
The tide has changed! Short-term heavy precipitation is still in the Yunnan, Guizhou and Guizhou areas! From this Sunday, the rainy period in the south will resume

author:The next heaven is the people

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The tide has changed! Short-term heavy precipitation is still in the Yunnan, Guizhou and Guizhou areas! From this Sunday, the rainy period in the south will resume

△National precipitation forecast map (Central Meteorological Observatory/Fa)

People's Voice of the World, May 15, Beijing Express In the blink of an eye, the traditional 24 solar terms of "Lixia" have arrived. On the national weather stage this week (May 13-May 19), in the opinion of experts, the temperature in many places in the north will hit new highs one after another and may break records. The rainfall in the south will show a trend of less and then more.

The tide has changed! Short-term heavy precipitation is still in the Yunnan, Guizhou and Guizhou areas! From this Sunday, the rainy period in the south will resume

△National Severe Convective Weather Forecast (Central Meteorological Observatory/Fa)

Experts said that monitoring data showed that from 14:00 to 20:00 today (15th), there was short-term heavy rainfall in parts of Hainan, western Guangxi, and Yunnan; Among them, Yunnan Yimen encountered a thunderstorm and strong wind of level 11 (28.8 m/s). According to the analysis of the latest meteorological data, from tonight to tomorrow (16th), there is still convective potential in the atmosphere in southwest and southern China. In addition, Shanxi and Hebei will also have convective potential tomorrow (16th) afternoon. By the day after tomorrow (17th), the convective potential area was still mainly in southwest and south China. But in the Huanghuai region, there is also the possibility of convection.

The tide has changed! Short-term heavy precipitation is still in the Yunnan, Guizhou and Guizhou areas! From this Sunday, the rainy period in the south will resume

△National precipitation forecast map (Central Meteorological Observatory/Fa)

It is worth noting that industry insiders emphasized that it is not difficult to find that it is not difficult to find that as experts say, compared with today, in the next three days, heavy rainfall will still be mainly in Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi. However, according to the analysis of the latest meteorological data, after the 18th, the situation will change; Because, the warm and humid airflow at low altitude strengthens to the north. Judging from the low-altitude 850 hPa false equivalent potential temperature and wind field forecasts, the South China Sea summer monsoon may break out in late mid to early late late late part. Therefore, starting on the 19th (this Sunday), there will be another rainy period in the south.

*Attached: Forecast details

The tide has changed! Short-term heavy precipitation is still in the Yunnan, Guizhou and Guizhou areas! From this Sunday, the rainy period in the south will resume


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