
It is related to Lai Qingde's inaugural speech, and in the last five days, the State Taiwan Office was open and the signal was very strong

author:Professor Cao Xing

There are only five days left before Lai Qingde's inaugural speech on 20 May, and the mainland is no longer hidden, and the content of his speech is openly qualified, and the signal is very strong.

Chen Binhua answered reporters' questions

On May 15, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference, at which spokesman Chen Binhua answered reporters' questions on cross-strait hot issues.

The first question is, what is the mainland's prediction on the content of Lai Qingde's inaugural speech? How will it be coordinated?

In this regard, Chen Binhua said that it is the mainstream public opinion on the island to want peace rather than war, development rather than decline, exchange rather than separation, and cooperation rather than confrontation.

Lai Qingde should conform to the will of the people and take the path of peaceful development.

At the same time, Lai Qingde's choice determines the well-being and future of the Taiwan compatriots and whether the Taiwan Strait is peaceful and stable.

It is related to Lai Qingde's inaugural speech, and in the last five days, the State Taiwan Office was open and the signal was very strong

[Chen Binhua, spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council]

Finally, Chen Binhua did not forget to point out the points that the mainland often says: "Taiwan independence" and peace in the Taiwan Strait are incompatible, and we have always adhered to the one-China principle and the "92 Consensus" and resolutely opposed the interference of "Taiwan independence" separatist forces and external forces.

The mainland will unswervingly promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and advance the great cause of the motherland's reunification.

As long as any political party in Taiwan recognizes the one-China principle, there will be no obstacle to exchanges with the mainland, and the same can be said for the Democratic Progressive Party, as long as it abandons its "Taiwan independence" stance, dialogue and exchanges can take place.

It can be said that in the end, the mainland still pointed out a clear path for Lai Qingde, and in the 520 inaugural speech, what to say and what not to say, the mainland has already made it clear; if this is the case, Lai Qingde still chooses to take the "Taiwan independence" line, then the mainland should not be blamed.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council characterizes "Taiwan independence".

At the same time, in view of the fact that the "Taiwan independence" diehards are not beneficial to cross-strait relations, the situation in the Taiwan Strait has become more complicated.

It is related to Lai Qingde's inaugural speech, and in the last five days, the State Taiwan Office was open and the signal was very strong

[Lai Qingde, the new leader of the Taiwan region]

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council issued an ultimatum to the "Taiwan independence" separatists.

Chen Binhua pointed out that the DPP authorities have adhered to the separatist stance of "Taiwan independence," refused to recognize the "consensus of '92" on the one-China principle, and even openly propagated the "two-state theory" and colluded with external forces to "seek independence."

The DPP's various acts have intensified cross-strait antagonism and confrontation, restricted normal cross-strait exchanges and exchanges, and constantly escalated the tense situation in the Taiwan Strait.

In short, "Taiwan independence" separatism is a "cancer" that seriously endangers national sovereignty, security, and development interests, and the mainland will never tolerate or tolerate it.

Next, the state will introduce legal measures to crack down on diehards who are involved in "independence" and who are engaged in "independence" activities that are rampant.

In fact, the mainland has previously made public the list of two waves of "Taiwan independence diehards" and punished them. The incoming Lai Qingde's deputy, Xiao Meiqin, is on the list.

It is related to Lai Qingde's inaugural speech, and in the last five days, the State Taiwan Office was open and the signal was very strong

[Deputy leader of the Taiwan region, Hsiao Mei-qin]

Now that the mainland has once again sacrificed its sharp sword, it has three significances: First, it has sent a signal to the outside world and expressed its determination to severely punish the "Taiwan independence" separatists. Second, it is necessary to separate the "Taiwan independence" elements from the Taiwan people and isolate those separatists who endanger the process of the motherland's reunification. Third, it is necessary to strengthen the confidence of patriotic people on the island in the reunification of the motherland and lay the foundation for speeding up how to govern Taiwan Province after reunification.

Taiwan media revealed the content of Lai Qingde's inaugural speech in advance

In view of the mainland's frequent moves toward Taiwan, the media on the island revealed the contents of Lai Qingde's inaugural speech in advance.

Taiwan media broke the news that in cross-strait relations, Lai Qingde will continue the "status quo" of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) since 2016 on the basis of the so-called "four insistences" of the "predecessor" Tsai Ing-wen.

At the same time, Lai Qingde will also continue Tsai Ing-wen's cross-strait policy concept and "not provoke the mainland."

Therefore, the outside world is very worried that continuing Tsai Ing-wen's line is following the old path of "opposing China and resisting China", which may anger the mainland and lead to a new Taiwan crisis.

Combined with Lai Qingde's initiative to find Japan, he declared that "if there is something in Taiwan, there is something in Japan, and if there is something in Japan, there is something in Taiwan."

It is related to Lai Qingde's inaugural speech, and in the last five days, the State Taiwan Office was open and the signal was very strong

【Taiwan compatriots consult travel to the mainland】

It is very likely that Lai Qingde will "take risks" in his inaugural speech.

In addition, Lai Qingde has recently repeatedly called on the mainland to show goodwill to the mainland.

But what specific moves, Lai Qingde did not say.

In view of this, important Kuomintang members held that the most important issue on the cross-strait issue, and if Lai Ching-te wants to show goodwill to the mainland, he should lift the "ban on group tours" on 1 June in his inaugural speech, so that cross-strait tourism can first return to normal, and then find a suitable opportunity to talk with the mainland, so as to reduce hostility and avoid war.

However, the mainland does not have expectations for the "good intentions" that Lai Qingde said. Proceeding from his self-proclaimed stance of "taking concrete actions to promote Taiwan independence," I am afraid that this "goodwill" will hardly bring about a substantive impact, nor will it be able to ease the current tension in cross-strait relations.

In the final analysis, Lai Qingde's so-called "goodwill for peace and exchanges" to the mainland is just a hypocritical rhetoric aimed at leaving the impression of "pursuing peace" among the Taiwan people, and what he really wants to maintain is Tsai Ing-wen's line of "relying on the United States to seek independence."

It is precisely because the mainland deeply understands this truth that the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council made it clear at once before the 520 and gave Lai Qingde a blow and warning, hoping that he would be able to restrain himself from the precipice and do something useful to promote cross-strait relations.

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