
Addicted to married life and can't extricate yourself? What are the dangers of excessive "husband and wife affairs"? Here comes the answer

author:Dr. Sun's class
Mr. Li and Ms. Wang met in college and have been married together since graduation. They have gone through the ups and downs of life together, but their love has always been the same, and they have been with each other until today. However, this deep affection has gradually evolved into a "sweet burden".

Both Mr. Li and Ms. Wang are passionate about pursuing a harmonious "conjugal life", which they believe is an important bond that binds their relationship together. However, as time goes on, they find themselves on "couples" more and more often, and even begin to affect their daily life and work. At first, they were unaware of the potential threat posed by this quiet change, until a series of thorny issues surfaced to make them aware of the gravity of the situation.

Ms. Wang began to experience frequent fatigue and physical discomfort, while Mr. Li made frequent mistakes at work, and the relationship between the two became strained. By chance, they heard about a case of health problems caused by excessive "couple errands", which made them begin to reflect on their own behavior.

Addicted to married life and can't extricate yourself? What are the dangers of excessive "husband and wife affairs"? Here comes the answer

Over-engagement in "conjugal life", i.e., frequent and indulgent in it, can often lead to imbalances in daily life, affect productivity, harm health, and even adversely affect relationships. In recent years, with the increasing openness of social concepts and the improvement of people's quality of life, many couples have paid more and more attention to the pursuit of harmonious and moderate "husband and wife life", in order to achieve a win-win situation of physical and mental health and family harmony. However, in the process, there are also some people who fall into the misunderstanding of excessive "husband and wife affairs".

The dangers of excessive "husband and wife errands".

Impaired physical health

Excessively frequent couples may experience extreme fatigue, a significant decrease in immunity, and even significant signs of sexual decline. In the long term, it may also cause a series of diseases, such as prostatitis, vaginitis, etc. According to an authoritative survey data, more than 60% of couples who are overly "husband and wife" report experiencing symptoms of physical discomfort.

Mental health is affected or impaired

Excessive "conjugal affairs" may cause both spouses to bear heavy psychological pressure, breed negative emotions such as anxiety and depression, and thus affect their mental health. This emotional state not only damages the relationship, but also may induce other psychological distress. Studies have shown that couples who are overly "coupled" generally score lower on mental health.

Addicted to married life and can't extricate yourself? What are the dangers of excessive "husband and wife affairs"? Here comes the answer

Work and social interactions are affected

Couples who are overly addicted to "conjugal life" often have difficulty concentrating at work and appear awkward and uncomfortable in social situations, which seriously affects work performance and interpersonal relationships. They may be so engaged in "married life" that they neglect work, family, and other social activities, which can affect their career development and relationships. According to the survey, more than 40% of couples who are overly "husband and wife" say that their work and social interactions have been affected.

If there is tension in the marital relationship, it will not only affect the emotions of both parties, but also may lead to family disputes and even affect the healthy growth of children.

Frequent and excessive "conjugal life" can exacerbate tensions between couples and cause subtle rifts in the marital relationship, thus posing a potential threat to the harmony and stability of the relationship. If they excessively pursue "conjugal life", they may neglect communication and interaction in other areas of life, leading to estrangement in the relationship between the two parties, and even stimulating unnecessary conflicts and conflicts. In the long run, such a situation may cause irreparable damage to the marital relationship.

Addicted to married life and can't extricate yourself? What are the dangers of excessive "husband and wife affairs"? Here comes the answer

How to regulate the "marital life" reasonably to avoid excess

Husband and wife should establish a correct concept of "marital life" and realize that "marital life" is only a part of marital life, not the whole thing. They should focus on balancing their "couple life" with other aspects of their relationship and maintaining their physical and mental health.

In order to maintain the harmony of marital life, we need to establish a positive and healthy conceptual framework and arrange time reasonably to ensure the moderation and balance of "marital life".

Couples should arrange their time for "marital life" reasonably and avoid over-investment. They can craft a well-balanced plan based on their individual situation, ensuring that they have enough time in the plan to focus on work, family, and interactions with other social activities.

In order to deepen the understanding and trust between the two sides, we should take the initiative to strengthen communication and exchanges, listen patiently to each other's inner thoughts and real feelings, and work together to solve the problems and challenges we face.

Husbands and wives should take the initiative to deepen dialogue and understanding, and carefully explore and respond to each other's deepest needs and sincere emotional resonance. They can use conversations, letters, and other forms to share their thoughts and feelings honestly, so as to deepen understanding and build a stronger foundation of trust.

Addicted to married life and can't extricate yourself? What are the dangers of excessive "husband and wife affairs"? Here comes the answer

They can use a variety of means, such as conversations and letters, to share their hearts carefully and honestly, and seek professional marriage counselling when necessary, so as to deepen their understanding and build a solid foundation of mutual trust.

If you find yourself unable to get rid of the excessive "husband and wife" trouble, you can seek professional help. When faced with marital or emotional problems, they can actively seek professional assistance from a psychologist or marriage counselor, and obtain personalized advice through professional guidance, so as to find effective strategies to solve the problem.

Excessive "marital errands" is an unhealthy habit that can have a negative impact on the couple's physical and mental health, work and social interactions, and marital relationships. Therefore, both husband and wife should establish a correct concept, arrange their time reasonably, strengthen communication and exchanges, and seek professional help to avoid the harm of excessive "husband and wife affairs". Only in this way can they have a healthy, harmonious, and happy married life. #头条创作挑战赛#

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