
Choosing a vaginal birth or a caesarean section? The young brother's answer exposes the selfishness of human nature and feels sorry for the girl

author:C Mom School

After the pregnancy in October, the pregnant mother will eventually give birth to the fetus. At the time of production, there are generally two ways to choose:

The first is natural childbirth, which is what we often call natural childbirth. The second is cesarean section, that is, the fetus is removed through cesarean section.

Choosing a vaginal birth or a caesarean section? The young brother's answer exposes the selfishness of human nature and feels sorry for the girl

Choosing a vaginal birth or a caesarean section? The young guys' answers made netizens not calm in an instant

A vlogger conducted a random interview with a young man on the street, and the question was, "If you had to choose between a wife giving birth or a cesarean section?" ”

And the young guys interviewed almost all gave the same answer: "cesarean section", so what is the reason for these young people to keep the same answer?

Choosing a vaginal birth or a caesarean section? The young brother's answer exposes the selfishness of human nature and feels sorry for the girl

At the beginning, people talked about the answers of the little brothers, some thought that the little brother might be afraid that his lover would be too painful to give birth, some felt that he might be worried about the risk of natural birth, and some might think that it would be good to "sleep" with anesthetic medicine for cesarean section, which is relatively simple. In short, netizens have different opinions and have their own opinions.

However, when these young brothers said their reasons for choosing cesarean section, everyone was stunned, and after the surprise, netizens instantly became very angry, saying that these young brothers are really selfish.

Choosing a vaginal birth or a caesarean section? The young brother's answer exposes the selfishness of human nature and feels sorry for the girl

The reason given by the first brother is "If you choose cesarean section, it will have less impact on the relationship between husband and wife", after seeing this answer, netizens didn't come back to their senses for a while, and they didn't quite understand what the little brother meant.

Choosing a vaginal birth or a caesarean section? The young brother's answer exposes the selfishness of human nature and feels sorry for the girl

The reason given by the second brother is "It must be a cesarean section, you ask your friends who have babies around you, and you will know why", when giving this answer, the little brother also showed a mysterious smile.

Choosing a vaginal birth or a caesarean section? The young brother's answer exposes the selfishness of human nature and feels sorry for the girl

The reason given by the third brother is that "cesarean section is better, and the impact is not great", this answer also made netizens a little stunned, not knowing what the so-called "impact" is.

The fourth brother said, "The difference is not very big, but it is better to have a cesarean section, and the damage is relatively small." It seems that this little brother is more concerned about his lover's body.


Choosing a vaginal birth or a caesarean section? The young brother's answer exposes the selfishness of human nature and feels sorry for the girl

After listening to the reasons of many little brothers, netizens woke up, it turned out that they chose cesarean section for one reason, that is, if cesarean section is used, the fetus will not be born through the birth canal, and it will not affect the lower body of the pregnant mother, so that it will not affect the usual life of the couple.

The real reason why the little brother chose cesarean section is indeed a bit unacceptable, and the selfish side of human nature is revealed, and I can't help but feel sorry for the girls of this era.

So, if pregnant mothers are allowed to choose, what way will they choose to give birth?

Choosing a vaginal birth or a caesarean section? The young brother's answer exposes the selfishness of human nature and feels sorry for the girl
Choosing a vaginal birth or a caesarean section? The young brother's answer exposes the selfishness of human nature and feels sorry for the girl

Cesarean section or vaginal delivery? The pregnant mother's answer is also unexpected

Some female netizens have also discussed the question of choosing to have a natural birth or cesarean section when giving birth, and the answers they gave were also very surprising, because these answers were the same as the answer of the "selfish little brother", that is, "cesarean section".

"I have two children, both by caesarean section. In fact, when I first gave birth, the doctor and my family wanted me to have a smooth delivery, but I still chose to have a cesarean section. A mother of two children said.

"If I had to choose, I would still choose cesarean section, after all, cesarean section is very simple, you just need to sleep, and I feel that I can't bear the pain of seeing other people's natural birth." A novice pregnant mother said.

"My first child was a natural birth, my second child was a cesarean section, and to be honest, after one natural birth, I really don't want to go through a second one, and that feeling is really painful." An experienced mother said.

Choosing a vaginal birth or a caesarean section? The young brother's answer exposes the selfishness of human nature and feels sorry for the girl

In terms of choosing cesarean section or natural delivery, many mothers choose cesarean section, and there are three main reasons.

◎ Concerns about normal childbirth

Many pregnant mothers who have never given birth are anxious about childbirth, and often worry about some things that may happen during childbirth.

For example, what to do if you are bored during normal delivery, what to do if you have a difficult birth during normal delivery, you still have to have a cesarean section, what to do if you have heavy bleeding during normal delivery, etc.

In order to avoid these unlikely accidents, many pregnant mothers will choose cesarean section, because cesarean section is relatively rare, and it is much more secure than natural delivery.

Choosing a vaginal birth or a caesarean section? The young brother's answer exposes the selfishness of human nature and feels sorry for the girl

◎ Fear of natural childbirth

Many pregnant mothers still have a great fear of natural delivery. This fear, in fact, is not only that a smooth birth requires "opening ten fingers" and "side cutting", which may lead to problems such as tearing the birth canal, but also includes the problem of self-recovery after normal delivery.

Women love beauty, and after a smooth birth, their lower body will be "destroyed" beyond recognition, which is not counted, natural birth will also affect their body shape, in case of poor recovery, it may lead to their body out of shape and so on.

Therefore, for women, cesarean section is safer and can give pregnant mothers a sense of security.

Choosing a vaginal birth or a caesarean section? The young brother's answer exposes the selfishness of human nature and feels sorry for the girl

◎ Prejudice against natural childbirth

Many pregnant mothers actually have a certain prejudice against natural delivery, feeling that natural delivery will cause serious damage to their bodies.

For example, some pregnant mothers do not have the same feeling as before when they have sex with their husbands, even if they recover well.

There are also some pregnant mothers who do not pay attention to the recovery of the body, and as a result, their bodies are out of shape after giving birth. There are also some pregnant mothers who said that they suffered from confinement disease because of giving birth.

These situations are what pregnant mothers don't want to see, and they definitely don't want them to happen to them.

Due to the limited understanding of natural delivery, many pregnant mothers feel that as long as they give birth naturally, they will be "hit", so they have a prejudice against natural delivery, so they will choose cesarean section.

Choosing a vaginal birth or a caesarean section? The young brother's answer exposes the selfishness of human nature and feels sorry for the girl

Parenting Message

On the question of whether to choose a natural birth or cesarean section, it is actually recommended that you listen to the doctor's opinion.

Before delivery, the doctor will make delivery suggestions according to the actual situation of the pregnant mother, such as abnormal fetal position, large fetus, breech position, etc., the doctor will generally recommend cesarean section.

Under normal circumstances, doctors will recommend a smooth delivery. So, if you had to choose, would you choose a natural birth or a cesarean section?

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