
Taiwan's so-called "famous mouth" spread rumors to smear the mainland, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council named 5 people: punishment will be implemented in accordance with the law!

author:Volunteer Yimeng
Taiwan's so-called "famous mouth" spread rumors to smear the mainland, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council named 5 people: punishment will be implemented in accordance with the law!

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference today (15th). At the press conference, a reporter asked the spokesman about Taiwan's so-called "famous mouth" spreading rumors and smearing the mainland. In recent years, some so-called "celebrities" in Taiwan have fabricated false information such as "the people of the mainland cannot afford to eat tea and eggs" and "the mainland's high-speed rail has no backrest" to spread rumors and smear the mainland, often triggering confrontation between netizens on both sides of the strait.

Taiwan's so-called "famous mouth" spread rumors to smear the mainland

Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: Punishment will be implemented in accordance with the law

In this regard, spokesman Chen Binhua said that for some time now, a small number of so-called "celebrities" in Taiwan, such as Huang Shicong, Li Zhenghao, Wang Yichuan, Yu Beichen, and Liu Baojie, have deliberately fabricated false and negative information about the mainland in disregard of the facts of the mainland's development and progress, and have wantonly disseminated it through television, the Internet, newspapers, and other media. Their erroneous remarks have deceived some people on the island, instigated hostility and confrontation between the two sides of the strait, and hurt the feelings of compatriots on both sides of the strait. The mainland will punish the above five people and their families in accordance with the law. Chen Binhua emphasized that silence and connivance at evil is injustice and harm to good. Public opinion is not a place outside the law. Any act of fabricating or spreading rumors, disrupting social order, and harming the honor and interests of the state will be punished by law.

Taiwan's so-called "famous mouth" spread rumors to smear the mainland, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council named 5 people: punishment will be implemented in accordance with the law!

Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: Take the right path or take the wrong path

This is an issue that the new leader of the Taiwan region must face seriously

Approaching "20 May," a reporter asked the spokesman about the prediction of the content of Lai Qingde's inaugural speech concerning cross-strait relations. Spokesman Chen Binhua said that peace rather than war, development rather than recession, exchange rather than separation, and cooperation rather than confrontation are the mainstream public opinion on the island. Whether to conform to the will of the people and follow the right path of peaceful development, or to go against the will of the people and take the evil path of provocation and confrontation has a bearing on the interests and well-being of the vast number of Taiwan compatriots, on the future of Taiwan's development, and on peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. Chen Binhua stressed: "Taiwan independence" is incompatible with peace in the Taiwan Strait. We have always adhered to the one-China principle and the "92 Consensus", resolutely opposed "Taiwan independence" separatism and interference by external forces, continued to expand cross-strait exchanges and cooperation in various fields, continuously deepened cross-strait integration and development, and firmly promoted the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and the great cause of the reunification of the motherland.

Taiwan's so-called "famous mouth" spread rumors to smear the mainland, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council named 5 people: punishment will be implemented in accordance with the law!

Source: CCTV News WeChat public account

2024 No. 351 | Total 471509 issue

Editor: Geng Qiran

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