
"Li Kui's Mother" and "Wen Zhaoguan" appeared one after another, and the traditional Peking Opera attracted applause from the audience

Shenzhen Business Daily Reading Client Reporter Qi Qi

Recently, the Peking Opera "Li Kui's Mother" and "Wen Zhaoguan" brought by the Shenzhen Zhenpeng Peking Opera Troupe were staged in Shenzhen Women and Children's Building. "Li Kui's Mother" is a very appropriate interpretation of the deep friendship between mother and son, which moved the audience to tears, and the interpretation of the play "Wen Zhaoguan" has also been highly recognized by the audience.

"Li Kui's Mother" and "Wen Zhaoguan" appeared one after another, and the traditional Peking Opera attracted applause from the audience

It is reported that the event was jointly sponsored by the Lianhua Street Office of Futian District, Shenzhen, the Jinghua Community Party and Mass Service Center, the Jinghua Community Customs Working Committee, and Shum Yip Group, and undertaken by the Shenzhen Zhenpeng Peking Opera Troupe. The performance of the night also specially invited Qiu Xin, a national first-class pianist of the Beijing Peking Opera Company, Mao Shiming, a national first-class Yueqin player, Fan Wei, a national first-class drum player, and Ren Yucheng, He Min and Chen Hongyi of the Zhenpeng Peking Opera Troupe to perform on the same stage, allowing the audience to enjoy a gluttonous feast of Peking Opera.

"Li Kui's Mother" is a popular Water Margin opera, which tells the story of Li Kui's longing for his mother after going to Liangshan, so he went down the mountain to Yizhou to pick up his mother. Because the old mother was blind, Li Kui carried the old mother to Liangshan to enjoy the blessings. On the way, the old mother was killed by a tiger, and Li Kui killed the four tigers in anger. The play is a traditional Peking Opera repertoire, which was adapted by Weng Duohong and Yuan Shihai on the basis of "Troubled Jiangzhou" and "Yizhou Mansion" in 1956, highlighting Li Kui's character.

"Li Kui's Mother" and "Wen Zhaoguan" appeared one after another, and the traditional Peking Opera attracted applause from the audience
"Li Kui's Mother" and "Wen Zhaoguan" appeared one after another, and the traditional Peking Opera attracted applause from the audience

"Wen Zhaoguan", also known as "One Night White Beard", tells the story of Wu Guo's doctor and military strategist Wu Zixu in the late Spring and Autumn Period. In the 40s of the last century, Yang Baosen, a famous Peking Opera veteran, carried out artistic processing of this play, absorbed the charm of Wang (Guifen) school singing, adopted the singing skills of Yu (Shuyan) school, combined with its own conditions to integrate and evolve, and then through continuous innovation and development, this ancient repertoire was rejuvenated.

"Li Kui's Mother" and "Wen Zhaoguan" appeared one after another, and the traditional Peking Opera attracted applause from the audience
"Li Kui's Mother" and "Wen Zhaoguan" appeared one after another, and the traditional Peking Opera attracted applause from the audience

This time, the Zhenpeng Peking Opera Troupe performed "Wen Zhaoguan" and "Li Kui's Mother", the audience atmosphere was very warm, and applause came one after another. After the performance, the performers returned to sing, and the scene of the whole chorus moved the organizers and the actors, "There are more and more Peking Opera lovers and audiences in Shenzhen, and I hope that the quintessential Peking Opera art will blossom everywhere in Shenzhen."