
12 Negative Lists! The Ministry of Education has deployed the "Year of Standardized Management" for basic education

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12 Negative Lists! The Ministry of Education has deployed the "Year of Standardized Management" for basic education

Recently, the General Office of the Ministry of Education issued the "Notice on Carrying out the Action of the "Year of Standardized Management" of Basic Education, which puts forward requirements for the work objectives, key points of standardization and rectification, implementation steps, and improvement of the working mechanism for the "Year of Standardized Management" of basic education.

The "Circular" puts forward the "five further" work goals, that is, to further enhance the political, legal and regulatory awareness of the cadres on the basic education front and the vast number of teachers, teaching and researchers, further clean up and rectify the existing violations of laws and regulations, violations of the laws of education and short-sighted behavior of educational utilitarianism in the field of basic education, further establish and improve the long-term mechanism of management according to law, strict management and standardized management, further improve the management ability of schools and the level of teaching and educating people, and further enhance the people's satisfaction with basic education. A sense of gain.

The "Notice" clarifies the "three key points of regulation and rectification" and the "twelve negative lists", requiring the focus on standardizing and rectifying three problems: failure to adhere to the bottom line of safety, disorder of daily management, and anomie of teachers' ethics and style. The negative list includes: it is strictly forbidden to have erroneous words and deeds such as opposing the Party and socialism, distorting history, and beautifying aggression; It is strictly forbidden to bully students with more, bully the weak, or bully the younger with the big, or teachers ignore or condone student bullying on campus; It is strictly forbidden for compulsory education schools to organize all kinds of examinations for the purpose of selecting students, or to use all kinds of competition certificates as the basis for enrollment; It is strictly forbidden for schools to open schools early in violation of regulations, delay holidays, or use holidays, winter and summer vacations to organize students to make up classes collectively, and so forth.

The "Notice" proposes the implementation steps of "four steps" for the whole year of 2024. From now until the end of May, the provincial deployment will be launched; From June to September, all schools in all regions conducted a comprehensive self-inspection and rectification; From September to October, the province focused on self-inspection and strengthened work guidance; From November to December, summarize and give feedback on the actions of the standardized management year.

The "Circular" requires all localities to improve the "four systems", promote the long-term success of standardized governance, permanent management and long-term governance, and earnestly improve the level of legalization, standardization and refinement of school running and governance. The first is to establish a reputation evaluation system to truthfully record the non-standard behavior of local education departments and schools, as an important reference for schools and teachers to evaluate and commend and reward them. The second is to establish a capacity improvement system, establish a number of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens to standardize the running of base schools, orderly organize secretaries and school (park) directors to the base schools for on-the-job training, and strengthen the standardization of special training for running schools. The third is to establish a responsibility implementation system, strengthen territorial management, shift the focus downward, and increase the punishment of illegal school-running behavior. Fourth, establish a supervision and exposure mechanism, unblock the channels for reporting violations of school rules, establish an exposure platform, and strengthen the construction of social supervision forces.

12 Negative Lists! The Ministry of Education has deployed the "Year of Standardized Management" for basic education

What are the contents of the negative list for the standardized management of basic education? Let's take a look -

12 Negative Lists! The Ministry of Education has deployed the "Year of Standardized Management" for basic education

Negative list for the standardized management of basic education

1. It is strictly forbidden to have erroneous words or deeds such as opposing Party and socialism, vilifying the image of the Party and the State, slandering Party and State leaders or heroic models, splitting the country, distorting history, or beautifying aggression, or disseminating or forwarding relevant erroneous views in public or through the Internet.

2. It is strictly forbidden to investigate and rectify formalism in campus safety, to allow major campus safety hazards, to conceal and lie about major accidents, or to handle them improperly.

3. It is strictly forbidden for teachers to discriminate against students from disadvantaged groups, and to carry out corporal punishment, covert corporal punishment, verbal abuse, beatings, sexual harassment, or other conduct that insults the personal dignity of students.

