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翻车八圈半! 好莱坞剧组拍戏这么玩命?

Time Writer | Tritin

Write movies with the heart of a fan.

Crossing fires, falling from tall buildings, speeding across ...... These thrilling cinematic action scenes are the stuntman's life-fighting moments.

Behind the movie's thrilling shots, there are stuntmen who are desperate and fearless.

The Hollywood movie "Stunt Maniac" was officially released in Chinese mainland on May 17, which is a work that justifies the name of stuntmen. The film is directed by David Leitch and starring Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt.

Stunt Maniac

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"Stunt Maniac" is a love letter to the stuntman of the movie. The film completes an endless stream of difficult action scenes through real shooting, blending fierce fights and romantic love into one.

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Stuntman's life is also life

"Stunt Maniac" opens with realism and ends romantically. The first half of the film depicts the survival plight of the stuntman, and the second half is the protagonist Colt (played by Ryan Gosling) who supports justice with his extraordinary skills.

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Director David Leitch is a stuntman-turned-stuntman, and he doesn't shy away from the group's awkward situation in the first half.

The paragraphs in the film about the stuntman's work status and life situation are full of bitter tears.

The film begins on a Hollywood set, where stuntman Colter is asked to re-enact the scene of falling from a building because the actor Tom Ryder (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) is not satisfied. He saw Colt show a little side face, and Tom kept emphasizing that he didn't need a stand-in, so it was not okay to show his face like this.

Colt could only do one more, but he had an accident when he fell, resulting in a back injury.

Colt had no income while recuperating and had to make ends meet by valet parking at a restaurant in Los Angeles. He endures the faint pain every day, and has to deal with the ridicule of customers and colleagues, and the depressed situation is embarrassing.

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This part of the film has a strong sense of reality, and the stuntmen seem to be the "little transparent" of the film industry.

The audience can't see their faces in front of the screen, and the glory goes to the star actors, who may not even be able to secure their basic livelihood after being injured.

A corner of the industry that the audience could not see before, this time was captured by the lens of director David Leitch.

After Colter recovered, producer Gail Meyer (Hannah Wadingham) invited him to Sydney to participate in the filming of the sci-fi film "Metal Storm".

Colt was reluctant to take any more risks, and when he learned that it was director Jody Moreno (Emily Blunt) who offered him, he finally agreed because he and Jody had been lovers.

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After the plot follows Colt into the group, the pace of the story begins to soar all the way.

Colter and director Jody rekindled their old relationship, and the romantic atmosphere of the love line between the two overflowed the screen; On the other side, he is caught up in the disappearance of star Tom, and the suspenseful action line continues here.

Colter opened his bow left and right, and began to struggle with various tasks.

He and Jody were in love, and Jody was constantly tricked on the set, a burning action scene, and it was repeatedly reshot.

He is commissioned by producer Gail to find the missing star Tom Ryder, first becoming a suspect in a homicide and then being pursued by a mysterious armed mob that puts his life in danger.

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The film uses Colter's perspective to vividly depict a Hollywood film crew.

During Corter's investigation of Tom's disappearance, he sees that Tom is a Hollywood star with an extremely luxurious material life.

However, Tom's corrupt and chaotic lifestyle is shameful.

Tom is addicted to alcohol and hangs out at prom parties, and he doesn't see stuntmen and bodyguards as equals.

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Tom is an extremely obnoxious character, and her producer, Gail, belongs to the same hill.

Gail is insidious and selfish, and she is Tom's accomplice when she tries to cover up all of Tom's absurd and illegal actions for the sake of money. Gale has sweet words and a dark heart.

Jody is a first-time director and has a clear lack of experience. But she is very clear that "Metal Storm" will be unveiled at next year's Comic-Con, and she is determined to shoot a wonderful scene to shock the audience. The role of Jody may have been injected with the emotion of director David Leitch himself.

Jody is a lovable, kind-hearted character. She loves movies and seems a little flustered in her directorial debut.

This role makes the audience understand that the film is the product of collective creation, and the director is only the leader of the crew.

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Hollywood movies used to focus on the world and shoot all kinds of novel stories to attract audiences. "Stunt Maniac" reverses the camera to focus on the working conditions of Hollywood crews.

The structure of "play within a play" allows the audience to truly see the complicated daily life of Hollywood crews.

The unfolding of the suspense line "Tom's Disappearance" leads the audience to experience a thrilling adventure step by step.

The film closely blends reality and fiction to form an action-comedy blockbuster with a unique style and novel content.

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Salute to Jackie Chan and challenge new heights

David Leitch is Hollywood's premier action film director, and the "Fast and Furious" series and "Deadpool 2" are his representative works. His action sequences are known for their intricaciousness, vibrancy, and intensity.

Stunt Maniac is the culmination of his action design, with a mix of hand-to-hand combat and thrilling scenes of flying cars and planes.

David Leitch started from the perspective of a stunt filmmaker and almost captured the famous scenes of action movies.

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The drag racing and falling scenes in the film are all real shots! The director tries to avoid the use of computer special effects, people and cars have to face real falls and real bombs, and the texture of the finished film far exceeds that of special effects blockbusters.

Nowadays, Hollywood crews who shoot action movies like this are rare. Time Jun feels that there are three action stunt performances in "Stunt Maniac" that are worth a book.

