
Rehabilitation and integration, lighting up the light of hope for special children!

author:Xiangyang Radio and Television Station

On the occasion of the 34th National Day for the Disabled, on the afternoon of May 12, the Pediatric Children's Rehabilitation Center of Xiangyang Central Hospital and the First Kindergarten of Xiangyang City jointly carried out the social integration activity of "Warmth and Harmony - Entering the City and One Kindergarten", aiming to promote the communication and integration of autistic children and society, and help preschool and school-age children adapt to the school environment in advance.

Rehabilitation and integration, lighting up the light of hope for special children!

At the beginning of the event, Chen Ming, deputy chief physician of the Pediatric Children's Rehabilitation Center of Xiangyang Central Hospital, announced the start of the event and delivered a speech: "In this world, you are the most unique existence, and you can also shine. We will use love and wisdom to hold up a bright, beautiful and brilliant starry sky for you. ”

Zhu Yanping, director of the first kindergarten directly under Xiangyang City, said: "We will take this co-construction activity as an opportunity to carry out regular activities to help disabled children, and hope that the children in the rehabilitation center can actively cooperate with the training, recover as soon as possible, and have a happy and beautiful childhood together." ”

Teacher Zhang and Teacher Zeng from the No. 1 Kindergarten directly under Xiangyang City led the children of the Children's Rehabilitation Center to do kindergarten radio gymnastics together, and the children learned to play integrated games!

Entering the painting session, the teachers taught the children to draw with the theme of "Kindergarten in My Eyes", giving full play to the children's imagination and exercising their hands-on ability.

Rehabilitation and integration, lighting up the light of hope for special children!
Rehabilitation and integration, lighting up the light of hope for special children!

(Not reproduced without permission)

Reporter: Fang Minghui | Correspondents: Wang Tianhua, Zhang Wenbin

Editor: Wei Haifeng | Proofreader: Huang Juan

Editor-in-charge: Zheng Hai | Review: Guest Zhou