4. It is strictly forbidden to have bullying behavior on campus such as bullying the few, bullying the weak, or bullying the small, or teachers ignoring or condoning student bullying.

5. It is strictly forbidden to use promotion rates or test scores to evaluate and rank schools, issue promotion targets, and rank, reward and punish teachers.

6. It is strictly forbidden for schools in the compulsory education stage to organize all kinds of examinations for the purpose of selecting students, or to use all kinds of competition certificates, social training results, examination certificates, and so forth as the basis for enrollment.

7. It is strictly forbidden for schools to violate the uniform provisions of the administrative departments for education to start school early, delay holidays, or use holidays, winter and summer vacations to organize students to make up classes collectively.

8. It is strictly forbidden to arrange students' sleep time in violation of national regulations, or to occupy students' "10 minutes between classes" in various ways.

9. It is strictly forbidden to violate the provisions of the national curriculum plan by arbitrarily adjusting, adding, or removing curricula, or crowding out class time for moral education, physical education, aesthetic education, labor education, and comprehensive practical activities.

10. It is strictly forbidden to assign homework that exceeds the total amount and duration prescribed by the administrative departments for education, or to assign repetitive or punitive assignments.

11. It is strictly forbidden to use teaching materials and teaching aids in violation of regulations, or to force or induce students to purchase books, electronic products, teaching materials, stationery, and so forth through designated channels in any form.

12. It is strictly forbidden for schools to violate the regulations on the management of fees by increasing the items of fees, raising the standards of fees, expanding the scope of fees, deducting and misappropriating all kinds of funds issued to students, and so forth.

The General Office of the Ministry of Education on the development of basic education

Notice of the "Year of Standardized Management" action

In order to fully implement the party's education policy, further strengthen the management of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in accordance with laws and regulations, improve the level of basic education governance, and improve the people's satisfaction with education, the Ministry of Education decided to organize and carry out the "standardized management year" action of basic education (hereinafter referred to as the "standardized management year" action). The relevant requirements are hereby notified as follows.

First, the goal of the work

Through the launch of the "Year of Standardized Management" action, the political, legal and regulatory awareness of the cadres on the basic education front and the vast number of teachers and researchers have been further enhanced, the existing violations of laws and regulations, violations of the laws of education and short-sighted behavior of education utilitarianism in the field of basic education have been further cleaned up and rectified, a long-term mechanism for law-based, strict and standardized management has been further established and improved, the school management ability and the level of teaching and educating people have been further improved, and the people's satisfaction and sense of gain in basic education have been further improved.

Second, the focus of standardization and rectification

(1) The bottom line of safety is not maintained. In some localities and schools, the ideological responsibility system is not in place, and secretaries, principals, teachers, and teaching and research personnel have a weak sense of political security and inappropriate words and deeds. Campus safety responsibilities are not implemented, potential safety hazards are not in place, student injuries, bullying and other incidents are frequent, and even major safety accidents occur.

(2) Disordered daily management. In some localities and schools, the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people is not in place, violating the requirements of quality education, and the phenomenon of only scoring and only going on to higher education has been repeatedly prohibited. The school management system is not sound and not implemented, and some of them violate the requirements of the law and state regulations, discount and make changes, and destroy the good education ecology.

(3) Teachers' ethics and style are out of order. Some teachers violate the professional code of conduct for primary and secondary school and kindergarten teachers, deviate from the requirements of educating people, have a bad style, misconduct, treat students unequally, and even infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of students, seriously affecting the healthy growth of students.

3. Implementation steps

(1) Deployment, initiation and implementation. From now until the end of May 2024, all provincial-level education administrative departments shall, in accordance with the requirements of this notice, pay close attention to formulating specific implementation plans in light of local conditions, improve and refine the negative list, earnestly deploy and promote, and guide local governments to take effective measures to put the requirements for standardizing school running on every school and every secretary, principal, and teacher.