In the first scene, the set overturned eight and a half laps. As soon as Colter arrived on the crew of "Metal Storm", he had to complete a difficult stunt performance of a beach rollover.

Faced with such an explosive request, he originally refused, but when he thought that it was his ex-girlfriend Jodi's play, he gritted his teeth and got into the stunt car.

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This scene is a stunt scene in which director David Leitch challenges himself, and rollover shots are commonplace in movies. This time, the crew completed the feat of overturning eight and a half laps.

When the film is presented on the big screen, the car is constantly falling apart in the rolling, and the actors in the car feel the shaking of life every time they turn around.

This scene instantly ignited the atmosphere of the film, and the audience had a more intuitive understanding of the thrilling degree of the stuntman's work. Such an intense scene is just a warm-up, and the good show is still to come.

The second one, the street garbage truck fight. In the play, Colt is sharing information about Tom's disappearance with production assistant Milan (played by Xu Weilun), Milan is suddenly kidnapped by a mob and takes a garbage truck and gallops away.

Colter immediately drove after him and got into a head-on confrontation with the mob on the body of the garbage truck.

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This garbage truck battle on the street can see the shadow of Jackie Chan's "Police Story" series. Colter and the mob fist and foot in the car box, and the garbage truck rampage through the streets.

The car body later fell to the ground, and both good and evil squatted in the car body and continued to stumble to the end.

The rhythm of the whole scene is fast, and every second you can feel that the actors are challenging their lives. Such thrilling live-action scenes bring a high-burning viewing effect.

The third is a helicopter duel battle in the air. In the climactic decisive scene at the end of the film, Colt uses the help of a speeding car to jump into a helicopter in mid-air. He fights Gael and Tom in a helicopter to grab evidence.

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The shot of Colt leaping into the helicopter bar is a spectacular sight that will become a classic in the world of action movies.

The scene is cleverly conceived, with helicopters hovering in the air and good and evil battling to the death in a cramped cabin. In the closing scene of the big battle, Colt fell into a helicopter in free fall, and his handsome and chic posture was amazing.

There are also stunt spectacles such as a 69-meter flying car leap and a 24-meter boat leap.

These action scenes can get a shocking audio-visual impact on the big screen, and "Stunt Maniacs" is an action movie born for theaters.

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"Barbieheimer" cooperation in front of the stage

As a top commercial blockbuster produced by Universal Pictures, "Stunt Maniac" has a top creative lineup in front of and behind the scenes. The film is starring Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt, two powerful actors in Hollywood.

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The movies starring the two in 2023 have swept the world. Ryan Gosling played Ken in "Barbie", and his performance of singing and dancing was eye-catching; Emily Blunt starred in "Oppenheimer", she played Oppenheimer's wife Katie, and her affectionate and brave image is unforgettable.

In "Stunt Maniac", Ryan Gosling deeply discovered his action acting talent, and fought vigorously in front of the camera; Emily Blunt gave full play to her romantic comedy acting talent and filled the humorous and sweet atmosphere of the movie.

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A large number of hand-to-hand combat scenes in the movie are all played by Ryan Gosling himself. His movements are fast, accurate, and ruthless, and full of momentum.

In the film, Corte's brave nightclub, apartment duel against Oriental Knife Girl, garbage truck battle and other scenes, you can see Ryan Gosling's wonderful action performances.

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Time Jun boldly predicts that if Ryan Gosling focuses on action movie shooting, his future results will catch up with Keanu Reeves and Tom Cruise.

Emily Blunt plays the director Jody this time, and she is full of gentleness. In her previous works, "Edge of Tomorrow" is a heroic female warrior, and "A Quiet Place" is a strong mother, and these characters are a little less weak.

Jody is a character she has never played before, intellectual, humorous, and easily hurt by love. On the one hand, Jody is a director who controls the overall situation, and on the other hand, she is a woman who is emotionally entangled.

Every time she meets Corte, she is always a little flustered and nervous, and her crampedness brings just the right amount of comedy.

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"Stunt Maniac" is a romantic action comedy with a unique style, and it is director David Leitch who created this work.

He is a popular figure in the field of Hollywood action movies, has been in the industry for many years, participated in the filming of "The Matrix" as a stuntman, and was guided by Yuan Heping. Therefore, you can feel the style of Hong Kong-made action movies in his films.

David Leitch gradually grew from a stuntman to an action director, and successively participated in the filming of super blockbusters such as "Wolverine 2" and "Captain America 3".

In 2014, he co-directed "Fast and Furious" with Chad Starhelsky, a jaw-dropping fast-paced action film starring Keanu Reeves that created a new visual style for action films and established him as an action director.

Since then, he has successively directed "Fast and Furious: Special Ops", "Extremely Cold City" and "Bullet Train", all of which have won a bumper harvest at the box office and word of mouth.

To this day, this "Stunt Maniac" can be regarded as a summary of his career as an action filmmaker, a new departure, and a new peak in the field of action movies.


【 Time Gathering Good Things 】

翻车八圈半! 好莱坞剧组拍戏这么玩命?
翻车八圈半! 好莱坞剧组拍戏这么玩命?
翻车八圈半! 好莱坞剧组拍戏这么玩命?
翻车八圈半! 好莱坞剧组拍戏这么玩命?
翻车八圈半! 好莱坞剧组拍戏这么玩命?

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