direction, and NATO often holds high-level military exercises against Russia. NATO's 10,000 warplanes are eyeing Russia and pose a huge threat to Russia. The United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France and other Western countries are still supporting Ukraine in a high-profile manner, and shouting the slogan that Ukraine must not be defeated, trying to exert huge pressure on Russia.

Russia issued an ultimatum to Britain, and Russia has never been ambiguous in the face of threats

The essence of the Russia-Ukraine conflict is the extreme suppression of Russia by the United States and Western countries, but in the face of the extreme pressure from the United States and the West, Russia is still not afraid at all and shows as tough as ever. British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said Ukraine has the right to use British-supplied weapons against targets inside Russia, and it is up to Kyiv to do so. Faced with the British threat, Russia directly summoned the British ambassador to Russia, Nigel Casey. After summoning the British ambassador, Russia issued an ultimatum to the British. The UK's relations with Russia have always been bad, and this was the case before the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Britain directly wants to threaten the Russian mainland, and Russia will naturally give a stern warning.

NATO's 10,000 warplanes are useless, and Russia has issued an ultimatum to Britain to prepare for a nuclear strike on the West

Russia issued an ultimatum to the UK that if Ukraine launched an attack against Russian territory using British-supplied weapons, the Russian side could respond with a (retaliatory strike) against any British military installations and equipment in Ukraine or elsewhere. Earlier on May 6, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced the holding of non-strategic nuclear weapons exercises to test the combat readiness of tactical nuclear weapons. The Russian side has not shied away from the Philippine strategic nuclear strike exercise, bluntly saying that after Western officials made "provocative remarks and threats," Russian President Putin issued an order to conduct the exercise. It is clear that Russia is doing this as a reciprocal deterrent to the West.

Russia's ultimatum to Britain is actually not only directed against the UK, but against all Western countries that supply weapons to Ukraine, and at the same time against all countries that threaten Russia. In the face of threats, Russia has always preferred to choose to fight hard, and there is basically no ambiguity. Russia has been fighting against the West for many years, and it has figured out the cards of the West and knows what kind of strategy it needs to adopt to deal with the West. Russia knows that if it chooses to compromise in the face of the West, then the result may be to be trampled under its feet and completely lose the opportunity to turn over. Russia likes to be tough to the end, even at the cost of desperately, that is, if Russia does not exist, there is no need for the world to exist.

NATO's 10,000 warplanes are useless, and Russia has issued an ultimatum to Britain to prepare for a nuclear strike on the West

Russia is ready for a nuclear strike on the West, and London, Washington, Paris, etc. are all expected targets

A good joke says, the United States says what you have, you better have it. The United States says that Russia has weapons of mass destruction, and Russia really does, which is a headache for the United States. In the face of threats from NATO, Russia is very calm, and the most fundamental thing is that it really has weapons of mass destruction in its hands. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has lasted for more than 2 years, and Ukraine has reached the brink of being completely defeated. The United States and the West are very dissatisfied with the current situation and are particularly anxious, but they have never dared to take action, and the most fundamental thing is that they are afraid of weapons of mass destruction in the hands of Russia.

Russia's deterrence of the West is not a verbal warning, it is completely different from Saddam Hussein's originality. Saddam Hussein really did not have weapons of mass destruction, lacked basic means of deterrence, and was more just lip service. The Russian threat is real and prepared. According to reports, the Russian side has clearly issued a warning that Russia's strategic nuclear weapons have been deployed in combat readiness, and most of the nuclear weapons are currently in a state of combat readiness.

NATO's 10,000 warplanes are useless, and Russia has issued an ultimatum to Britain to prepare for a nuclear strike on the West

According to Russia's warning, once the main NATO force enters the war, and Russia reaches the point where it has to use killer weapons to defend its rights and interests, it will directly turn the table and use intercontinental nuclear missiles to strike Washington, Paris, and London. Russia has shown its resilience and determination to the United States and the West, and has shown its muscles and strength. Russia is fully prepared, but the United States and the West really have not found a way to deal with Russia's deterrence, even if they hate Russia, but in the end they can only give in to Russia.