(2) Comprehensive self-examination and rectification. From June to September 2024, the provincial-level education administrative department will organize grassroots education departments, all primary and secondary schools and kindergartens to conscientiously carry out self-examination and establish a problem ledger against the work requirements and negative lists, so as to achieve full coverage of no dead ends, implement reforms when problems are found, and strengthen the learning, education and training required to standardize the requirements of running schools.

(3) Strengthen overall planning and guidance. From September to October 2024, the provincial-level education administrative department will organize and carry out key self-inspection work within the province, and further promote the implementation of standardized management requirements and consolidate work responsibilities through cross-city and county cross-research, responsible supervision into schools, and professional force guidance.

(4) Do a good job of summarizing feedback. From November to December 2024, the provincial education administrative department will organize a summary of the "Year of Standardized Management" action. The Ministry of Education conducts assessments in a timely manner, gives feedback and reports on existing problems, disseminates typical experiences, and further improves policies and systems for standardized management.

Fourth, the work requirements

(1) Earnestly strengthen organizational leadership. The education departments in all localities should take the "Year of Standardized Management" action as an important part of this year's work, put it on the agenda, make careful arrangements and deployments, and ensure that practical results are achieved. Strengthen positive publicity and guidance, summarize and promote typical experiences in standardizing schooling, encourage the advanced, spur the backward, and create a good atmosphere. Summarize the development of actions in a timely manner, and fix effective practices through policy documents and other forms, so as to achieve long-term success, regular management and long-term governance, resolutely prevent the emergence of school-running behaviors that challenge the bottom line and touch the red line, and earnestly improve the level of legalization, standardization, and refinement of school-running and governance.

(2) Establish a reputation evaluation system. Administrative departments for education at all levels should explore the establishment of a reputation evaluation system for basic education in running and governing schools, truthfully recording the non-standard conduct of education departments and schools in all localities, and separately displaying matters that have major safety incidents, causing major public opinion, or causing a vile social impact, and the results of reputation evaluations are to be disclosed to a certain range, as an important reference for schools and teachers in all kinds of evaluations and commendations.

(3) Establish a capacity improvement system. All localities should establish a number of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens to standardize the base school, as a base for regional secretaries, school (park) principals to follow up on the job and improve the business of teaching and researchers, and improve the base school entry and exit mechanism. It is necessary to organize new secretaries, school (park) principals and school secretaries and school (park) principals with low reputation evaluation to carry out on-the-job training for a certain period of time in the base schools. It is necessary to coordinate all kinds of teacher training projects and bases, studios, etc., organize and strengthen special training for standardizing school-running, and take the bottom-line requirements for standardizing school-running as the basic content of the training of secretaries, school (kindergarten) principals, and teachers.

(4) Establish a system for the implementation of responsibilities. Improve the provincial and municipal co-ordinated and county-based basic education management system, strengthen territorial management, shift the center of gravity downward, consolidate the main responsibility of schools to run schools, and ensure that the central policy requirements reach every school in a timely manner. Administrative departments for education at all levels should increase the force of punishment for violations of negative list provisions and violations of the bottom line and red lines in running schools, and strictly pursue responsibility in accordance with laws and regulations. For the administrative departments of education that ignore the school's violations, perfunctory responsibility, or ineffective handling, the administrative departments for education at the higher level are to supervise and hold accountable.

(5) Establish a mechanism for supervision and exposure. All local administrative departments for education should unblock and publish channels for accepting reports from schools, such as telephones, mailboxes, and online platforms, and widely accept oversight of students' parents, people's congress deputies, members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and all sectors of society on the conduct of running schools. Establish an exposure station to publicly circulate and criticize schools that have been verified to be true in violation of laws and regulations. Strengthen the building of supervisory forces, strengthen the daily supervision of school running behavior through parents' committees and specially invited supervisors, and strive to build every primary and secondary school kindergarten into a school that reassures the party and satisfies the masses.

Attachments: 1. List of main bases for the standardized management of basic education

2. Negative list for the standardized management of basic education

Source: Ministry of Education's new media "Weiyan Education", Yunnan Provincial Department of Education

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