
A love brain's woman suffers a lesson in blood and tears after pain: a woman's stupidity will get used to a man's evil

author:Life Baiweixuan

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Some people say that men's evil is proportional to women's stupidity, not that I deliberately find reasons to excuse men, some men's evil is really women's own death, to get used to it, so that outsiders mourn their misfortune at the same time, and angry with it, the so-called poor people must have something to hate, it is such a stupid woman!

A love brain's woman suffers a lesson in blood and tears after pain: a woman's stupidity will get used to a man's evil

(The picture comes from the Internet, it has nothing to do with the content, if there is any infringement, the contact must be deleted)

Lijuan is such a stupid woman, for a man who is not worthy of love, she put the first half of her life and the life of her child into it, and almost lost her own life. Fortunately, Lijuan finally came to her senses, stopped the loss in time, and jumped out of the fire pit, after jumping out of the fire pit, Lijuan knew what a wise choice it was to divorce her scumbag ex-husband, and Lijuan, who had been stupid and painful, finally understood a truth: nothing in this world is as important as her own life, and a woman's stupidity will get used to the evil of men!

Lijuan and her ex-husband Dawei have known each other since childhood, and they can be regarded as knowing, when Lijuan wanted to talk to Dawei about boyfriend and girlfriend when she grew up, she was strongly opposed by her parents, and resolutely disagreed with the two of them. Later, after growing up, Lijuan left her hometown and went to work in a big city, but Dawei was sentenced to 5 years in prison for picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

Later, Lijuan couldn't find a suitable partner, and she boiled herself into an old girl, and Dawei was released after 5 years. Maybe it's because the people of the previous generation have experienced a lot of things, and the vision of people is more accurate than that of the next generation, and the facts that happened later also proved that Lijuan's parents' identification of Dawei was completely correct, which parent in the world doesn't want their children to live happily?

No matter how Lijuan is a love brain who doesn't listen to the old man, no matter how her parents object, it is still invalid when she comes to her, and finally she and Dawei got the certificate and became a family. Lijuan and Dawei's personalities are completely opposite, Dawei always wants to become a fat man in one bite, especially eager for quick success, Lijuan is more willing to take one step at a time and live a down-to-earth life. After getting married and starting a family, even if Dawei was reformed in it for 5 years, he did not change his ways, and he was still unwilling to live a good life after he came out, and did his best to do some opportunistic and unorthodox things.

In order to let their daughter and son-in-law live a good life earlier, Lijuan's parents paid for them to buy a small truck, so that Dawei could run the transportation, and later continued to pay to support them to change to a big truck, hoping that they could live a good life one day earlier. It stands to reason that Dawei should be grateful to his father-in-law's family and treat Lijuan well, but the actual situation is that their family has not really become rich yet, and Dawei has been confused by the outside world of flowers, and he has a small leather bag under his armpit every day and pretends to be a rich man.

The outside world is full of temptations, making it difficult for people to distinguish the true from the false for a while, there are always some people in this world who are willing to cling to men, exchange the skin given by their parents, and then spend men's money with peace of mind, they only see the lace on the outside of the man, never think about whether the inside is a straw or a ruin, and are willing to be a golden bird, just to satisfy themselves not to go out to work, and there is always the idea of money to spend.

Just when Lijuan had a big belly at home and was still worrying about being busy with Dawei every day, Dawei was swinging wide outside and becoming a fake master. Although Lijuan has been aware of the that Dawei is doing outside, she has been comforting herself in her heart, hoping that after the child is born, Dawei will be able to return to the family. Lijuan now looks back and thinks about how stupid she used to be, the idea that a woman wants to use a child to tie up the family is a big mistake in itself, and because of this, people nowadays no longer focus on their children when they divorce, but think more about themselves.

Lijuan went from pregnancy to childbirth, and then to the child's illness, until the child was gone, Dawei did not pay even a little bit of love to his child as a father, even when Lijuan gave birth in the delivery room, he was not by her side, I really don't understand such a man, Lijuan ignored the strong opposition of her parents, she had to marry him, what did she like about him?

A love brain's woman suffers a lesson in blood and tears after pain: a woman's stupidity will get used to a man's evil

(The picture comes from the Internet, it has nothing to do with the content, if there is any infringement, the contact must be deleted)

The man he wants to marry doesn't take Lijuan seriously, and her in-laws don't treat her as their daughter-in-law, especially selfish and indifferent, as if the child in Lijuan's belly is not a child of their family. Lijuan's two families bought a car twice The down payment was made by Lijuan's parents, and the debts in the later period were also paid by the old people for them, but the mother's family has helped to this part, Dawei still doesn't know how to be grateful to the old father-in-law's family, Lijuan has not eaten meat a few times during her confinement, and other people's daughters-in-law have enjoyed the treatment of national treasures since she was pregnant, and all kinds of food to nourish the body are tired of eating and vomiting, but Lijuan is still living a hard life that daughters-in-law will live in the seventies and eighties of the last century. Lijuan's mother felt sorry for her daughter, so she brought her own old hen, thinking about making soup for her daughter to replenish her body, but Lijuan didn't even see a single chicken feather.

At that time, Lijuan felt that she was isolated from the world, although she had a husband, it was difficult to get in touch, the child was too young, she was sick, the traffic in the small mountain village in the poor countryside was very inconvenient, her husband didn't care, her in-laws didn't help, and Lijuan was helpless to the extreme. In the days to come, Lijuan and the sick child, the mother and mother almost reached the point where they couldn't survive, at this time she regretted it very much, if she hadn't been so stubborn and obeyed her parents' arrangement, no matter how good her life was, she wouldn't have fallen to the point where she is today! What does it mean not to listen to the old man, suffering in front of you, what does it mean to know that this is the case, why bother at the beginning, Lijuan has a deeper understanding of these ancient sayings.

