
My father drove thousands of miles to harden the school bullying: cigarettes, money, bank cards, I personally sent them to you

My father drove thousands of miles to harden the school bullying: cigarettes, money, bank cards, I personally sent them to you

Three soil mothers

2024-05-16 11:22Published in Chongqing

Recently, incidents related to school bullying have really come one after another, and many netizens said that because both parties involved in school bullying are minors, many parents are helpless about it, and many people have posted on the Internet: If school bullying happens to their own children, how will they respond.

Recently, the parents of an experimental middle school in Longxian County, Shaanxi Province encountered a bullying incident in their children, and his response was praised by many netizens.

Mr. Yang works in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, and his son is currently studying in an experimental middle school in Longxian County, Shaanxi Province. Mr. Yang learned from the child's grandfather that the child was repeatedly asked for money and cigarettes by several classmates on campus, but Mr. Yang's son refused to give it, and then he was beaten by the other party many times, and after being injured in the latest beating, Mr. Yang's son was full of fear of going to school and had told his grandfather that he did not want to study anymore.

When the father heard that his son had been blackmailed, beaten, and fearful of going to school, he must have been furious. After hearing the news, Mr. Yang immediately drove more than 1,100 kilometers from Jiangsu to the experimental middle school where his son studied.

My father drove thousands of miles to harden the school bullying: cigarettes, money, bank cards, I personally sent them to you

When Mr. Yang arrived at the school, he found that the school's attitude towards the matter was of the "kicking ball" type, and he became even more angry.

So, he parked his private car in front of the experimental middle school where his children studied, and wrote on the car the words "Campus bullying, where is the reason".

My father drove thousands of miles to harden the school bullying: cigarettes, money, bank cards, I personally sent them to you

Then the father used a recording method to take a loudspeaker and repeat it at the school gate: "I have beaten my son many times when I asked for cigarettes and refused to give them, and today, I have brought you cigarettes, money, and bank cards!" ”

He also put out cigarettes and money, shouted at the school, and asked the students who were extorting money and cigarettes to come out and get them themselves.

My father drove thousands of miles to harden the school bullying: cigarettes, money, bank cards, I personally sent them to you

After Mr. Yang's fuss, a reporter contacted the school and the Education Commission, and the relevant departments said that they had known about the matter and were now dealing with it, but the bullying incident had not yet been determined.

After watching this incident, some people applauded, but some people disagreed. Netizens with opposing opinions said that the way the parent blocked the school gate and shouted through the horn was too rude, which affected the normal teaching of the campus, and should not be connived at if it was not advocated, and it was suggested that parents should go through normal legal procedures to solve the problem.

My father drove thousands of miles to harden the school bullying: cigarettes, money, bank cards, I personally sent them to you

But many netizens believe that it is precisely because of the school's inaction that parents are forced to do so. You must know that children are bullied at school, it will cause physical and psychological damage to them, and this damage will last for a long time, and some children will still fall into this injury after many years after the incident.

Some netizens said that a lot of school bullying is related to the school's inaction, and the school is bent on pursuing grades and neglecting to educate children on moral character. Even after the bullying incident, it was an attitude of turning a blind eye. You know, those bullies are not stupid, they bullied their classmates, and they know in their hearts that this practice is wrong, but no one will hold them accountable afterwards, and they have not paid any price for their wrong behavior, so they have contributed to unhealthy trends and helped them continue to bully and continue to be unscrupulous.

My father drove thousands of miles to harden the school bullying: cigarettes, money, bank cards, I personally sent them to you

Parents send their children to school, try to ask who wants their children to be bullied, after the bullying, if the school can give the bully due punishment and lessons with a tough attitude as soon as possible, it will definitely make the bully fearful, rather than parents being forced to find ways to amplify the incident.

Regardless of whether there is a better plan for the father to choose, for the child who is bullied, after encountering problems at school, he sees his parents make a difference, and he knows that his parents are trying to protect him, in fact, this warmth and support from the family is also very valuable to the child.

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  • My father drove thousands of miles to harden the school bullying: cigarettes, money, bank cards, I personally sent them to you
  • My father drove thousands of miles to harden the school bullying: cigarettes, money, bank cards, I personally sent them to you
  • My father drove thousands of miles to harden the school bullying: cigarettes, money, bank cards, I personally sent them to you
  • My father drove thousands of miles to harden the school bullying: cigarettes, money, bank cards, I personally sent them to you
  • My father drove thousands of miles to harden the school bullying: cigarettes, money, bank cards, I personally sent them to you

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