
6 heart attacks in 6 years! Doctor: Just because of this "habit" of his, many people have it!

author:Pharmaceutical Health

Recently, 49-year-old Mr. Li (pseudonym) in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province suddenly suffered a heart attack and fell to the ground, and once suffered cardiac arrest. To everyone's surprise, this was his sixth heart attack in 6 years.

6 heart attacks in 6 years! Doctor: Just because of this "habit" of his, many people have it!

Electrocardiogram by Wang Chang

6 heart attacks in 6 years! It has something to do with his "habit".

According to Wenzhou Metropolis Daily, Mr. Li, who works as a vegetable wholesaler, was taken to the hospital one night in mid-April when he felt unwell when he was about to go out. According to his family, "In the past 6 years, he has had 5 heart attacks, this is the 6th, less than half a year after the last heart attack, so many stents can still have heart attacks, and heart attacks are so frequent, I really didn't expect it." ”

Mr. Li usually does not smoke or drink, but due to work, he sleeps late every night, wakes up early in the morning, and has no time to exercise. Usually busy and has no time to eat, he often drinks instead of eating.

Zhang Suqin, director of the Cardiac Monitoring Center of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, said that in recent years, many young and middle-aged patients with myocardial infarction have come to the hospital for treatment, such patients have no underlying diseases, no smoking, no family history, and often exercise, but there are still myocardial infarctions, which is related to staying up all night. For example, the hospital once admitted a 26-year-old patient with a myocardial infarction, who had stayed up at home for two nights to write design manuscripts before the onset of the disease.

"Staying up all night is no less damaging to the heart and blood vessels than smoking, high blood pressure, and diabetes. After staying up late, the normal biological clock of the human body is disrupted, and the hormone secretion in the body is disordered, which in turn affects the vasoconstriction and diastolic disorders. It is worth reminding that Mr. Li's long-term consumption of carbonated drinks has caused his blood sugar index to continue to rise, which is also an important cause of his heart attack. Coupled with the lack of exercise in staying up late, blood vessel embolism is often prone to occur, and it is dangerous to block it anywhere. Dr. Zhang Suqin said. ①

If the risk factors of coronary heart disease (such as high blood lipids, high blood sugar, smoking, etc.) are not controlled, it is like throwing hair and garbage into the water pipe, and the blood vessels may be blocked. If the risk factors are actively maintained and controlled, the probability of myocardial infarction will be significantly reduced; This is especially true for patients who have been diagnosed with coronary heart disease, just like the water pipes that have been pitted and unsmooth, and the probability of myocardial infarction recurrence will be higher if the treatment is not standardized and not well maintained.

Staying up late often increases the risk of heart attack

As the saying goes, "If you stay up late, your heart can't stand it". Nowadays, many young and middle-aged people habitually stay up late, sometimes not because of work, but just swiping their mobile phones before going to bed, and want to play more. However, circadian rhythm disruptions caused by staying up late for long periods of time can lead to an increased risk of acute cardiovascular disease.

In 2022, the team of Bu Jun from Renji Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine published an important study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology: circadian rhythm disorders caused by staying up late to sleep will increase the risk of a variety of cardiovascular diseases and exacerbate the occurrence of acute myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest, stroke, and coronary heart disease.

6 heart attacks in 6 years! Doctor: Just because of this "habit" of his, many people have it!

Screenshot of the study

The researchers collected data and analyzed data from 412 patients with myocardial infarction, who were between the ages of 52 and 62, and more than 90% were men. The study found that the area of myocardial infarction was significantly increased, and the incidence of cardiac microvascular occlusion was significantly higher.

Not only that, but people who regularly stayed up late to sleep or worked night shifts had a 92% increased risk of major adverse cardiovascular events and a 106% increased risk of heart failure compared to those who didn't stay up late to sleep. ②

Wang Xing, the former deputy chief physician of the cardiovascular department of the 983rd Hospital of the Joint Logistics Support Force, once published an article in "Cardiovascular Doctor Wang" about a case in which he rescued four male myocardial infarction patients in their 30s within a week, and found that they often went to bed after 12 o'clock at night, and they had been sleeping late like this for many years. The younger they are, the later they sleep, and the lack of long-term sleep will affect the cardiovascular system and increase the risk of atherosclerosis. ③

6 heart attacks in 6 years! Doctor: Just because of this "habit" of his, many people have it!

There was a vlogger who stayed up late and was hospitalized and almost died

6 habits that lead to heart attack need to be changed

Habit 1: Stay up late often to sleep

Zhu Ying, chief physician of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, introduced in an article in Health Times in 2016: "Overtime, staying up late, and the pressure increases dramatically, which will make the arteries completely blocked in an emergency, which may suddenly be blocked from the original 50% to 85%, or even more serious, and then a heart attack will occur." ”④

Habit 2: Eat too salty and oily

Chen Manhua, director of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Wuhan Central Hospital in Hubei Province, said in a 2017 article in Health Times that eating too much salt can increase cardiovascular load and cause arterial blood pressure, which in turn can lead to acute myocardial infarction (5). According to the China Cardiovascular Health and Disease Report 2022, the consumption of edible oil and cooking salt in mainland China is much higher than the recommended amount. ⑥

Habit 3: Don't control the three highs

Controlling the "three highs" can effectively prevent and delay the formation and development of plaques and avoid the occurrence of myocardial infarction. Wang Fang, chief physician of the Department of Cardiology of Beijing Hospital, said in 2017 at the "China Cholesterol Health Education Journey" that we often say three highs, among which blood pressure is the pressure of blood on the blood vessel wall, and blood lipids are the general term for neutral fats and lipids in plasma. ⑦

Habit 4: Poor emotional control

Liu Meiyan, chief physician of the Department of Cardiology at Beijing Anzhen Hospital, said in an interview with Health Times in 2017 that studies have found that people who are usually under high mental pressure, or have anxiety, depression and other adverse psychological states are more likely to suffer from heart disease, and heart patients with psychological problems have a relatively poor prognosis without psychological problems. The mechanism may be related to the fact that increased stress can cause arrhythmias, increase platelet aggregation, and promote the development of atherosclerosis. ⑧

6 heart attacks in 6 years! Doctor: Just because of this "habit" of his, many people have it!

Schematic diagram of anger-induced myocardial infarction

Habit 5: I like to drink every day

Wang Lixiang, former director of the emergency department of the Third Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital, said in an article in the Health Times in 2018 that it is a habit for many people to drink a little wine during meals, but alcohol can cause brain excitement, increase heart rate, increase blood pressure, and induce arrhythmia. For patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, coronary artery spasm or acute myocardial infarction can be induced. ⑨

Habit 6: Have the habit of smoking

According to a report released by the World Health Organization in September 2020, one in five heart disease deaths is caused by tobacco. Globally, 1.9 million people die each year from tobacco-induced heart disease. That number has increased by more than 200,000 in just two decades.

The health benefits of quitting smoking can be felt within hours and continue for decades afterward. After 15 years of quitting smoking, the risk of coronary heart disease decreases to the same as in people who have never smoked. ⑩

Source: Health Times

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