Later, Lijuan's child was finally gone, and her marriage with Dawei came to an end, before Lijuan could speak, Dawei took the initiative to file for divorce first, and the reason why this situation occurred was mainly because he wanted to marry his junior as soon as possible. Since Lijuan was pregnant, David didn't know which corner he had disappeared to, if it weren't for the fact that he could dissolve his marriage with Lijuan as soon as possible, he wouldn't have walked to Lijuan from a corner that no one knew, and playing missing was what he Dawei was best at. In the two years that Lijuan was struggling with her sick child, Dawei lived a happy and chic life with another woman outside, completely forgetting that he still owed Lijuan's family a lot of money, and also forgot that he was a man with a wife and children.

Lijuan was really stupid at that time, so who can she blame for the hardships she suffered after marriage? All this is obviously completely avoidable, to be precise, these are all moths to the fire and ask for hardship, which can only be said to be self-inflicted and self-inflicted. At the beginning, her parents couldn't stop her desperately, and she had to jump into the fire pit herself.

In the years with Dawei, after the child lost a life, Lijuan also lost half a life, the kind of heartbreak and powerlessness that is called every day and the earth is not spiritual, Lijuan will never forget it in her life, and sometimes she will dream of it! Some people's evil is engraved in their bones, women must not regard themselves as saviors, and some people's evil is incurable, and those who think they are the Virgin Mary will end up with nothing but chicken feathers left in addition to moving themselves to tears.

On the day Dawei and Lijuan divorced, Lijuan really wanted to celebrate and celebrate that she was finally out of the sea of suffering! Dawei did not admit that he owed Lijuan's mother's money, Lijuan did not give in, and asked him to write an IOU and press his fingerprint, Dawei still wrote an IOU to Lijuan in order to achieve the goal of divorce as soon as possible. After giving the IOU to Lijuan, David took out a photo and tore it to shreds in front of Lijuan, which was a photo of Lijuan and her nephew, in which Lijuan was smiling while holding her 4-month-old nephew.

Lijuan instantly understood the meaning of Dawei's words, she knew that Dawei was a complete villain, and barefoot, he had entered the bureau, reasoning with such a person was purely a waste of words, Dawei tore up the photo just to threaten her with her nephew, Lijuan's maiden family only has a nephew such a child, her mother's family is a big family, the family is big, and she is not afraid of thieves stealing, but she is afraid of thieves.

After Lijuan and Dawei divorced, the first thing she did when she returned to her parents' house was to have a showdown with her parents, Dawei didn't want the money she owed to their family, just as she spent it as a daughter, and if she couldn't do it, she should use the money to buy her life, this money Dawei didn't recognize, she Lijuan admitted, she would definitely pay it back! Can parents settle accounts with their children? If we really look into it in detail, no child dares to say that he will be able to pay off the debt he owes to his parents in this life, and even if we do our best, it will be difficult for us to repay one-tenth of the kindness our parents have given us, right?

After the divorce, Lijuan went out to work alone again, in those days of hard work, she met a man Liu Tao who had the same life as her, Lijuan and Liu Tao, who were both fallen people at the end of the world, and then comforted each other and encouraged each other, and after a period of understanding, they finally came together.

Liu Tao's life experience is very pitiful, his father died when he was young, his mother couldn't stand the pain of supporting a family alone, on a summer night, while Liu Tao was asleep, he left quietly and quietly, and never came back after leaving, Liu Tao was only 5 years old that year, and his memory of his mother had already become blurred.

Now Lijuan is already in her 40s, and her life is not very rich, but it is more than enough to be less than the bottom, Liu Tao spoils her very much, and has always regarded her as a treasure in the palm of her hand, and obeys her words. A man knows how to know cold and hot, and is willing to live with you wholeheartedly, as a woman, what is not satisfied? What's more, Lijuan has suffered so much before, it is easier to be satisfied, in short, Lijuan is very satisfied with her current life, so satisfied that she wants to kowtow to thank God.

It is said that the wicked have their own wicked grinding, Dawei is not so lucky, after divorcing Lijuan, Dawei thought that he had found true love, who knew that his junior had not waited for the day of Fuzheng, and went home with Dawei, and he was so scared that he ran away! The woman who has been living in Dawei's weaving lies, originally thought that Dawei could let her live a life of fine clothes and food, but the actual situation of Dawei's family was far worse than she imagined, and after just one glance, she had a plan to escape, and in the dictionary of this kind of woman's life, there has never been the word "sharing weal and woe"!

A love brain's woman suffers a lesson in blood and tears after pain: a woman's stupidity will get used to a man's evil

(The picture comes from the Internet, it has nothing to do with the content, if there is any infringement, the contact must be deleted)

Later, no one cares about Dawei who no one asks, he became a loner, after a few years of chic life of a single nobleman, he is still a lonely person, there is wine today and drunk today, no matter what day it is tomorrow? It's just that now he no longer has the high-minded style he used to have, and it is only a matter of time before this kind of person is retributed, maybe it's not time yet!

This article is the first article in the headlines, it is strictly forbidden for anyone to plagiarize and carry, if there is any infringement, the whole network will defend its rights to the end!